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Defend our public lands

Defend our public lands

Our public lands are not mere commodities; they are invaluable assets that define our national character and sustain our collective well-being.

America’s 640 million acres of public land embody a heritage that transcends generations. Public lands are not merely geographical lines on a map; they are the beating heart of our nation's identity — places where we work, play, connect with our past, and dream of our future. 

Public lands provide clean drinking water for tens of millions of Americans, and the water necessary to grow 90 percent of our country’s winter vegetables. They contribute profoundly to a $1.1 trillion outdoor recreation economy by offering some of the planet’s most iconic landscapes on which to camp, hike, hunt, fish, and photograph. 

They hold abundant wildlife with some of the longest migration routes in the country. They also provide many of the raw materials we need for our society to thrive.

Managing public lands has always required striking a balance between conservation and its other multiple uses. This balancing act involves a recognition that some places should never be developed. And in places where development does occur, it should be done in a way that both minimizes ecological impact and maximizes public economic benefit. 

However, as we speak, Congress is considering a host of bills which, if passed, could tip the balance of public land management decidedly away from responsible stewardship and the wishes of the American taxpayer.

Recent findings from Colorado College’s Conservation in the West poll illuminate the overwhelming support for the conservation and responsible management of our public lands. The poll reveals that an astounding 90 percent of Westerners support the principle that oil and gas companies, not taxpayers, should bear the financial responsibility for the cleanup and restoration of well sites on public land. It is a common-sense notion that ensures the accountability of corporations in safeguarding our environment.

Unfortunately, a bill introduced by Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) would prevent implementation of these pragmatic ideas. 

The poll also underscores that 85 percent of Westerners stand behind the creation of new national parks, monuments, and refuges. These areas not only serve as havens for biodiversity but also as sanctuaries for recreation, education, and spiritual rejuvenation. Sadly, a bill introduced by Rep. Mariannette Miller Meeks (R-Iowa) would limit use of the Antiquities Act — championed by President Theodore Roosevelt — to protect areas of cultural, ecological, historical, or other scientific interest on public lands.  

Additionally, the poll reveals that 78 percent of voters prioritize conserving migration routes and constructing highway wildlife crossings over economic uses of the land. This underscores the value that people place on conserving our wildlife resources, and the critical importance of maintaining pathways for wildlife migration — a cornerstone of healthy, functioning ecosystems.

Despite overwhelming support for conservation efforts, there remains a discordant minority in Congress pushing for policies that prioritize short-term economic gains over long-term sustainability. Unsurprisingly, whether Democrat, Republican, or independent, the majority of Westerners prefer prioritizing conservation over expanded energy production on our public lands. This highlights the bipartisan consensus for retaining our natural heritage for future generations. It's a testament to the fundamental American values of stewardship and responsibility towards our environment.

Our public lands are not mere commodities; they are invaluable assets that define our national character and sustain our collective well-being. As stewards of this land, it is our moral imperative to resist shortsighted policies that put these places at risk.

We must unite across party lines to defend our public lands and advocate for policies that prioritize conservation, responsible management, and appropriate multiple-uses. Let us forge a path forward that honors our shared values and conserves our public lands, while still providing for the material needs of our society, and thereby securing a sustainable future for generations to come. In doing so, we reaffirm our commitment to responsible stewardship and the enduring legacy of our nation's public lands.

David Willms is associate vice president for public lands at the National Wildlife Federation.

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