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Новости за 26.04.2021

Real Clear World 

Turkey Vows Response to Armenian Genocide Recognition

A. Zaman, Al Mon.

Turkey has vowed to respond to President Joe Biden's use of the term genocide in a formal statement April 24 to mark the 106th anniversary of the mass killings of the Ottoman Armenians in 1915. It was the first time a US president referred to the Armenian tragedy in those words, a measure of the awful state of US-Turkish relations but also of Biden's ethical foreign policy stance.

Real Clear World 

Biden and the Western Balkans

Vuk Vuksanovic, War on the Rocks

A lot was at stake for the Balkans in last November's U.S. presidential elections. Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić made a failed bet on Donald Trump, hoping that the United States under Trump would continue to be more sympathetic to Serbian interests in its settlement of the Kosovo dispute and other matters. U.S. foreign policy toward the Balkans under Trump was marked by a disdain toward the European Union and lack...

Real Clear World 

What Is Israel's Policy During U.S.-Iran Negotiations?

Ehud Eilam, Jer. Post

Iranian leaders have repeatedly declared that Israel should be destroyed. Therefore Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu emphasizes that Israel will not let Iran have nuclear weapons.

Real Clear World 

Military Spending in 2020

Stockholm International Peace Research Institute

(Stockholm, 26 April 2021) Total global military expenditure rose to $1981 billion last year, an increase of 2.6 per cent in real terms from 2019, according to new data published today by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). The five biggest spenders in 2020, which together...

Real Clear World 

So Meduza Is a 'Foreign Agent.' What Next?

Ivan Kolpakov, Meduza

On Friday, April 23, the Russian Justice Ministry added Meduza to its list of "foreign agent" media outlets. Glance at the Russian-language side of our operation and the reverberations of this police action are unmistakable: Russian law requires us to notify readers about our new status in every message, whether it's a news report or a post on social media. Crippling us further, these notifications must appear in a font that is twice the size of our actual content. That's the law. Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

Where India Went Wrong

Sunny Jose, Indian Express

The Economic Survey 2020-21 (Vol.1) extols India's approach to containing the first wave of COVID-19 as "humane, evidence-based and informed by Nobel-Prize winning research". It goes on to predict that "the prospect of India facing a strong second wave is receding with the start of the vaccination this year". Whether the no-notice, ill-prepared lockdown was "sagacious and humane" or "brutal and inept" is certainly a matter of academic and policy debate. But what... Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

An Unmanned Future for U.S. Navy and Marine Corps?

James Holmes, 1945

Last month the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps released a joint Unmanned Campaign Framework detailing how the sea services intend to design, build, test, and field unmanned aerial, surface, and subsurface vehicles to help execute the family of strategic and...

Real Clear World 

Iran Closer to Diplomatic Opening That May Upset Israel

S. Henderson, The Hill

A diplomatic deal with Iran is increasingly likely. Running in parallel, a diplomatic row with Israel is taking shape. Whether the Middle East will be more stable is a matter of debate.

Real Clear World 

Armenia Is Still Grieving

Neil Hauer, Foreign Policy

Losing a war has reopened old wounds in a battered nation.

Real Clear World 

China's Pineapple Ban Shows Taiwan's Vulnerability

Shang-su Wu, EA Forum

Security concerns related to Taiwan's economic dependence on China have surfaced from time to time since engagement across the Taiwan Strait deepened from the early 1990s. Former Taiwanese president Lee Ting-Hui launched the Southbound Policy in the mid-1990s to diversify economic partners to reduce dependence on China, famously described by economist Hu Angang as ‘economic diabetes'. China's most recent sanctions on Taiwanese pineapples...

Real Clear World 

Defense Ties With Japan, U.S. Needed

Yao Chung-yuan, Taipei Times

US President Joe Biden and Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga on Saturday last week expressed their opposition to any unilateral attempts to change the "status quo" in the East and South China seas by force or threat, and reiterated the importance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.

Real Clear World 

Understanding the Kennan Consensus

Robert Kaplan, National Interest

American foreign policy elites have adopted a partial myth about containment in order to worship at the altar of grand strategy before declaring that such a sweeping approach is no longer possible. Both propositions are false and are driven partially by nostalgia.

Real Clear World 

Cuba's Post-Castro Leaders Deliver

William LeoGrande, World Politics Review

On Monday, the 60th anniversary of the failed Bay of Pigs invasion, Raul Castro stepped down as leader of the Cuban Communist Party. Between them, Raul and his late brother, Fidel, led Cuba since the triumph of the revolution in January 1959.

Real Clear World 

Without Trade Strategy, There's No Winning Against China

F. Kempe, AC

The biggest hole in the Biden administration's otherwise encouraging efforts to better compete with China—a void that could undermine all the other pieces—is the lack of an international trade strategy.

Real Clear World 

There's Still Time to Learn From Afghanistan

Jason Dempsey, Politico

President Biden was right to reject the recommendations of the Afghan Study Group and to order the withdrawal of American forces from Afghanistan. It was clearly not an easy decision, as it involved going against the recommendations of many current and former military leaders who were heavily invested in the conflict. With this difficult decision should come some...

Real Clear World 

Russia's Bear Economy

Anders Aslund, Project Syndicate

Russians today are chagrined to learn that they are worse off than Romanians and Turks. Although President Vladimir Putin would like them to think that their country has been the victim of "outside forces" such as declining oil prices, no one has done more to hurt their living standards than he has.

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