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The Democratic Party: The Purveyor of Anti-Semitism

The scene: the Democratic National Convention of 2012. The job at hand: renominate President Barack Obama. But first, as is standard procedure for both political parties, a party platform had to be adopted. As such, headlines like this one from...

The post The Democratic Party: The Purveyor of Anti-Semitism appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.

The scene: the Democratic National Convention of 2012. The job at hand: renominate President Barack Obama.

But first, as is standard procedure for both political parties, a party platform had to be adopted. As such, headlines like this one from the U.K. Guardian emerged:

Democratic convention erupts over reinstatement of Jerusalem to policy

Row over Israel mars second day of convention as party moves to add back ‘God’ and ‘Jerusalem’ language to platform

It took the personal intervention of Obama to reverse the removal — because, according to reports, Jewish donors were livid.

Move through the next few years to 2019, and there is Minnesota Democrat Ilhan Omar, as NPR reported at the time (emphasis added):

In February, Omar responded to a tweet from journalist Glenn Greenwald, who posted about House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy threatening to punish Omar and another congresswoman for being critical of Israel.

Omar wrote back, “It’s all about the Benjamins baby.” ….

In another tweet soon after, Omar named the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, or AIPAC, saying it was funding Republican support for Israel.

And in 2021, the New York Post headlined of Omar’s colleagues in the so-called Squad convincing their fellow House Democrats to “zero out” funding of Israel’s “Iron Dome” defensive security system:

The Squad’s anti-Semites carry the day among House Democrats yet again

It’s no shock that the news articles on the current anti-Semitic Columbia protests report the enthusiastic presence of none other than Omar’s student daughter.

All of this considered, it is no wonder that there has been an explosion of Jew-hatred coming from all these far-left-leaning colleges and universities.

The plain, hard fact that must now be understood is that one of America’s two major political parties — the Democrat Party — has not only become the command central platform for today’s outbreak of anti-Semitism; for those who came in late, anti-Semitism has always had a home on the left and specifically in the Democratic Party.

Recall that the party has always had race as a central component. Founded by slave owners, as I have noted in this space previously, it was early on record as a staunch supporter of everything from slavery to segregation to — yes, indeed — the Ku Klux Klan.

As noted here previously, the party was a serious handmaiden to the “formation of the Ku Klux Klan, which, according to Columbia University historian Eric Foner[,] became ‘a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party.’” According to “University of North Carolina historian Allen Trelease’s description,” the Klan was specifically the “terrorist arm of the Democratic Party.”

And while the Klan obviously targeted black Americans, attention should be paid to the serious historical fact that the Klan also targeted Jews.

To cite but one of numberless historical reckonings in this area, historian Linda Gordon, winner of two Bancroft prizes for her histories, authored The Second Coming of the KKK: The Ku Klux Klan of the 1920s and the American Political Tradition. In this book, Gordon writes this of Democrat President Woodrow Wilson and others — specifically citing Columbia University:

Woodrow Wilson and many in his administration regularly voiced anti-Semitic opinions. American colleges and universities systematically applied quotas to Jewish applicants; as Jewish immigrants began to achieve academic success, Columbia’s medical school reduced its proportion of Jewish students from 47 percent in 1920 to 6 percent in 1940.

Taken all together, anti-Semitism is a serious component of today’s Democrats — and always has been. And no better illustration exists of this hard fact at this very moment than the explosion of Jew-hating on one left-wing college campus after another.

One suspects most of these kids probably turned up on campus as empty intellectual vessels with no knowledge of anti-Semitism and its horrendous history. But after spending serious time at institutions like Columbia and listening to left-wing supporters, they have clearly emerged with a serious case of anti-Semitism.

Where is President Joe Biden, the leader of the anti-Semitic Democrat Party? A mere statement or two will not suffice when America needs a president who will seriously lead his party away from such an evil philosophy. Clearly, he appears afraid to lead because it will lose him votes from his own party.

And as for former President Donald Trump? Well, aside from his demanding the protests stop, here is this reminder from NBC:

In 2019, then-President Donald Trump signed an order instructing federal officials to expand the interpretation of Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act to include “discrimination rooted in anti-Semitism” as a form of discrimination based on race, color and national origin — prohibited behavior for programs that get federal funding. Trump signed the order amid a series of violent incidents against Jews, including the 2018 killing of 11 congregants in a Pittsburgh synagogue and a 2019 attack that killed three inside a Kosher supermarket in New Jersey.


As always, history counts. And the history of the Democrats on anti-Semitism is both vivid and decidedly not good. The question now is what to do about it.

The post The Democratic Party: The Purveyor of Anti-Semitism appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.

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