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Shawn Johnson’s 2-Year-Old Son Jett Landed in the ER After Bedtime Accident

A bedtime accident shifted Shawn Johnson’s weekend off-course a little — but thankfully, everyone is doing just fine! The Olympic gold medalist revealed that her 2-year-old son Jett crash landed into his bed on Saturday, leading to a visit to the emergency room and 10 stitches!

“Well … Not the night we had envisioned ha but we are doing good,” Johnson wrote on her Instagram story on Saturday, per Us Weekly, where she also thanked the Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt in Nashville for “taking such great care of our dude.” She continued, “Going to have a good little scar from our stitches tonight. Got our eyebrow good.”

NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE - APRIL 04: (L-R) Andrew East and Shawn Johnson East, wearing The Covenant School ribbon, attend the Pro Football Hall Of Fame's Family Recovery Fund charity concert and dinner with proceeds benefiting the Covenant School held at The Twelve Thirty Club on April 04, 2023 in Nashville, Tennessee. (Photo by Jason Kempin/Getty Images)
NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE – APRIL 04: (L-R) Andrew East and Shawn Johnson East, wearing The Covenant School ribbon, attend the Pro Football Hall Of Fame’s Family Recovery Fund charity concert and dinner with proceeds benefiting the Covenant School held at The Twelve Thirty Club on April 04, 2023 in Nashville, Tennessee. (Photo by Jason Kempin/Getty Images)

The former gymnast also shared a video of Jett lying with her. When she asked how he was doing, he turned his head and answered, “Good,” and now our hearts are officially shattered. Babies getting hurt and having to go to the ER just breaks our hearts! (But, it’s also something moms need to get used to, as hospital visits are all too common.)

Later, the Moment Makers Foundation co-creator explained how it all went down. After her husband Andrew East and her put their kids Drew, 4, Jett, and Bear, 4 months, to bed, Johnson “heard Jett crying, like unusually” from his bedroom. “And literally when I opened the door I could just see the blood on his face. I was like, ‘Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh.’ I was like, ‘Andrew! Andrew!’” she said on an Instagram story, per Us Weekly. “I picked Jett up and I was like, ‘You’re OK buddy, you’re OK, you’re OK.’ But I knew immediately, I was like, ‘We’re going to the ER.’”

I thought walking into my 2-year-old’s room and seeing him and his bed covered in vomit was bad — but blood?! I’d be having a panic attack! Her instincts kicked in, and she knew she had to take him to the hospital right away. But later, she went back and checked the camera footage from Jett’s room, and um, maybe we should upgrade to a recorded baby monitor now?! It helped Johnson answer some questions about how her little guy got hurt.

The Yahoo Sports! Correspondent for the Paris Olympic Games saw Jett get out of bed before the accident occurred. “When he turned around to get back in his bed, he went and put his hands down, missed the bed, and hit himself in the face,” she said, adding that he “hit it just perfectly” under his eyebrow, which led to the excessive bleeding. (I have a similar scar above my eyebrow from slamming into a fireplace as a toddler.)

Hollywood, CA - July 12: Shawn Johnson East and Andrew East arrive on the red carpet at the 2023 ESPY Awards in Dolby Theatre in Hollywood Wednesday, July 12, 2023.  The 2023 ESPY Awards will be held, celebrating the biggest moments in sports and athletics over the past year. Lil Wayne and H.E.R. are among those scheduled to perform. The U.S. Women's National Soccer Team will receive the Arthur Ashe Award for Courage; White Sox pitcher/cancer survivor Liam Hendriks will receive the Jimmy V Award for Perseverance; and the Buffalo Bills training staff credited with saving the life of Damar Hamlin after he suffered an on-field cardiac arrest will receive the Pat Tillman Award for Service. The list of presenters includes Dwyane Wade, Chris Paul, Mike Tyson, Peyton and Eli Manning, Travis Kelce, Quavo, Lil Rel Howery and Chris Berman.  (Allen J. Schaben / Los Angeles Times via Getty Images)
Hollywood, CA – July 12: Shawn Johnson East and Andrew East arrive on the red carpet at the 2023 ESPY Awards in Dolby Theatre in Hollywood Wednesday, July 12, 2023. (Allen J. Schaben / Los Angeles Times via Getty Images)

“He was a trooper,” she explained, partially helped by the “little bit of loopy medicine” they gave him to stay calm during the stitches. “We just kind of held him down. It sounds worse than it was. He was doing really well.” “He was saying he was getting stitched up like Woody,” she added, referencing the scene in Toy Story 2 when an artist carefully restores the broken toy Woody back to his original state, complete with stitches in his arm.

Jett ended up getting “four individual stitches on the inside, and then on the outside, she sewed back through probably like six times,” according to Johnson. She added, “So he has quite a few little stitches in there.”

If you’ve seen any pictures or videos of Johnson’s toddler, then it’s not hard to imagine him hurting himself (it’s just a shock it hasn’t happened before now!). East shared a montage video of Jett last month, showing off his adventurous side.

“these kids keep it interesting @shawnjohnson #gymnastics #flip #kids #family,”the former NFL player wrote on Instagram. The video begins in a pool, where Jett just walks over to the edge of the tanning ledge and does a front flip into the pool — without even using floaties! He also rolls down an inflatable slide in the garage and does a front flip on the trampoline.

“Our 2 year old woke up today and decided to flip,” text over the video read. “He had never done this before and I’m not sure where he learned it or got the idea,” East quipped, as if his wife doesn’t do flips all the time.  

“But he did all of these in the same day,” he continued. East called his son’s technique “impressive,” adding that he “still needs some practice.” At this point, he shared more videos of Jett attempting to flip but landing on his stomach instead.

Johnson commented on the cute post, “I had an absolute heart attack. I had NOTHING to do with this. I’m now begging him to stop! hahahaha.” We get it! She knew Jett’s sweet little flips would turn into an ER visit one day, and she was absolutely right.

Thankfully, Jett is as strong as his mama!

Before you go, check out what these celebrity parents had to say about their privacy-free life with kids.

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