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Bath & Body Works Has a Collection of $19 Fragrances Inspired by Luxury Perfume from Tom Ford, Le Labo & More

Spritzing on a little perfume before you go about your day can do wonders for your confidence. Not to mention, it doesn’t hurt when someone stops you to tell you how good you smell. It’s even better when you find that perfect signature scent, it’s like the fragrance just becomes part of you. The best […]

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Spritzing on a little perfume before you go about your day can do wonders for your confidence. Not to mention, it doesn’t hurt when someone stops you to tell you how good you smell. It’s even better when you find that perfect signature scent, it’s like the fragrance just becomes part of you. The best part is, there’s definitely no shortage of heavenly-scented perfumes and colognes out there. You’re sure to find one that fits your tastes and budget. But if you’re drawn to the scents of luxury perfumes but don’t exactly love the price, Bath & Body Works’ collection of new fine fragrance mists are definitely worth checking out.

Bath & Body Works dropped a bunch of new Fine Fragrance Mists that were inspired by some of the biggest luxury fragrance brands out there. We’re talking Tom Ford, Viktor & Rolf, Prada, Armani, Le Labo, and so much more. The packaging is gorgeous and comes in these pretty jewel-toned bottles that are simple yet chic. It’s already gotten approval from TikTok and shoppers alike. Best part of all? These fragrance mists are less than $20 each. Considering some fragrances can set you back over $100 or even $200, these are total steals.

With that said, we rounded up a few of the new Bath & Body Works luxury fragrance mists that have gotten a ton of love from shoppers. Check those out below.

Bath & Body Works Luxury Fragrance Mists: Dupes for Tom Ford & More

Covered in Roses Fine Fragrance Mist

Love the smell of roses? This fragrance mist may be just the thing for you. It features notes of ruby berries, sugared rosebuds, and amber, and was made to smell like you’ve got a “thousand rose petals at your fingertips.” It’s a scent that’s really gotten Bath & Body Works excited as many say it smells very familiar to the oh-so luxe Delina Eau de Parfum (originally over $200!). As one wrote, “I love this spray. This is definitely a dupe for Delina. I first sprayed it in the store and knew it smelled familiar. Love it!”

Bath & Body Works Luxury Fragrance Mists: Dupes for Tom Ford & More

Petal Parade Fine Fragrance Mist

The Petal Parade mist was made to smell like the first steps you take into your go-to flower shop with its notes of neroli petals, orange flower, and white woods. According to shoppers, this smells very similar to a couple of luxurious fragrances: Armani’s My Way and Prada’s Paradoxe. “Smells fabulous,” wrote one shopper. “It’s a fruity floral with a hint of woods. It’s my second favorite out of the luxury collection. Good job B&BW!”

Bath & Body Works Luxury Fragrance Mists: Dupes for Tom Ford & More

Oh Cherry Fine Fragrance Mist

Bath & Body Works are really liking the scent of the Oh Cherry Fine Fragrance Mist, especially as a cheaper alternative to Tom Ford’s Electric Cherry and Lost Cherry. In fact, one recent reviewer wrote, “Oh this scent is AMAZING! I have the Tom Ford Electric Cherry and this smells exactly like it. Definitely a must! It’s a sweet but a soft smelling cherry sent. Please make a matching lotion! This is definitely TOP TIER!” Considering Tom Ford fragrances can set you back over $200, this is an excellent alternative.

Bath & Body Works Luxury Fragrance Mists: Dupes for Tom Ford & More

Floral Fantasy Fine Fragrance Mist

If you’re a fan of Viktor & Rolf’s iconic Flowerbomb perfume, consider trying Bath & Body Works’ Floral Fantasy Fine Fragrance Mist. It’s a TikTok find that shoppers are super impressed with. In fact, one wrote, “It smells so good and elegant, and it doesn’t smell too young or too old. It has a mature scent without being elderly. It really does smell similar to Viktor & Rolf Flowerbomb, they are totally sister scents!”

Bath & Body Works Luxury Fragrance Mists: Dupes for Tom Ford & More

Viva Vanilla Fine Fragrance Mist

If you love sweet scents, you really can’t go wrong with Viva Vanilla. As is written on the description, Viva Vanilla is luxurious and “bursting with spirit and spunk” thanks to its fragrance notes of rich plum, amber, and of course, vanilla. Depending on who you ask, Viva Vanilla makes a good alternative to quite a number of perfume out there. For instance, one said it “smells A LOT like the Billie Eilish spray,” another shopper who said they were “literally obsessed” said it smells like the Kayali Vanilla 28, and one even said it smells “exactly like YSL Tuxedo.” Snag one today to see what it smells like to you.

Bath & Body Works Luxury Fragrance Mists: Dupes for Tom Ford & More

Lost in Santal Fine Fragrance Mist

The Lost in Santal fragrance is described as “woody” and “sophisticated,” and features notes of cardamom, satin sandalwood, and cedarwood. According to shoppers, it’s an “exceptional” daily scent for everyone. A couple of reviewers even said it made a great alternative to the Le Labo Santal 33. Bath & Body Works’ Lost in Santal is one of the more popular scents among the collection and sells out all the time. So, be sure to snag one if it’s in stock in your area.

Before you go, check out our slideshow below:

The Most Incredible Beauty Buys You Can Score at Costco

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