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Новости за 02.07.2020

Real Clear World 

Will Life Ever Be Normal in My Beloved Soweto?

Bobby Moroe , Daily Maverick

Writing from my post as a diplomat in Abuja, Nigeria, I think back on my life growing up in Soweto – how physical human contact was the very fabric of our society. And I wonder if life at home, and everywhere, will ever be normal again.

Real Clear World 

Anti-Annexation Scare Tactics

Yisreal Medad & Eli Pollak, Jerusalem Post

Many parts of the Israeli media, we find, are directly and indirectly using scare tactics to try and prevent implementation of the Israel law east of the Green Line.

Real Clear World 

The West Bank Faces a New Reckoning

Alexandra Rojkov & Raniah Salloum, Spiegel

Beginning July 1, the Israeli government, led by Benjamin Netanyahu, could begin the process of annexing parts of the West Bank, despite this being a violation of international law. For many inhabitants of the region, their future is at stake.

Real Clear World 

Don’t Let Erdogan Erase Turkey’s Christian Past

R. Reeves & M. Akyol, FP

The Turkish president wants to turn Istanbul’s Hagia Sophia back into a mosque. Destroying its dual Orthodox-Islamic heritage would be a blow to religious pluralism and tolerance.

Real Clear World 

Malawi’s Re-Run Election Is Lesson for African Opposition

F. Kell, Ch. House

The overturning of the result in the fresh presidential contest sets a bold precedent for the continent, as a process built upon the resilience of democratic institutions and the collective spirit of opposition.

Real Clear World 

Vladimir Putin Does a Brezhnev

Tony Barber, Financial Times

The president has secured his future rule but he is straining his social contract with the Russian people.

Real Clear World 

Hong Kong Thrives Only in Freedom

Howard Husock, City Journal

Beijing has now acted to impose a new security law on Hong Kong, turning its back on the “one country, two systems” agreement to which it had committed when the former British colony returned to Chinese control in 1997. Hong Kong will be subject to the same sort of draconian infringements on liberty as mainland China, following a year of street protests demanding just the opposite. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has

Real Clear World 

Hair Weaves From Chinese Prison Camps Seized

Martha Mendoza, AP

Federal authorities in New York on Wednesday seized a shipment of weaves and other beauty accessories suspected to be made out of human hair taken from people locked inside a Chinese internment camp.

Real Clear World 

Late Soviet America

Harold James, Project Syndicate

Like the Soviet Union in its final years, the United States is reeling from catastrophic failures of leadership and long-suppressed socioeconomic tensions that have finally boiled over. For the rest of the world, the most important development is that the hegemony of the US dollar may finally be coming to an end.

Real Clear World 

How China Scammed Hong Kong

Yi-Zheng Lian, New York Times

It pays to play the long game against people who want to be free.

Real Clear World 

Xi Jinping’s Internal Great Wall

Rep. Mark Green, National Interest

Like the Great Wall of generations past, Xi’s Internal Great Wall will continue to keep China behind the rest of the world because a nation that suppresses its own people is not a nation the world can trust to do business fairly.

Real Clear World 

The ‘Spies and Commandos’ of Afghanistan

George Friedman, Geo. Futures

The media exploded late last week with reports that Russia had paid the Taliban bounties to kill U.S. and Afghan troops. The plot was revealed by “spies and commandos” who had, among other things, discovered a large cache of U.S. dollars in a Taliban base and traced it back to Russia. The use of the terms spies and commandos is a bit odd, as they are not terms that American intelligence would normally use; U.S. operatives are not normally referred to as spies... Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

How China Looks to Redefine Human Rights in Its Image

Rick Moran, PJ Media

The new Beijing-backed security law went into effect in Hong Kong yesterday with immediate consequences. The Hong Kong police announced the first arrest relating directly to the new national security act.

Real Clear World 

Putin’s Taming of the Elite

Tatyana Stanovaya, Moscow Times

The Russian president is banning his associates from looking around for a successor.

Real Clear World 

The Trouble With ‘Sayonara’ Foreign Policy

John McLaughlin, Ozy

While attending the annual international security conference in Munich earlier this year, I heard Trump administration officials tell a skeptical audience that the United States was still leading the world. A European official turned to me and said: “They should substitute ‘v’ for ‘d,’ because it feels more often like this administration is leaving the world.”

Real Clear World 

Hong Kong Is a Colony Again

Timothy Mclaughlin, The Atlantic

With a far-reaching national-security law, overlords in a distant capital are again making decisions on the city’s behalf.

Real Clear World 

The Troubling Sovietization of China

Dominique Moisi, Worldcrunch

Beijing seems to be abandoning the very strategy that allowed it to not only survive the collapse of the USSR, but also prosper.

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Более 8 000 оренбуржцев получили высокотехнологичную помощь по полису ОМС

Суд арестовал экс-зампреда правительства Приморья Елену Пархоменко

Суд установил, что продавшие напавшим на «Крокус» авто знали о теракте

Музыкальные новости

Росгвардия обеспечила безопасность футбольного матча в Дагестане

Cards Against Humanity sues Elon Musk for $15M, alleges that SpaceX invaded a plot of land it owns in Texas: 'Go **** yourself, Elon Musk'

Тысячи жителей Ингушетии встретили самолёт с телами погибших у офиса Wildberries

Студия Звукозаписи в Москве. Создание Песен, Музыки, Аранжировок.

Новости России

СМИ: Путин короткой фразой указал на последствия нападения США на Россию

Встречи с известными артистами организовали в школах и колледжах искусств Москвы

Захарова: Армения стала сокращать политический диалог с РФ, это может закончится плохо

Сентябрь в Москве готовится стать самым теплым за весь период наблюдений

Экология в России и мире

Продвижение Песен, Музыки, Стихов ВКонтакте.

Ритуальные убийствa и оккультные корни бакинского неонацизма

По местам сказов Павла Бажова

Подешевело в 2 раза: назван сезон, когда туры в Египет фантастически упали в цене - ещё можно успеть

Спорт в России и мире

«Совесть не позволила»: Надежда Гуськова в юности попадала в клубы оригинальным способом

Карен Хачанов проиграл 124-й ракетке мира во втором круге турнира в Ханчжоу

Елена Рыбакина снялась с турнира WTA-1000 в Пекине

Ига Швёнтек снялась с турнира категории WTA-1000 в Пекине


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