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Who won the ITV debate tonight and what did Boris Johnson and Jeremy Hunt say about Brexit?

TONIGHT saw the two remaining contenders in the Tory leadership race go head to head in a debate on ITV.

But who won the debate, what was said about Brexit and who was the host? Here’s everything you need to know about tonight’s drama.

Boris Johnson and Jeremy Hunt went head to head in a debate on ITV tonight

Who won the debate?

Although the two candidates went head to head in tonight’s debate, there was no ‘winner’.

The purpose of the debate was for Conservative Party members to see who they want to vote for as their next leader, and therefore the next Prime Minister.

What have the two candidates said about Brexit?

Both candidates said they intend to leave the UK by October 31.

But Johnson seems more likely to push through a no deal Brexit than Hunt.

However Johnson denies there will be a “disorderly” Brexit and promises to avoid a no deal.

Hunt says it will be “very serious” if a no deal is necessary, and says he has a ten-point Brexit plan to avoid that outcome.

Johnson however wants to prepare for no deal and claims we will have £39billion to spend on a no deal.

It was a tough contest between the two contenders

What did they say about a general election?

Hunt claims not to want to set a “do or die” deadline of October 31, as it could risk a general election.

Meanwhile Johnson claims not leaving by the end of October will cause the loss of a general election for the Tory party.

Hunt claims his negotiating background makes him better suited to reaching a new deal with the EU.

He has also accused Johnson of “blind optimism”.

Both candidates raise their hand when asked if they’re confident the UK will have left the EU by the end of October.

What did they candidates say about Donald Trump’s comments?

Hunt told Donald Trump his comments about Theresa May were “unacceptable”.

Johnson says he has a strong relationship with the White House, but didn’t give a conclusive answer about the president’s comments.

Hunt will not sack the UK ambassador to the US, Sir Kim Darroch, as a reaction to Trump saying he wouldn’t deal with him, meanwhile Johnson won’t answer the question.

Boris Johnson criticised Jeremy Hunt’s mind-changing
PA:Press Association

What did Hunt say about the NHS?

Former Health Secretary Hunt claims he did the right thing not the popular thing as Health Minister.

What did they say about austerity?

Corporation tax cuts Hunt proposes will improve the UK economy, he claims.

Johnson says his focused on helping those most in need.

Hunt says “we are not the party of the rich, we are a party for everyone”.

Jeremy Hunt criticised Boris Johnson’s evasion of questions
PA:Press Association

The two men were then given quick-fire questions to answer. Here’s what they said:

Should we abandon HS2?

  • Johnson: No. It should be reviewed.
  • Hunt: It bridges the north-south divide, let’s back it.

What should we do about social care?

  • Hunt: He has a 10 year plan, where older people are treated with dignity and respect.
  • Johnson: Bring people together to get it done.

Should the third runway at Heathrow go ahead?

  • Hunt: Yes
  • Boris: Didn’t answer the question

Should universal credit continue?

  • Hunt: It’s the right system and although it has “teething problems” we should stick with it.
  • Johnson: Keep it and address problems.

Which quality do you most admire in your opponent as a future prime minster?

  • Johnson: “I admire his ability to change his mind and campaign for Brexit now.”
  • Hunt: “I really admire Boris’ ability to answer the question, he puts a smile on your face and makes you forget the question.”
  • Johnson: “It’s important to have the energy and optimism to get this done.”
  • Hunt: “Unless you have realism things go wrong.”

What did Jeremy Hunt do before politics?

Jeremy Hunt was a business owner before he began his career in politics.

He was an entrepreneur who set up two successful businesses following a period living in Japan.

His first business was a marketing consultancy firm based in the technology field.

He built the company up to 27 people before leaving it to start up his second business.

The business was eventually sold to the Farnham-based Whiteoaks consultancy.

Jeremy’s second business was a publishing firm, Hotcourses.

The first guide he produced was in Japanese.

It was designed to help Japanese students choose the right school or college in the UK.

Hotcourses has subsequently become the UK’s largest publisher of guides and websites to help people find the right course or college.

It now publishes in 8 languages and employs over 200 people.

It has a foundation that funds education for children affected by HIV/AIDS in Kenya.

Since being elected as a Member of Parliament, Jeremy has stepped aside from all management responsibilities in the company he set up in order to focus on his parliamentary duties.

Julie Etchingham had a tough job keeping the two men in a fair debate
PA:Press Association

Who is the debate host Julie Etchingham?

Julie was born in August 1969 in Leicester to her teacher parents and was raised as a Roman Catholic.

She went to local schools in the city before becoming the first girl at her school to land a place at Cambridge to study English.

After graduating she joined the BBC’s graduate programme and worked at BBC Midlands before moving to London, where she became a well-known face on kids show Newsround.

After a long stint at the corporation, she moved to Sky News in 2002, and became one of the main news anchors on the channel.

While at ITV she has been named Royal Television Society Presenter of the Year in 2010 and also fronts the Tonight show.

Julie has been married to TV producer Nick Gardner for 20 years and the pair have two sons together.

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