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Новости за 18.06.2021

Real Clear World 

Daniel Ortega Can and Must Be Stopped

El Espectador

BOGOTÁ — The repression recently unleashed in Nicaragua by its ruler Daniel Ortega and his wife, Rosario Murillo, has culminated in the jailing of the main candidates in the country's upcoming presidential elections, which take place in November, as well as of journalists and regime opponents. These actions are an insult to democracy in the region. Amid increasing international isolation and repudiation, and with sanctions imposed on their family, the...

Real Clear World 

The Retreat of North Americanism

Lawrence Martin, Globe & Mail

Back in the day, when Canada signed the landmark free trade agreement with the United States, there was a good deal of fear and loathing.

Real Clear World 

Rethinking the Philippines' Submarine Program

Abdul Rahman Yaacob, EAF

The Philippines is keen to include submarines in its naval inventory. The introduction of submarines would expand Philippine Navy's capabilities into the sub-surface domain and allow it to conduct stealth operations and introduce elements of uncertainty into its engagements with hostile naval forces. Being difficult to detect, they are also suited for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance...

Real Clear World 

EU, ASEAN Are Natural Partners

Josep Borrell, Bangkok Post

My visit to Jakarta and Asean last week underlined the European Union's (EU) commitment to the Indo-Pacific region, and it reconfirmed a clear demand in the region for more cooperation and EU presence.

Real Clear World 

Defeat Is Possible

Edward Geist, War on the Rocks

If the United States is to have a reasonable hope of winning a war, it needs to think very seriously about what it would be like to lose. For several years, analysts have been sounding the alarm that the United States and its allies might not prevail in a high-level conflict with a near-peer adversary. While Russia and China fall short of the United States in overall military power, they enjoy local overmatch in key theaters that might allow them to defeat U.S. forces. In 2019... Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

Biden's Unnecessary Putin Summit

National Review

esterday's U.S.-Russia summit was not the disaster that it could have been, but it nevertheless granted undeserved prestige to Russian president Vladimir Putin.

Real Clear World 

The Paradoxes of Benjamin Netanyahu

Bret Stephens, Commentary

I once got an unexpected, unpleasant, and altogether unforgettable phone call from Benjamin Netanyahu. This was in 2004, when Netanyahu was serving as finance minister in Ariel Sharon's government and I was editor of the Jerusalem Post. At the time, nobody thought of Israel as the dynamic "Start-up Nation" that it would later become, thanks largely to Netanyahu's policies. Instead, it was a country beset not just by waves of Palestinian suicide bombers but also by... Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

Biden and Putin Both Won

Jacob Heilbrunn, National Interest

Biden and Putin were able to take some baby steps toward restoring a semblance of a diplomatic relationship between Washington and Moscow.

Real Clear World 

The Establishment Is Wrong About China, Again

Sen. Bernie Sanders, For. Affairs

The unprecedented global challenges that the United States faces today—climate change, pandemics, nuclear proliferation, massive economic inequality, terrorism, corruption, authoritarianism—are shared global challenges. They cannot be solved by any one country acting alone. They require increased international cooperation—including with China, the most populous country on earth.

Real Clear World 

The Left's American-Style War on Canadian Identity

Jonathan Kay, National Post

Social media has sparked massive political changes all around the world, of course. But because Canada's national identity was thin to begin with, its corrosive effect on our intellectual life has been more severe. Once immersed in this borderless, American-dominated online world, Canadians began losing interest in their old parochial projects — equalization, bilingualism, multiculturalism, single-payer healthcare, regionalism — and instead fixated on America's far more exciting political melodramas... Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

Biden-Putin: 'Not About Trust'

B. Stephens, E. Ashford & S. Sestanovich, NY Times

The Times columnist Bret Stephens hosted an online conversation with Emma Ashford, a senior fellow in the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security at the Atlantic Council, and Stephen Sestanovich, who worked on Russia policy at the State Department and was on the National Security Council in the Reagan and Clinton administrations. They discussed the meeting of Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin, the challenges and opportunities of

Real Clear World 

What Does It Mean to Rejoin Europe?

George Friedman, Geopolitical Futures

U.S. President Joe Biden's trip to Europe has thus far pivoted around the single issue on which almost the entire world agrees: Biden is not Donald Trump. In the United States, those who voted for Trump - nearly half of all of those who voted - mourn this fact. The others cheer it. The Europeans who were present at the G-7 meeting seemed to agree that this was a wonderful thing. But most European countries are not part of the G-7, of course, and some, like Poland, dread Biden. Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

History's Answer on China, Russia Naval Strategy

James Holmes, 1945

This week Chief of Naval Operations Mike Gilday and Marine Corps Commandant David Berger went before the U.S. House Armed Services Committee to talk budgets and fleet...

Real Clear World 

How Xi's China Came to Resemble Tsarist Russia

Jamil Anderlini, Financial Times

The very first line of the Chinese Communist party's constitution declares it is "the vanguard of the Chinese working class". The document mentions "revolution" eight times, while the accompanying constitution for the People's Republic declares it a "socialist state . . . led by the working class and based on an alliance of workers and peasants".

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Дизайнеры из Якутска приглашаются к участию в третьей Московской неделе моды

Страны НАТО обсуждают приведение ядерного оружия в боевую готовность

Столтенберг: НАТО обсуждает приведение ядерных боеголовок альянса в боевую готовность

Риелтор Сырцов: россияне купили более 8 тысяч квартир в Москве в мае

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Театр и Цирк, Культура и Концерт, Россия и Дети: «Волшебные башмачки Элли» - эта постановка создана по мотивам знаменитой сказки Александра Волкова «Волшебник Изумрудного города»

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Новости России

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Столтенберг: НАТО обсуждает приведение ядерных боеголовок альянса в боевую готовность

Московская область, осень

Страны НАТО обсуждают приведение ядерного оружия в боевую готовность

Экология в России и мире

Звуковые щетки для детей RL 035 Kids Pink от Revyline в онлайн-магазине Ирригатор.ру в Екатеринбурге

Где недорого отдохнуть в июле? Россиянам раскрыли все карты по турам за рубеж и по России

Волосы не выпадают, они стали гуще, а на лице разгладились морщины. Затрачивать можно 5 минут на массаж затылка, лба и головы

Магазин "Стильпарк" в новой концепции открылся в Москве

Спорт в России и мире

Медведев и Сафиуллин сыграют в паре на турнире в Галле

Скачков и Тайлакова выиграли соревнования по настольному теннису на Играх БРИКС

Курникова показала трогательные фото Энрике Иглесиаса

Рублёв и еще два российских теннисиста не сыграют на Олимпиаде в Париже


Этот российский регион снова стал лидером по количеству случаев по ОСАГО

Франт Куршского залива.

В Коми ввели штрафы за «склонение к абортам»

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Топ новостей на этот час


Каждый пятый россиянин тратит до 1 тыс. рублей на профессиональную литературу

Рэп-исполнитель P. Diddy вернул ключ от Нью-Йорка мэрии после скандала из-за видео

Московская область, осень

Столтенберг: НАТО обсуждает приведение ядерных боеголовок альянса в боевую готовность