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Политолог Габдуллин: народное единство и вера в Россию помогают дать отпор врагу

AL: десятки человек пострадали в результате стрельбы в Алабаме

Комплексное благоустройство дворов продолжается в Сергиевом Посаде

В Щелкове состоялся фестиваль скандинавской ходьбы


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Новости за 21.09.2021

Real Clear World 

AUKUS Shows Folly of Brexit Resistance

Brian Monteith, Scotsman

I consider myself a Francophile. It would have been difficult to be otherwise and choose, as I did, to live in South West France for over a decade while I plied my trade as an international communications consultant.

Real Clear World 

China's Rise Complicates Europe's Future

Carafano, Nate & Colibasanu, 1945
Beijing's relentless drive to transform itself into a global power places it in direct competition with the U.S. That has affected both nations' relations with regional powers, such as Russia and Turkey, and those effects will continue to ripple across Europe. Along the borderlands, from the Baltics to the Balkans, friction with China will only […]

Real Clear World 

We Need to Save Lebanon

Bill Cassidy & Marc Malek, RealClearWorld

Once the Paris of the Middle East, the city of Beirut today is a hollow shell of its former self. Political deadlock, endemic corruption, malign Iranian influence through Hezbollah, and imminent economic collapse have Lebanon on the road to becoming the world's next failed state. This crisis would have a disastrous ripple effect, threatening American interests and security across the region.

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Real Clear World 

Myanmar's All-Out War in the Making

Robert Bociaga, The Diplomat

With both the NUG and the junta convinced of an inevitable victory, Myanmar is heading toward an even more violent period.

Real Clear World 

The Nagging Question in the Indo-Pacific

Phillip Orchard, Geopolitical Futures
Senior U.S. diplomats were fanned out across the Indo-Pacific last week. U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin toured Southeast Asia, outlining to

Real Clear World 

Why the Korean War Has Not Formally Ended

Robert E. Kelly, The National Interest
The lack of paperwork—a formal peace treaty—has no bearing on the empirical situation on the ground which is obviously not open conflict.

Real Clear World 

Russian Attitudes Toward West Improve

Aleksandra Srdanovic, Russia Matters

The Levada Center recently polled Russians on their attitudes toward Russia's general standing in the international community, as well as their attitudes toward strategic competitors and countries within the post-Soviet neighborhood. Polling shows an improvement in attitudes toward the U.S., EU and Ukraine following unfavorable public opinion trends in the spring of 2021. Likewise, positive attitudes toward Georgia have been making...

Real Clear World 

This Is a Different World, With a Different Russia

Stefan Meister, IP Quarterly

The elections to the Russian parliament, the Duma, that concluded on Sunday, September 19, have produced the expected outcome: A victory of the ruling United Russia party. This vote without a choice was the result of the most managed and least competitive election in post-Soviet history. With the most important Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny in jail, this Duma election was the expression of the fundamental transformation of the Russian state from... Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

After the Tall Man

Benjamin Lieberman, Arc Digital
Afghanistan, a war of illusions

Real Clear World 

After Merkel


n june a newly surfaced segment of a German talk show from 1997 set the internet alight. The clip shows Angela Merkel, a fresh-faced environment minister in Helmut Kohl's government, explaining the urgency of action on climate change. Her fellow panellists listening closely, Germany's future chancellor says delay will only incur higher costs. The dangers of failure, she warns, include hunger, drought and the mass movement of refugees.

Real Clear World 

Has War Become Too Humane?

Stephen Pomper, Foreign Affairs Magazine
What really allows the war on terror to persist.

Real Clear World 

The Atlantic Alliance After Afghanistan

G.Hellmann & C. Kupchan, Project Syndicate
The transatlantic alliance is enjoying a period of restoration following the damage done by former US President Donald Trump. But as the West's messy exit from Afghanistan has made clear, the United States and its European allies must undertake determined efforts to prepare for the formidable challenges it now faces.

Real Clear World 

Merkel's Legacy and Germany's Future

Matthias Matthijs, CFR

With Chancellor Angela Merkel stepping down after sixteen years in office, the leadership of Germany, and the EU, is wide open. What is Merkel's legacy, and what comes next?

Real Clear World 

Central Asia on the Front Lines

James Durso, Defense Info
The U.S. retreat from Afghanistan puts Central Asia on the front lines against the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. The Central Asian republics – old cultures but young countries – are still competing the process of state formation started thirty years ago with the fall of the Soviet Union, so this is a challenging time to […]

Real Clear World 

We Must Not Recognize Russia's Fraudulent Election

Peter Dickinson, Atl Council
Russia's parliament elections failed to meet even the most basic democratic standards and served to illustrate the country's slide into dictatorship under Vladimir Putin, says Ukrainian MP Oleksiy Goncharenko

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Ради Жизни For Life: ведущие специалисты мира собрались в Москве для обсуждения перспектив ядерной медицины

Волочкова озвучила возможную причину пожара в ее любимой бане

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Центр восточной медицины в Петербурге

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После стрельбы у офиса Wildberries в Москве арестовали 19 человек

Новости России

Беспилотные грузовики появились на трассе М-11 "Нева": как ведут себя автомобили

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В Республике Алтай завершились мероприятия проекта «Традиционные игры в обрядовом наследии народов России

Ради Жизни For Life: ведущие специалисты мира собрались в Москве для обсуждения перспектив ядерной медицины

Экология в России и мире

Подешевело в 2 раза: назван сезон, когда туры в Египет фантастически упали в цене - ещё можно успеть

Манифест любви к себе — в лимитированных боксах от belle you x notem

Жизнь за чужой счет: чем мы обязаны паразитам

Продвижение Песен, Музыки, Стихов ВКонтакте.

Спорт в России и мире

Качмазов обыграл Дэниэла и вышел в 1/4 финала турнира ATP в Чэнду

Медведев в составе сборной Европы завоевал Кубок Лейвера

Касаткина проиграла Хаддад-Майе в финале турнира WTA 500 в Сеуле

Вероника Кудерметова победила Викторию Томову и пробилась в полуфинал WTA-500 в Сеуле


Гортранс Екатеринбурга снова накопил многомиллионный долг за электричество

Военные следователи провели рейд по бывшим мигрантам в Феодосии

Столкнулись ГАЗель и три "легковушки". Двое взрослых и один ребенок в больнице

Родители 317,2 тыс. детей в Московской области получают единое пособие

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