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SHARP Drives: Audi e-tron GT Prototype Streaks Across Oman

We took a top-secret journey to drive a (camouflaged) upcoming HPEV by Audi.

The post SHARP Drives: Audi e-tron GT Prototype Streaks Across Oman appeared first on Sharp Magazine.

Heading west along the Omani coast, we are in a line of traffic that proceeds past numerous groves of coconut trees and banana plants that bear testament to the current agricultural economy in Salalah, the country’s second largest city. A nearby thicket of Boswellia trees serves as a reminder of the importance of this region going back thousands of years; the frankincense produced from those trees provided untold wealth for landowners.

We are here in the Arabian peninsula on a fairly secretive journey to drive camouflaged prototype versions of Audi’s upcoming e-tron GT sedan, the brand’s high-performance flagship EV.

Local drivers we encounter have cellphones at the ready and are recording our journey despite facing possible jail time of up to 10 days for breaching distracted driving laws.  Then again, the seductive shape of the e-tron GT, which stands out among other premium sedans, would be an irresistible temptation in this landscape of utilitarian SUVs and pickups.

Riding shotgun with one of the project engineers, we learn the object of Audi’s effort is not to reinvent the product but to make an already-impressive vehicle even better.

Audi e-tron GT prototype

To tame unwanted body roll in corners, backwards pitching under acceleration, and front-end diving while braking, Audi adapted Formula 1 active suspension technology from the past.

To experience the full effect of these revisions we are directed to the parking lot of a vacant expo site. Driving past the abandoned food stalls, a pair of Audi e-tron GTs sit in front of a sand dusted gymkhana course marked with a number of orange traffic cones. Sitting at the start of the course the Audi engineer, still a constant companion, offers instruction on how best to tackle the course but also seeks feedback on our impressions behind the wheel.

Audi e-tron GT prototype 5-2024

Launching Audi’s flagship electric GT sedan with a heavy foot on the accelerator, we fly down to a sweeping left turn and dial in some steering input. While our learned passenger comments on how precise the steering should feel, we notice roughly 100 camels roaming in a field at the edge of the property. Thankfully, a chainlink fence provides some separation and safety.

We’re directed to speed up entering the slalom phase of the exercise and enter at what seems like an idiotic pace. To our surprise, the hefty road tourer glides back and forth with an ease that underscores the active suspension technology at play. An upcoming set of cones signals that we’re about to enter the emergency-braking test zone. Fighting the mass being restrained, a sandy surface, and mid 30-degree heat, the anti-lock brakes quietly pulse to arrest the e-tron. Aside from the firm pull on the seatbelt, the lack of the customary forward pitch is immediately obvious. This new suspension systems feels borderline magical.

Audi e-tron GT prototype

We leave the controlled course and head up into the Dhofar mountains for some real-world testing on spectacular switchbacks that ascend to a ridge-topping road. Once accustomed to the new suspension of the e-tron GT, we’re confident enough to lean into the vehicle’s capabilities; the extra speed and thrills don’t come at the cost of a comfortable ride — far from it. On these roads, the new car feels more comfortable than its predecessor.

As if the car wasn’t exciting enough, we’re also dodging the cattle, goats, mules and camels that roam freely about the countryside and roads. One guide commented that the camels are comforted by the stored heat of black pavement, and they often sleep on the road at night. Thankfully, our Euro-spec Audi e-tron GT’s with the optional laser matrix headlights and night vision assist would cope quite handily with these unique challenges.

Audi e-tron GT Prototype

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Audi e-tron GT Prototype

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Audi e-tron GT Prototype

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Audi e-tron GT Prototype

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Audi e-tron GT Prototype

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Audi e-tron GT Prototype

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The enhancements added to the upcoming flagship of Audi’s electric car lineup have raised the bar in the segment. You’ll be able to test-drive it for yourself when it arrives in dealerships later this year.

The post SHARP Drives: Audi e-tron GT Prototype Streaks Across Oman appeared first on Sharp Magazine.

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