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Take flip-flops and don’t propose to your lover — ten tips for how to be the perfect wedding guest

EVERY woman knows there are unwritten rules that keep the sisterhood together.

Things like not dating your friend’s ex and always telling another woman if there’s lipstick on her teeth.

Don’t make the bride mad on her big day

But the girl code is ramped up a level when it comes to weddings.

Last week, the hashtag #WhatNotToDoDuringAWedding went viral as users shared their stories of the dos and don’ts of ­­wediquette.

So what should women do when someone ties the knot?

Seasoned wedding guest and newly engaged Clemmie Fieldsend reveals the golden rules for a pal’s big day.

It’s not all white

NO matter how much you love that white frock, avoid it at all costs.

It’s the bride’s big day and, with any luck, the only day she’ll ever wear a wedding dress.

Plus a white frock is just an accident waiting to happen when you’re surrounded by food and alcohol.

The same goes for super-revealing clobber — do not upstage her.

This is NOT appropriate wedding attire
Getty - Contributor

To have and to hold hair back

IF the bride, groom or any wedding guest should suddenly make a dash for the loos, it’s time for you to spring into action.

Making a scene is the last thing anyone wants on their big day, so no matter who the guest is, if they’re being sick from too much prosecco or that dodgy canape, help them in whatever way you can.

Hold hair back, fetch water and always carry mints.

Blister and Mrs

WEDDINGS can be a long day of standing and dancing so it’s important your feet are well looked after.

Stuff a pair of flip-flops or comfy flats in your bag to ensure that, come 9pm, you’re not sitting down moaning about how much pain you’re in.

No matter how pretty that teeny-tiny clutch is that goes perfectly with your dress, the girl code decrees that thou must upsize.

Get a bag that’s big enough for flip-flops, phone, lippy, tissues to wipe away those happy tears, and a pack of blister plasters to share around.

Bring your flip flops along, you will likely need them
David Cummings - The Sun

Avoid indecent proposals

IF you’re sat watching the bride and groom making their vows and wishing it was you, think again.

A proposal at a wedding is the mother of all no-nos.

No matter how long you’ve been waiting or how big that rock could be, if you spot your bloke bending his knee, rugby-tackle        him to the ground and gag him with his tie.

 In sickness and in health

IT’S always fun to have a drink or two at a wedding, but don’t get carried away.

The bride and groom don’t want to be looking back through wedding pictures to see you slumped in the corner or being sick after one too many.

Drunk crying is not acceptable either. Wailing away about the fact it’s never going to be you isn’t anyone’s idea of a good party.

Keep your emotions under wraps by keeping your alcohol ­consumption low.

Dont get drunk and ruin everybody’s night
Getty - Contributor

 For better, for worse

IT’S no secret that our opinions can get us in trouble, but there’s nothing ­better than a wedding debrief — just make sure you do it once the day is over.

Having a moan about the food or turning your nose up at the venue is unforgiveable.

The bride and groom have spent all their hard-earned cash on keeping you fed and watered for a day so now is not the time to let anyone know what you think.

Set up that WhatsApp group the following day to share pictures and gossip to your heart’s content.

 Lead them a merry dance

WHEN the lights dim and the music starts, grab a friend and dance.

Looking out at an empty dancefloor is a crime.

It doesn’t matter at all if your partner isn’t much of a mover and shaker, it’s your sisterly duty to get the dancefloor going — even if it’s with a granny who loves a slow dance or the kids who just want to slide across the floor.

So just get out there and do the best two-step that you can.

Have fun, but don’t upset or embarrass anybody for a few laughs

  Be faithful

LEAVE any stories about the bride or groom to the best man.

Bringing up dirty secrets about previous hook-ups or vomiting incidents won’t win you any prizes.

Remember, family are present and no one wants their grandparents to hear about THAT time there were a few too many tequilas on a girls’ holiday.

 All who are present

THERE’S always an eclectic bunch at weddings and it’s important to socialise with everyone.

If you all share a relationship with the bride or groom, chances are you will all get on and have something to talk about.

Grin and bear the guy who won’t stop talking about Brexit or the teenager who could narrate the whole of Love Island.

Grin and bear it, even if you aren’t enjoying it
Getty - Contributor

 Forsaking all other weddings

LEAVE all your personal wedding chat at the door.

If you have a wedding coming up that’s yours, your daughter’s or your nephew’s, it’s always a smart move to keep it to yourself.

Of course, questions may be asked if you have upcoming nuptials in some capacity but you should politely reply with “today is not about my wedding”.

Because it isn’t.

Savour the moments of the wedding you’re at and relish in the fact that another woman would do the same for you.

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