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Boris Johnson to warn Britain it is about to enter most dangerous phase of virus battle as he unveils lockdown plan

BRITAIN is about to enter the most dangerous phase of the battle against coronavirus, Boris Johnson will warn tomorrow night.

The PM will urge “maximum caution” as he unveils his road map out of lockdown.

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London News Pictures
Boris Johnson will urge ‘maximum caution’ as he unveils his road map out of lockdown[/caption]

He will say during a live TV address that the risks are greater now than at any stage since the stay-at-home restrictions were imposed seven weeks ago.

And he told The Sun on Sunday: “This is the dangerous bit.

“We’re past the peak now but we’ll have to work even harder to get every step right.

“Mountaineers always say that coming down from the peak is the most dangerous bit. That’s when you’re liable to be over-confident and make mistakes.

“You have very few options on the climb up — but it’s on the descent you have to make sure you don’t run too fast, lose control and stumble.”

Millions are expected to tune in to see the PM outline his exit plan.


The route out of lockdown will be spelled out in a new catchphrase replacing the “stay at home” mantra.

But the change will be subtle — and one official said: “It won’t just be flicking a switch”.

A Downing Street source said: “This is a critical moment.

“So having assessed the evidence carefully and scrutinised the data, the PM will address the public and ask for their resolve as we continue to do whatever is needed to defeat this awful virus.

“Our approach to announcing the next set of measures has been a careful process.

“We will make the decisions that continue to save lives and protect the NHS — proceeding with maximum caution and maximum conditionality.”

Today’s official Covid-19 briefing revealed a further 346 people have died, bringing the UK toll to 31,587.

The number of deaths among NHS and care workers has now passed 200 — hitting 203.

In his live TV broadcast tomorrow night, the PM will offer a few small rewards for families after seven weeks of lockdown.

He will give the go-ahead for garden centres to re-open and guidance to employers so they can ensure a safe and strictly-controlled working environment for returning staff.

But Mr Johnson will also reveal bigger fines for flouting the rules and 14-day quarantine for anyone arriving in Britain.

The broadcast will unveil phase two of lockdown and is expected to be watched by a huge audience. When he launched lockdown on March 23 an estimated 27million people tuned in.


The PM, who a week ago told The Sun on Sunday of his own battle with Covid-19, said his message to the nation will stress: “We must not stumble now.”

He added: “I said that we would turn the tide within three months. I believe we are definitely on course to do that.

“The peak could have been colossal, we could have had an absolute disaster. We’re past the peak now but we’ll have to work very hard to get every step right.

“We’ve beaten it, we’ve come through it, we can see the sunlight ahead and it is just a question now of making sure, as we come down that mountain, we don’t stumble. We mustn’t throw away the gains that we’ve made.

“If everybody works together, we won’t. That’s the message.”

Mr Johnson will also launch a new track and trace monitoring system designed to detect any future outbreaks and ensure they do not get out of control.

The PM will give the go-ahead for garden centres to re-open in his TV broadcast[/caption]

Alamy Live News
Schools will only be re-opened when it is clear the spread of the virus is adequately contained[/caption]

Ian Whittaker - The Sun
The road map will be backed by a £2billion investment to boost cycling and walking[/caption]

Experts will analyse data from hospitals and a new smartphone app to get an accurate picture of infection rates.

A new colour-coded alert system will keep the public informed of the risk and determine where future restrictions are imposed.

It will be based on the number of cases and the infection rate — and determine the extent of social distancing needed.

Britain is currently at orange alert — the second highest of five levels. But it is fast heading towards amber, when it will be safe to ease the lockdown.

A No 10 source said: “The Covid alert system will allow us to monitor the virus and determine how tough we need to be in our social distancing measures.

“By continuing to follow the rules, everyone will have a role to play to stop the spread of this disease, getting our society reopened in a safe, transparent and scientifically-led way.”


The alert system may later be used at local level, with different areas locked down or unlocked according to need. An aide said: “As we proceed, there may be local solutions to local problems.”

Mr Johnson today took his daily exercise with a walk through St James’s Park on his way to Downing Street.

But he seemed to be berated by a passer-by, possibly wanting to know when the “stay at home” message will be axed.

Mr Johnson’s team are working on a new slogan but are anxious not to give the impression it is safe to resume normal social life.

Health Secretary Matt Hancock has secured his demand for a cautious easing of restrictions after a battle with colleagues who want a more rapid end.

Most of the lockdown measures will stay in place, with only slight changes to the number of times people can leave their homes.

The lifting of other restrictions will be staggered and schools will only be re-opened when it is clear the spread of the virus is adequately contained.

Teachers have been told to prepare for a phased return to lessons, starting with specific age groups.

A Downing Street source said: “Our approach to announcing the next set of measures has been a careful process, guided by the advice of experts. This is a critical moment.

“The PM will address the public and ask for their resolve as we continue to do whatever is needed to defeat this virus.”

An insider said: “The last thing we want is a stop-start lockdown or, worse still, to come out too quickly and find a second peak of infections with the NHS being over-run after all we’ve achieved.

“The PM is right to proceed with caution.”

London News Pictures
Mr Johnson seemed to be berated by a passer-by as he took his daily exercise with a walk through St James’s Park[/caption]

The PM will also issue guidance for employers on how to make their factories and offices safe — plus new rules for social distancing on public transport.

These will include limits on the number of passengers allowed on trains and buses once the lockdown is eased.

The road map will be backed by a £2billion investment to boost cycling and walking in an effort to get the country moving again without the risk of gridlock or an increase in infections.

An exclusive poll for The Sun on Sunday reveals only one in 25 workers wants Mr Johnson to start unlocking Britain tomorrow.

Most are happy to be confined to their homes for a little longer to avoid the risk of coronavirus.

But despite their support for continuing lockdown, eight in ten fear it could wreck the economy and potentially cost them their jobs.

AFP or licensors
Health Secretary Matt Hancock has secured his demand for a cautious easing of restrictions after a battle with colleagues who want a more rapid end[/caption]

Britain’s richest family were today urged to think again about using taxpayers’ money to furlough their staff.

Some of the 360 employees of North Yorkshire-based Optare, a bus manufacturing firm, have been furloughed.

Its owners, the Hinduja family, are reportedly worth £22billion. Tory MP Peter Bone said he hoped the Hindujas would “reflect” on the decision.


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