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Boynton Beach man arrested in Tennessee in deadly 2023 Delray Beach hit-and-run

Trajan Maurice Johnson, 19, of Boynton Beach, was arrested in April in connection with the November 2023 hit-and-run crash in Delray Beach that killed Romeo Della Valle, 71, a probable cause affidavit said.

A 19-year-old Boynton Beach man was arrested in Tennessee on charges stemming from a hit-and-run crash in Delray Beach that killed a 71-year-old man in November.

Trajan Maurice Johnson, originally from Boynton Beach, was arrested on April 18 at his apartment in Tennessee, where he is a freshman in college, according to a motion filed by his defense attorney seeking pre-trial release. He was held in a jail in Madison County until he was booked into the Palm Beach County jail on May 8.

Johnson is facing one count of failing to remain at a crash scene involving death and one count of tampering with evidence stemming from the Nov. 11, 2023, crash in the 1300 block of Southwest 10th Avenue that killed Romeo Della Valle. A witness told police he saw a dark-colored car that was speeding south on Southwest 10th Avenue hit something before the driver immediately turned off the car’s lights and fled on Linton Boulevard, according to a probable cause affidavit.

The witness found Della Valle lying on the sidewalk on Southwest 10th Avenue with a damaged green shopping cart near him. His hat and his shoes were knocked off during the impact, according to the affidavit.

Car involved in Delray Beach hit-and-run crash found, police say; driver still at large

Police said the car crashed into Della Valle and the shopping cart about 7:30 p.m. in the middle of the road, where there is no designated crosswalk, in front of an apartment complex, according to the affidavit. Officers identified the car as a 2013 to 2016 maroon Chevrolet Malibu based on debris and parts from the car left at the scene.

Various license-plate-reader cameras in Delray Beach identified the car involved as a 2016 maroon Chevrolet Malibu, according to the affidavit. Separate cameras at the intersection of West Atlantic Avenue and 12th Avenue captured the car shortly after 10:30 a.m. the next day with a cracked windshield and damage to its front hood and passenger side.

Officers obtained a search warrant after finding the damaged car parked in the driveway of the registered owner’s home in Boynton Beach, the affidavit said. The front bumper had green paint on the front from hitting the shopping cart. Officers also found a fast-food restaurant receipt in the car that was from a purchase made a few hours before the crash.

Johnson was seen driving the Malibu on surveillance video from the fast-food restaurant shortly after 4 p.m. on the day of the crash, and the car’s information system showed it traveled without stopping to a 7-Eleven gas station in the 2900 block of West Broward Boulevard in Fort Lauderdale after the crash, the affidavit said.

Surveillance cameras at the gas station showed the Malibu arrive shortly before 8 p.m. and the driver, later determined to be Johnson, get out to inspect the damage, according to the affidavit. Two others were seen on video exiting the Malibu to inspect the damage, and Johnson was seeing wiping the front of the car with a towel.

Johnson’s two passengers were both identified, according to the affidavit. At least one is a minor. It was not immediately clear Monday evening whether either are facing charges.

After leaving the gas station, Johnson and one of his passengers went into a nearby Walmart and were seen on video looking at windshield wiper blades in the auto parts aisle, the affidavit said. Johnson and a relative were seen on camera at another Walmart in Boynton Beach the morning after the crash again looking at windshield wiper blades. Officers noted that the missing windshield wiper had been replaced by the time they seized the Malibu.

Johnson and his attorney met with officers in December when he provided a buccal swab to collect DNA. Test results were returned in early March, which showed that the DNA profile from swabs of the Malibu’s steering wheel and gear shift were most likely from Johnson, according to the affidavit.

Johnson’s attorney did not return an email seeking comment Monday after business hours. His first appearance was held in Palm Beach County court on Friday, where his bond was set at $50,000 on each count. He was ordered not to contact Della Valle’s family or the witnesses and cannot drive or have weapons, according to court records.

Johnson’s next court date is Wednesday.

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