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After Funding Jew-Hating Iranian Regime – Biden Administration Allegedly Initiates Color Revolution Against Netanyahu in Middle of Israel’s War Against Hamas Barbarians

Joe Biden and Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei

In November 2023, the Joe Biden administration extended a sanctions waiver that will allow Iran to collect another $10 billion in funds in order for the mullahs to fund their military operations in the region.

This comes one week after Iranian-backed Houthis attempted to shoot down a US drone in the region and one month after Iran-backed Hamas terrorists slaughtered 1,400 Jews in Israel and took another 240 Jews hostage.

It was the deadliest attack on Jews since World War II.

Joe Biden ignored the massacre in order to open the door and help Iran bring in another $10 billion in the next few months.

The AP reported:

The Biden administration has extended by four months a sanctions waiver that will allow Iraq to continue to purchase electricity from Iran and gives Iran limited access to the proceeds to buy humanitarian goods.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken signed the 120-day waiver extension and it was transmitted to Congress on Tuesday, U.S. officials said. The move is likely to draw criticism from Iran hawks on Capitol Hill and elsewhere who believe the extension will reward Iran at a time when it is coming under increasing pressure to end its support for proxy groups, including Hamas, that are destabilizing the Middle East.

There is roughly $10 billion in Iraqi payments for Iranian electricity currently being held in escrow accounts in Iraq, and the waiver will allow Baghdad to maintain its energy imports without fear of U.S. penalties for violating sanctions on Iran.

Joe Biden has now gifted the Iranian regime with $80 billion since entering the White House.

Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) told FOX News a month ago in October that Joe Biden and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen gave $3.5 billion to Iran through the International Monetary Fund several months ago.

This was not part of the $6 billion that Biden recently gifted the Iranian mullahs.

Senator John Kennedy: Several months ago, it wasn’t well publicized, President Biden and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen gave Iran $3.5 billion through the International Monetary Fund. That’s not the $6 billion that we have objected to. $3.6 billion dollars cash. I’ll be glad to come on your show and explain how they did that. I objected to it at the time. I tried to pass a bill to stop it. They rolled over me. The press didn’t pick it up. But here’s the problem we face right now, the time to build the ark is before the rain.

But the $3.5 billion and $6 billion may be only a part of Joe Biden’s cash for Iran.

Senator Kennedy spoke out about another transfer of money to the Iranian regime back in 2021. Kennedy argued in a letter to Janet Yellen that the Biden administration’s plan would ultimately result in China receiving $22 billion, Russia receiving $18 billion and Iran receiving $3.5 billion.

But that’s not all; according to The Daily Signal’s calculations, Iran has received approximately $70 billion more under Biden than it would have under Trump.

The mullahs must love Joe Biden. No one has been more generous to this killer regime.

They ought to build statues of Old Joe in Tehran.

Now, Israel faces a new challenge by the Biden-Obama threat.

Israel now faces the threat of a Biden-Obama-backed color revolution in the middle of its war against the Hamas barbarians.

Breitbart.com reported:

Israel faces the prospect of a U.S.-backed “color revolution” in the middle of its war against Hamas terrorists in Gaza as the opposition backs street protests against government, and a key cabinet minister has demanded new elections.

A “color revolution” is a coup d’état accomplished through mass protests targeting the existing government, elected or not, with the assistance of the media — and, usually, with backing from foreign powers, including the United States.

For the six months since the October 7 terror attack, Israel had seen remarkable unity, with protests — mostly centered in Tel Aviv — against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s judicial reforms — a distant memory…

…But in early March, U.S. intelligence agencies released an assessment that stated that “we expect large protests demanding [Netanyahu’s] resignation and new elections. A different, more moderate government is a possibility.”

That news emerged just days after war cabinet minister Benny Gantz suddenly visited the U.S. for talks with Biden administration officials. Gantz leads an opposition party that joined Netanyahu’s government in an emergency government of national unity, but he also remains Netanyahu’s main political rival. Gantz reportedly did not clear his trip to the U.S. with Netanyahu beforehand. A few days after the U.S. intelligence assessment emerged, another rival to Netanyahu, Gideon Sa’ar, left Gantz’s party, suggesting the possibility of renewed domestic political turmoil.

The post After Funding Jew-Hating Iranian Regime – Biden Administration Allegedly Initiates Color Revolution Against Netanyahu in Middle of Israel’s War Against Hamas Barbarians appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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