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Garrett Crochet: The Argument For And Against Trading Him

Garrett Crochet has been among the best pitchers in all of MLB in 2024. He has the second most strikeouts of any pitcher, and his strikeouts per nine innings are the best in MLB by a fairly wide margin. His stats are fantastic nearly across the board, and he has been one of the breakout stars of 2024. Yet his name has been rumored to be on the trade block. The idea of trading him is puzzling to some, but there are arguments for and against trading him at this trade deadline.

Crochet’s Injury History

While Crochet has been healthy this season, that has not been the case in recent years. He departed game 3 of the 2020 Wild Card series in Oakland due to forearm tightness and later missed the 2022 season after having Tommy John surgery. Crochet also dealt with shoulder injuries last year, which is a scary proposition for pitchers. His past injury problems could be in the rearview mirror for good, but they will always be part of his story. Crochet’s history of physical problems could be a reason to part with him if the organization believes he will not be able to stay healthy moving forward.

Limited Team Control Remaining

Team control is another reason trading Crochet might be in the team’s best interests. He was called up immediately after being drafted in 2020 and missed a significant amount of time due to injuries. As a result, much of Crochet’s team control is already gone. He currently has two and a half seasons of team control remaining. The White Sox have him for the rest of this season and all of 2025 and 2026. Depending on one’s perspective, the team might not be competitive for the rest of Crochet’s time here, barring a contract extension. Trading him for prospects who fit the team’s timeline better could be a viable option.

White Sox Organizational Makeup Right Now

The current makeup of the organization is also a factor. The White Sox currently have many exciting pitching prospects in the system. Drew Thorpe, Noah Schultz, Nick Nastrini, Jonathan Cannon, Jairo Iriarte, Ky Bush, Jake Eder, Mason Adams, Grant Taylor, Peyton Pallette, Tanner McDougal, and Seth Keener are just some of the many talented arms in the system. However, the depth of the position player side could be more promising. The White Sox desperately need bats, and trading Crochet for position player prospects could help replenish the organization on the hitting side.

Garrett Crochet Is Really Good

The arguments for keeping him are just as valid as those for trading him. Crochet is a fantastic pitcher. It is really that simple. He was a first-round pick for a reason, and he is finally proving why. The sky’s the limit for him, and he is just scratching the surface of how good he can be. The White Sox will never pay top free-agent pitchers as long as Jerry Reinsdorf owns the team, so there is a logical reason to keep any pitcher with star potential. Crochet fits into that category.

Build Around Your Stars

While it would be nice if Crochet had more team control, two and a half seasons is not nothing. Luis Robert Jr. has three and a half seasons of control remaining, so building the next era of White Sox baseball around those two players is not impossible. At some point, the organization must keep established players and build around them. Crochet could be one of those guys.

It’s A Matter Of Opinion

There is no right or wrong answer in this debate. It is just a matter of opinion. The White Sox will likely trade several players at this upcoming trade deadline, but Crochet probably will not be one of them, barring something completely unexpected. If he is, it will be for a massive haul of talent. In the meantime, we should enjoy watching him dominate opposing hitters every fifth day.

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