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Показы спектакля «Поколение Маугли» в МХТ имени Чехова собрали более 32 млн рублей

Меценаты из Москвы и орловские фермеры преобразили территорию храма

Трамп не будет баллотироваться в 2028 году, если проиграет ближайшие выборы

"Известия": заказавшие авто из США через "Автоподберу" лишились и денег, и машин


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Новости за 25.08.2020

Real Clear World 

Turkey Starves Syria’s Northeast of Water

Amberin Zaman, Al Monitor

Turkey has once again cut water supplies to the Hasakeh region of northeast Syria, and the autonomous administration says Ankara is risking hundreds of thousands of lives in the midst of the pandemic and soaring temperatures to placate Syrians living under Turkish occupation.

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Real Clear World 

The Poisoning of Navalny

George Friedman, Geopolitical Futures

Alexei Navalny, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s highest-profile political opponent, remains alive in a German hospital after being poisoned in the Russian town of Tomsk. The incident immediately cast suspicion on Putin himself.

Real Clear World 

Ramaphosa’s Failures Left South Africa Vulnerable to COVID

J Hamill, WPR

When Cyril Ramaphosa became president of South Africa in February 2018, many South Africans saw it as a “new dawn” for their country. In the aftermath of Jacob Zuma’s corruption-plagued presidency, Ramaphosa seemed to offer the hope of competent leadership and accountable government. Commentators spoke of “Ramaphoria,” as the new president sought to revive the spirit of idealism that informed the early...

Real Clear World 

If Lukashenko Falls, Is Putin Next?

Amy Mackinnon, Foreign Policy
Russian autocracy is different, but Belarus should still be a cautionary tale.

Real Clear World 

AMLO’s Brand of Populism Puts Mexico at Risk

Luis Rubio, Worldcrunch

MEXICO CITY — Resentment, especially of the poor toward the rich, is nothing new. Nor is there any novelty in politicians exploiting grievances, both real and imagined. Isocrates, a great orator of the 4th century BC, deplored hostility but recognized it as a typical emotion in democracy. Jeremy Engels, author of The Politics of Resentment, notes...

Real Clear World 

Against Democratic Defeatism

David Muir, The American Interest

David Stasavage’s new global history of democracy argues that it is neither a Western invention nor as fragile as today’s cynics think.

Real Clear World 

A Possible Blueprint for Biden’s China Policy

Gordon Chang, National Interest

A crisis now simmering in the contested South China Sea, the eventual result of poor decisions in the Obama administration, could tell us a lot about Biden’s China policies.

Real Clear World 

Wake Up and Decouple From China

Clyde Prestowitz, The American Conservative

Beijing was never going to democratize because of open markets. They have merely used them to push their authoritarian designs.

Real Clear World 

China’s Approach to Global Governance

Council on Foreign Relations

For more than two millennia, monarchs who ruled China proper saw their country as one of the dominant actors in the world. The concept of zhongguo—the Middle Kingdom, as China calls itself—is not simply geographic. It implies that China is the cultural, political, and economic center of the world. This Sino-centrist worldview...

Real Clear World 

The Myth of China's ‘Debt-Trap Diplomacy’

Lee Jones, Spectator
It is hard to remember now, but just five years ago David Cameron's No. 10 was declaring a 'golden era' of Sino-British ties. Now the US sees China as a 'strategic rival' and Britain has joined a growing coalition of Western nations attempting to limit Beijing's power. There are certainly good reaso...

Real Clear World 

U.S.-Cuba Sanctions: Are They Working Yet?

C. Sabatini, Chatham House

The recent spate of sanctions limiting US travel to Cuba announced by the White House and the news that the Cuban regime has re-opened US dollar stores have sharpened the question: do sanctions work and when? Central to that question is how would they work?

Real Clear World 

The Battle for the Indo-Pacific

Guy Sorman, City Journal

Michael Auslin, an historian at the Hoover Institution, argues that the United States has no global strategy to contain China’s overwhelming ambitions. Moreover, he believes, the U.S. does not understand the collective destiny of Asia. Local agreements, whether economic or military, with India, the Philippines, or Japan cannot balance the power of Beijing, which aims to control this part of the world.

Real Clear World 

Why Navalny Had to Leave

Sam Greene, Moscow on Thames

I’m struggling to decide whether the recent events surrounding Aleksei Navalny are more macabre, or more absurd. For the moment, at least, I’m going with macabre. That seems the only reasonable conclusion, when the man is still at death’s door.

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Синоптик Тишковец спрогнозировал потепление в Москве до +24 градусов

Подольский ХК «Хорс» поможет реализоваться игрокам из Электростали

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Урок по оказанию первой медпомощи провели для пенсионеров в Котельниках

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Подольский ХК «Хорс» поможет реализоваться игрокам из Электростали

Все больше туристов из России жалуются на отдых в Турции

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По местам сказов Павла Бажова

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Пластический хирург Александр Вдовин: мифы вокруг операции по удалению комков Биша

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Россиянин Качмазов победил 72-ю ракетку мира Ковачевича в первом круге турнира ATP в Чэнду

Титулы Самсоновой и Хромачёвой, неудача Касаткиной и прорыв Качмазова: как российские теннисисты проводят турниры в Азии

«Совесть не позволила»: Надежда Гуськова в юности попадала в клубы оригинальным способом

Вероника Кудерметова победила Викторию Томову и пробилась в полуфинал WTA-500 в Сеуле


Елена и Рокки

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Топ новостей на этот час


"Известия": заказавшие авто из США через "Автоподберу" лишились и денег, и машин

В Москве парень вырвал крест с могилы Маслякова на Новодевичьем кладбище

Показы спектакля «Поколение Маугли» в МХТ имени Чехова собрали более 32 млн рублей

Меценаты из Москвы и орловские фермеры преобразили территорию храма