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90% of Brits do not want Boris Johnson to ease coronvirus lockdown, shock poll finds

NINE in ten people do not want Boris Johnson to ease the lockdown today, a Sun on Sunday poll reveals.

Most are happy to be confined to their homes for a little longer to avoid the risk of coronavirus.

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London News Pictures
A poll has revealed that 90% of people in the UK do not want lockdown measures to be eased[/caption]

London News Pictures
In London, cyclists took to the streets as temperatures soared in the capital[/caption]

Despite seven weeks of restrictions, only four per cent are in favour of starting a phased return to work now — and seven per cent don’t know.

The overwhelming majority are more afraid of a second wave of Covid-19 infections than an economic crash that could cost them their jobs.

Our exclusive Deltapoll survey underlines the scale of the task facing Boris Johnson today as he tries to rally public support for ending restrictions which have so far cost the country £120billion.

It shows eight out of ten people are worried that the lockdown will wreck the economy if it drags on for much longer, with dire consequences for their own livelihoods.


Yet they are in no rush to go back to work and many are prepared to sit it out for as long as it takes.

Half of those in work are content to be stuck indoors indefinitely if their company still pays them or they get 80 per cent of their salary under the government’s furlough scheme.

More than a third of people hope the PM will order everyone to stay home until the virus is eradicated when he addresses the nation this afternoon.

Only one in 50 believe the restrictions have been in place for too long. Even a slowly phased return to normal gets little support, with just four per cent in favour of a gradual lifting of the lockdown starting this week.

The results of our poll will be studied closely in 10 Downing Street as officials put the finishing touches to their blueprint for a slow and safe end to the lockdown today.


Ex-Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith believes the health warnings have been too stark and the stay-at-home payments too generous.

And he warned Mr Johnson it will be a massive undertaking to convince the nation it is safe to venture outside again.

Mr Duncan Smith said: “The government’s rhetoric on the dangers of the virus has been so frightening nearly everyone has bought into it.

“Strangely, the general public has grasped the idea that the economy is in deep trouble but many are happy to accept the huge furlough payments they are receiving to stay at home and do nothing.


“They’ve been feather-bedded by the Chancellor and it seems to have generated a feeling that it can go on for ever and it’s risk-free.

“The government has to change its message fast to win the same volume of support for ending the lockdown as it has for imposing it.”

Our poll reveals public approval of the way the PM has handled the crisis — with 62 per cent saying he is doing a good job of leading Britain through the pandemic.

But there are concerns about infection rates in care homes and lack of personal protective equipment for NHS staff.

Press Association
Police officers in a patrol car move sunbathers on in Greenwich Park, London[/caption]

Alamy Live News
In Weymouth, Dorset families flouted social distancing regulations and sat on the beach with a picnic[/caption]

Six out of ten people believe the PM’s personal experience of Covid-19 makes him better placed to deal with the crisis.

And two-thirds think it will make him more cautious about lifting the restrictions too quickly.

Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab gets a positive response for his performance as stand-in leader, as do Health Secretary Matt Hancock and Chancellor Rishi Sunak.

The poll also confirms the pandemic will make us more fearful. One in four are unlikely to take a holiday this year because of the risk of travelling.

Deltapoll director Martin Boon said: “So far, Britain’s workers are happy to stay locked up so long as money keeps flowing their way, even though many fear for the country’s economic future.

“There is a real fear that the economy is going down the tubes but the public still puts handling of the virus and lives lost ahead of economic consequences.

“Whatever happens, for now the government smells of roses. The Chinese are getting the blame for the virus, while only 23 per cent point a finger at the British government for moving too slowly, many of whom just happen to have voted Labour at the last election.”

  • DELTAPOLL interviewed 1,512 British adults online on May 7 and 8. The data has been weighted to represent the adult population.

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