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Ради Жизни For Life: ведущие специалисты мира собрались в Москве для обсуждения перспектив ядерной медицины

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Новости за 30.06.2021

Real Clear World 

The CCP Strategy for Crafting Its Own Narratives

Shikha Aggarwal, Indian Express

As the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) approaches the centenary of its establishment, it has emerged as the most successful, albeit ideologically incoherent, experiment of the Marxist paradigm. Its internal contradictions and aspirations of global leadership mean that this communist behemoth constantly seeks domestic legitimacy as well as external endorsement of its Orwellian moorings. These two determinants of the CCP's existence are linked through a state-sponsored project... Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

Brunei's Hidden Economic Crisis

Asif Ullah Khan, The Diplomat

To the outside world, the tiny Southeastern Asian monarchy of Brunei looks like a Shangri-La. The country, with a population of less than half million, has one of the highest levels of GDP per capita in the world. The benevolent Sultan, once the richest man in the world, has ensured free education and medical care, and highly subsidized food and housing for his subjects. Most Bruneians are employed by the government, which assures them a considerable degree of economic stability. Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

CCP Parties Before Next Year's Storm

Yang Chung-hsin, Taipei Times

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) celebrates its 100th anniversary tomorrow. Among actions aimed at expanding the celebrations, officials have compiled "80 slogans for the party's centenary" and "100 quotes from party history."

Real Clear World 

Darkness in Hong Kong

Yeh Young-june, JoongAng Daily

Tong xin ji shou is a Chinese phrase expressing extreme sorrow and rage. The four-character phrase filled the glaring white space of the editorial page of Wen Wei Po, a pro-Beijing newspaper in Hong Kong on May 21, 1989, following the mainland government's declaration placing Beijing under martial law after weeks of mass demonstrations in Tiananmen Square. The newsroom had foreseen a bloody massacre in the square two weeks later as martial law meant the use of military force against demonstrators. Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

Russia Bungles a Planned Naval Intercept

Pavel Felgenhauer, Jamestown

A shooting skirmish or a deadly collision between Russian and Western warships or aircraft in the Black Sea would almost certainly cause a serious crisis, evolving into a military confrontation, a regional armed conflict and, perhaps eventually, a global war. Such a doomsday scenario appeared to be quickly developing on June 23, 2021—but a far more prosaic reality soon emerged. Namely, the United Kingdom's destroyer HMS Defender was sailing that day from the Ukrainian port of Odesa to Georgia... Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

Ireland Is Better Off on Team EU

Michael Collins, Irish Times

The UK alone is in no position to judge what is best for the peace process

Real Clear World 

After Brexit, Ireland Can't Have It Both Ways

Eoin Drea, Politico

For Dublin, Brexit was always about damage limitation. But unfortunately, the Irish government has been focused on all the wrong threats.

Real Clear World 

Ethiopia Matters to the World

Aly Verjee, Lowy Interpreter

But a fast-growing economy and a Nobel Peace Prize-winning prime minister won't solve its problems.

Real Clear World 

Fear of Military Conflict on Rise in Australia

Natasha Kassam & Alex Oliver, Lowy
In an opinion piece originally published in The Australian newspaper, Lowy Institute director of public opinion and foreign policy Natasha Kassam and research director Alex Oliver describe how the pandemic, China's behaviour, and a change in US leadership have catalysed some rapid shifts in Australians' views of the world.

Real Clear World 

Russia Tells Same Old Story in Black Sea

Keir Giles, Chatham House

HMS Defender entered the Black Sea knowing it would be an eventful visit. Between friendly port stops in Ukraine and Georgia, passing by the tense region of Russian-occupied Crimea was bound to be a serious business.

Real Clear World 

The Emerging Biden Doctrine

Hal Brands, Foreign Affairs

On his recent trip to Europe, President Joe Biden hammered home the defining theme of his foreign policy. The U.S.-Chinese rivalry, he said, is part of a larger "contest with autocrats" over "whether democracies can compete . . . in the rapidly changing twenty-first century." It wasn't a rhetorical flourish. Biden has repeatedly argued the world has reached an "inflection point" that will determine whether this century marks another era of democratic dominance or an age of autocratic ascendancy. Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

Germany's Dangerous Idealism on Russia

Kristi Raik, Internationale Politik Quarterly

The German approach to Russia, of pursuing positive interdependence and friendly engagement, is simply out of kilter with the Kremlin's perception of Russia's interests.

Real Clear World 

How Stable Is North Korea Right Now?

Abby Bard, National Interest

The collapse of North Korea has been predicted on and off since the end of the Cold War, but North Korea persists despite these predictions.

Real Clear World 

Britain's Resurgent Naval Power

Basil Germond, The Conversation

The naval incident in the sea off the Crimean peninsula on June 23 highlights the resurgence of British sea power. Accounts of what actually happened differ. Russia's defence ministry claimed that warning shots were fired at the British destroyer HMS Defender within their territorial waters off Sevastopol. The UK Ministry of Defence denied that this happened and added that: "The Royal Navy ship is conducting innocent...

Real Clear World 

The Quad Is a Delusion

Rajan Menon, Foreign Policy

The new grouping won't give the United States any more leverage over China than it already has—and it might raise tensions in the region higher than ever.

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Алаудинов: вывели бойцов из окружения в Курской области

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В столице Югры Росгвардия обеспечила безопасность проведения спортивных мероприятий

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Подешевело в 2 раза: назван сезон, когда туры в Египет фантастически упали в цене - ещё можно успеть

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Дарья Касаткина проиграла четвёртый финал WTA в текущем сезоне

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Топ новостей на этот час


Брал взятки домами и банями. Новые детали в деле экс-замминистра обороны Тимура Иванова

Алаудинов: вывели бойцов из окружения в Курской области

Причиной отравления семьи под Красноярском мог стать аэрозоль от насекомых

Ради Жизни For Life: ведущие специалисты мира собрались в Москве для обсуждения перспектив ядерной медицины