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Jeannie Mai Jenkins’ Proves ‘Love & Compassion Are Innate’ in Heartwarming New Video With Daughter Monaco

Jeannie Mai Jenkins just took her 2-year-old daughter Monaco to Vietnam. And I know what you’re thinking: That is a long flight to try and get through with a toddler. But Jenkins had an important reason. In an unbelievably heartwarming video, the TV host explains that she wanted Monaco to join her because this was her first time volunteering in Vietnam with Smile Train, a nonprofit that has provided more than 2 million children in more than 95 countries with cleft care since 1999.

In the video, Jenkins gets her daughter ready to go and cheer up kids who are about to have cleft lip or cleft palate surgery.

“What is that?” Monaco asks her mom, pointing to the photo of a child born with a cleft lip. Transitioning between English and Vietnamese, Jenkins explains the baby’s condition to her daughter who looks between her mom and the photo in understanding.

“This baby is so beautiful, right? He’s so cute,” Jenkins prompts. She then explains that these kids might be scared for their surgeries so the two of them are going to cheer them up with balloons and treats. “And tell them not to be afraid. We’re going to show them love.”

After some initial jitters, Monaco — who looks so much like her mom and so stinkin’ cute in her yellow gingham set and white bows — brings balloons and gifts to babies awaiting surgery.

“On this Mother’s Day, I experienced a moment that will forever define my understanding of motherhood,” Jenkins captioned the video which continues with footage of Monaco interacting with the kids. “[Monaco’s] initial fear and hesitation were palpable, as the differences seemed vast and daunting to her young heart. Yet, with gentle words and a guiding hand, I encouraged her to see beyond the unfamiliar.”

Jeannie Mai at arrivals for The 49th NAACP Image Awards Nominees’ Luncheon, The Beverly Hilton Hotel, Beverly Hills, CA December 16, 2017. Photo By: Priscilla Grant/Everett Collection
Jeannie Mai at arrivals for The 49th NAACP Image Awards Nominees’ Luncheon, The Beverly Hilton Hotel, Beverly Hills, CA December 16, 2017. Photo By: Priscilla Grant/Everett Collection

“… In a moment of pure courage, Monaco stepped forward, offering hugs and love,” Jenkins continued, and yes, we’re misty-eyed over here! “… Watching her embrace these children with such tender empathy and selflessness, I was profoundly humbled. Monaco’s actions were a poignant reminder that love and compassion are innate, transcending age and understanding.”

By the end of the video, Monaco — whom Jenkins shares with her estranged ex Jeezy — is hugging the other kids and has a huge smile on her face.

“[Monaco] taught me that the essence of motherhood lies in learning from our children,” Jenkins continued in her caption while an equally poignant voiceover played over the footage. ” … This Mother’s Day, I celebrate the beautiful lessons my daughter has imparted to me. Her innocence revealed that true connection comes from a place of love and understanding.”

Followers were so touched by Jenkins’ parenting and Monaco’s actions. “Monaco will be a world changer for the next generation! ❤️” “You’re raising Coco to be an amazing human ????????” “her daughter is bilingual, beautiful & compassionate ????” “I love how she was allowed to say her true feelings without it being a big deal,” someone said, referencing how Monaco initially said she didn’t want to go in.

“Soo touching and heartfelt..you are an exceptional mom teaching your child … about acceptance love and support..❤️????????????truly our world needs more kindness encouragement and support for one another more,” another person said. And yes! That! Everyone should try volunteering with their kids. And like Jenkins said, it’s not that hard because love and compassion are innate.

Before you go, check out how these celebrity parents celebrate AAPI heritage and culture with their kids.

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