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Our nation and world need a new generation of heroes

Our nation and world need a new generation of heroes

Central to our success was understanding who we were as a people. Today, unfortunately, we are losing that unity.

As the world erupts in flames, protecting America’s security becomes ever more important. The first reaction of many politicians is to increase spending on national defense.

That is understandable, but equally vital is reinforcing our national immune system — that is, our collective commitment to the democratic ideals that offer the best hope of a future of freedom for our nation and our world.  

In spite of our problems, the United States continues to be the world’s most powerful country. At present, no other government dares to directly attack America militarily. However, a growing collection of authoritarian states are challenging the basic principles and values upon which U.S. democracy is based. Equally hostile to those principles are lone wolf jihadist radicals, terrorist groups, proxy forces and other non-state actors.

Americans faced worse in World War II and the Cold War. But back then, we recognized the danger and stood together to defend not only our country, but much of the world. Central to our success was understanding who we were as a people.

Today, unfortunately, we are losing that unity and commitment. The divisions are likely to grow even worse this election year. And our adversaries are determined to take advantage of any opportunity, using the tools of the digital age to sow hatred and violence.

We must respond to this challenge. The battle for a better America and the world must be fought by all of us. What we face is a profound moral as well as political struggle. It’s a struggle of ideas and ideals. To prevail, we must inspire and actively engage future generations of Americans.  

For much of our history, we relied on dynamic leaders and extraordinary personalities to lead us through times of great trial. Think of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln, to name just a few. Without them, America might not have even become a nation, let alone survived the great political and military tribulations that were to come.

These examples should inspire us. Nevertheless, they are not enough. For many of today’s youth, yesterday’s leaders look distressingly monochrome, increasingly ill-suited to help us confront our growing internal doubts. America today is more diverse, making it critical that the nation’s founding principles and continuing commitments be recognized as universal to all people of all races and creeds.

The founders believed in this vision. The Latin phrase "E pluribus unum," meaning “out of many, one,” was first proposed as the American revolutionaries’ unofficial motto in 1776. Today, it appears on the Great Seal of the United States. However, this message is greatly strengthened when those articulating this vision encompass the entirety of American society, demonstrating how this nation and its values and ideals continue to appeal to people around the world.

This gives special meaning to the mission of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. In the first instance, he insisted that America’s founding principles applied to all Americans, including those descended from people enslaved and treated as mere property. His extraordinary vision of a better future and clarion call for peaceful protest reflected our shared humanity and continues to inspire us today. His message may be even more important around the world, as we see brave men and women risk everything to oppose aggression and dictatorship in Russia, demand justice and equality in Iran, resist tyranny and corruption in China, and fight for human rights and dignity in lands as diverse as Afghanistan, Belarus, India, Zimbabwe, and Saudi Arabia.

Moreover, the messenger as well as message must be adapted to the digital age. We must turn new technologies into tools of freedom. We have long relied on unique figures like Abraham Lincoln who was essential in America’s survival as a nation.

King is another such model. He was surrounded by other courageous leaders who risked and suffered much in the cause of Civil Rights, but he became a unique symbol of justice and reform.

Today, however, another Martin Luther King, Jr., is not enough. We need many of him. In fact, we need an entire army of next-generation Dr. Kings, as well as Abraham Lincolns, and the like.

Fortunately, the digital age makes this possible by empowering multiple champions, a great chorus of advocates and activists. Indeed, the digital age does not just enable training up thousands or even millions of such voices. It requires that we do so.

Creation of such a force should not be left to chance. We need to discover and empower those who will inevitably lead America, and ultimately the world, in the future.

This requires a multi-faceted effort. For instance, the recently created Andrew Young Scholarship Program will help identify future leaders and propel them forward on their educational journey and hopefully into a world of virtuous activism.

This is merely a first step, however. These scholarships will only reach a few of those needed to preserve America’s values and strengthen America’s democracy. Indeed, those determined to advance the timeless, deeply rooted principles articulated by King need support in doing so. We need an entire educational ecosystem to train, sustain, and promote the next generation. We need people who understand and embrace America’s unifying ideals, who will eloquently defend them in an increasingly hostile world, and who are prepared for the long, always-difficult battle ahead.

In this campaign, we need to go on the offensive. It is not enough to try to repel attacks that seem to multiply daily. We need to discredit the ideologies of tyranny, racism, and violence threatening to tear America apart and conquer other nations as well. Doing so requires using education in all its forms, from elementary to university levels, from public schools to online media. 

We must empower a new generation at home and abroad, committed to the liberty, dignity, and equality of all. In this way, we can work to harness the transcendent power of Dr. King’s timeless dream not just for Americans, but for all humanity.

Matthew Daniels is Chair of Law and Human Rights at the Institute of World Politics and the co-author of a series of MLK curricula for K-12 students and the faith community.

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