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Эксперт Калугин: в сентябре цены на свинину возобновили рост


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Новости за 05.03.2021

Real Clear World 

Implementing Decision-Centric Warfare

B. Clark, D. Patt & T. Walton, Hudson Institute

Since the Cold War ended, the US Department of Defense (DoD) has developed doctrine and capabilihiuties predominantly for the most stressing campaigns it could face against opponents such as the People's Republic of China (PRC), Russia, and North Korea. These worst-case scenarios are intended to ensure US forces can address "lesser-included" cases as well. This approach, however, favors concepts and systems designed for large-scale, high-intensity military conflict... Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

Easing the Plight of Ethnic Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh

S. Pechdimaldji, WT

While our country continues to deal with a health pandemic not seen in more than 100 years, another humanitarian crisis is taking place in a remote region of the world that many Americans may not be aware of but should. It harkens back to one of the darkest chapters in world history where sadly that past is repeating itself.

Real Clear World 

UK, US Can Reshape Transatlantic Cooperation

L. Vinjamuri & H. Kundnani, CH

When Joe Biden was elected as US president, many observers thought the UK would struggle to establish a close relationship with him, and that British diplomats feared being sidelined by the new administration - especially as Biden had referred to British prime minister Boris Johnson as a ‘physical and emotional clone' of Donald Trump.

Real Clear World 

There Is No Justification for Supporting the IRA

Douglas Murray, Spectator

Roy Greenslade held a number of prominent positions in Fleet Street over the course of a long career. But he spent the largest part of it at the Guardian, where he berated other journalists for their writings. A similar stance was adopted by him from his position as professor of journalism at City, University of London, from where he lectured students on media ethics and gave evidence...

Real Clear World 

Why Taiwan Matters

Harry Eyres, New Statesman

With only nine deaths from Covid-19, the island's handling of the pandemic is a testament to the success of its democracy.

Real Clear World 

A New Era in U.S.-Russia Nuclear Arms Control?

Council on Foreign Relations

Days before the 2011 treaty is set to expire, the United States and Russia agree to extend New START for another five years, keeping verifiable limits on their arsenals...

Real Clear World 

Political Intrigue Could Slow Scottish Indy Drive

Gavin Esler, The National

The Scottish Parliament stands at one end of Edinburgh's Royal Mile - a cobbled road connecting Holyrood Palace with Edinburgh Castle, founded in the 12th century. In 1707, Scots voted to dissolve their Parliament and transfer powers to London. Almost three centuries later, in 1999, the legislature was reborn with powers handed back by Westminster, amid increasing agitation for independence. Then came a referendum on independence in 2014.

Real Clear World 

Georgia Shouldn't Fear New Caucasus Transit Routes

Luke Coffey, MEI

There has been a lot of discussion regarding the possibility of new regional transit corridors in the South Caucasus in the aftermath of the second Karabakh War.

Real Clear World 

Has China's Economy Hit a Speed Bump?

Stratfor Worldview

Recent data suggests China's economy may be struggling rather than roaring back from a seasonal slump, and that its impressive headline growth numbers in 2020 hid an incomplete and unbalanced recovery. Forward-looking purchasing manager indices (PMI) reported by China after the Lunar New Year were just slightly above 50, which shows a growing economy, but possibly at a slowing rate that could be worrying to Chinese officials. It's too early to tell if the recent dips are temporary... Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

Colossus Constrained

Charles Kupchan, Foreign Affairs

U.S. President Joe Biden has ambitious goals both at home and abroad. On the home front, he promises to "build back better" through enormous investments in COVID-19 pandemic recovery, health care, education, infrastructure, and green technology. Beyond U.S. shores, he is scrapping former President Donald Trump's "America first" approach to statecraft and returning the United States to the global stage: "America" he says, "is back . . . ready to lead the world... Читать дальше...

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Новости от наших партнёров в Вашем городе


«Чистильщик» вновь в центре скандала: маньяк Артур Рыно похитил дочь

21 сентября в Москве ожидается переменная облачность, без осадков

Wildberries проводит проверку после избиения пенсионера сотрудником ПВЗ

Десятков: начато сооружение демонтажно-щитовой камеры станции «Бульвар Генерала Карбышева»

Музыкальные новости

АО “Желдорреммаш” реализует проекты по развитию кадрового резерва компании

Росгвардейцы Чувашии стали бронзовыми призерами Чемпионата войск национальной гвардии по мини-футболу

Татьяна Бакальчук в слезах обратилась к мужу: "Владислав, что ты творишь?"

Выставка «Времени живая нить» открылась в Доме народного творчества в Архангельске

Новости России

Жилье в новостройках у Москвы-реки подорожало за год на 26%

Shot: Маньяк Рыно, убивший 37 человек, похитил у экс-жены свою 4-летнюю дочь

Бабьего лета не будет: россиян предупредили и приходе волны заморозков

Суд назначил по 15 суток ареста 13 фигурантам конфликта у офиса Wildberries

Экология в России и мире

N°21, коллекция весна-лето 2025

Лучшие каратисты со всей России собрались в Екатеринбурге

Сырые и опасные. Какие продукты могут заразить вас паразитами

Свыше трёх тысяч зависимых в Свердловской области уже приняли решение избавиться от смертельной привычки

Спорт в России и мире

Теннисистка Касаткина прошла в полуфинал турнира WTA в Сеуле

Вероника Кудерметова победила Викторию Томову и пробилась в полуфинал WTA-500 в Сеуле

Карен Хачанов проиграл 124-й ракетке мира во втором круге турнира в Ханчжоу

Полина Кудерметова одержала первую победу в карьере над игроком из топ-50 рейтинга WTA


Ирина Дубцова запустила амбициозный проект для российских семей

Массовая авария затруднила движения на бесплатном участке трассы М-4 Дон в Липецкой области

Столкнулись ГАЗель и три "легковушки". Двое взрослых и один ребенок в больнице

В Санкт-Петербурге состоится Международный фестиваль робототехники «РобоФинист 2024»

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