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Новости за 24.04.2019

Real Clear World 

China's Greatest Export: The Surveillance State

P. Mozur, J. Kessel & M. Chan, NYTimes
In Ecuador, cameras across the country send footage to monitoring centers to be examined by police and domestic intelligence. The surveillance system's origin: China.

Real Clear World 

California's Economy Is More Than a U.S. Powerhouse

Matthew Winkler, Bloom. View
There are good reasons why one American state leaves big countries like France and Italy in the rearview mirror and overtook the U.K. last year.

Real Clear World 

ISIS's Newest Recruiting Tool: Regional Languages

Krishnadev Calamur, The Atlantic
When ISIS claimed responsibility for the Easter attacks in Sri Lanka, it did so in Arabic and Englishand in languages spoken in just a few regions across South Asia.

Real Clear World 

Sierra Leone's Government Struggles For Control

Kars De Bruijne, African Arguments
A year since President Julius Maada Bio defeated the incumbent in general elections and took office, Sierra Leone's political scene is fraught with tensions. As the now ruling Sierra Leone People's Party (SLPP) has gradually wrested control from the former ruling All People's Congress (APC), political relations within the country have soured dramatically.

Real Clear World 

Chinese Stores, Made in Italy

Maria Rosa Tomasello, Worldcrunch
Business models are changing, but Chinese presence in Italy's business world remains high.

Real Clear World 

What's Driving the Rise of the Anti-Vaxxers?

Sophie McBain, New Statesman
On 9 April New York City's mayor Bill de Blasio declared a public health emergency and launched a compulsory vaccination programme in Brooklyn, where at least 285 people have contracted measles since an outbreak began in the autumn. Most of those who have fallen ill are children who had not been vaccinated against a disease that once killed hundreds of Americans a year but that, following a decades-long vaccination programme, was declared eradicated in the US in 2000. Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

Dialectics of Enlightenment

Kwame Anthony Appiah, New York Review of Books
How enlightened was the Enlightenment? Not a few critics have seen it as profoundly benighted. For some, it was a seedbed for modern racism and imperialism; the light in the Enlightenment, one recent scholar has suggested, essentially meant white. Voltaire emphatically believed in the inherent inferiority of les Ngres, who belonged to a separate species, or at least breed, from Europeansas different from Europeans, he said, as spaniels from greyhounds. Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

A Dark Time For Global Christianity, and the West Doesn't Care

C. Pepinster, NP
The death and destruction in Sri Lanka was particularly shocking given that it took place on Easter Sunday, the holiest feast of the Christian year. However, it was also horribly familiar, for we are now living through an unprecedented era of Christian persecution.

Real Clear World 

Imperial-Court Dramas Threaten China's Communist Party

Jiayang Fan, New Yorker
Though the series is set in a previous century and intended to provide a transporting distraction from real life, its stories have tapped into contemporary China's most urgent preoccupations.

Real Clear World 

How Zelenskiy Beat Ukraine's Establishment

Leonid Bershidsky, Moscow Times
Opinion His presidency could be a wasted chance or it could finally free up the creative energy Ukraine needs for a leap forward.

Real Clear World 

What Does Zelensky's Victory Say About Ukraine?

Gwendolyn Sasse, Carnegie Europe
The term ??protest vote?? does not really capture the full picture about the election result. It was a conscious vote against the incumbent and expressed hope for a new start in Ukrainian politics beyond identity cleavages.

Real Clear World 

Moscow Wants to Have It Both Ways on Montreux Convention

Paul Goble, JTown
Moscow wants to have it both ways on the Montreux Convention, which governs naval passage through the Turkish Straits (the Bosporus and the Dardanelles), casting itself as a supporter of this agreement when it works to its advantage but at the same time ignoring and working to undermine it when the accord does not. This intentional oscillation represents President Vladimir

Real Clear World 

Rise of the Notre Dame Truthers

Cathy Young, The Bulwark
You might have thought that the terrible fire in Notre Dame on Monday was the kind of moment that would transcend politics and our petty political divisions. Then again, this is 2019. First, people on the

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Новости от наших партнёров в Вашем городе


На западе Москвы привели в порядок склады при магазине

Ежегодная экоакция по посадке деревьев состоялась в Зарайске

Бал эпохи модерн состоится в музее Рыбинска

В этот день Иван Грозный присоединил Астрахань к Московской Руси

Музыкальные новости

Обзор известных приложений, созданных на iOS

Сергей Светлаков пригласил турецкую звезду Бурака Озчивита сыграть в продолжении «Беляковых в отпуске»

В Подмосковье сотрудники Росгвардии задержали подозреваемого в убийстве

На матче "ЦСКА-Динамо" родилась новая семья

Новости России

Однокомнатные квартиры подешевели в большинстве городов России

Ефимов: в рамках КРТ на севере Москвы построят образовательный комплекс

Синоптик предупредила о резком понижении давления к выходным в Москве

Посол Чада в РФ сообщил о начале освобождения задержанных в стране россиян

Экология в России и мире

В Нижнем Новгороде открыли движение уникального кремлевского фуникулёра

Как провести дезинфекцию почвы в теплице? Грибок, бактерии и насекомые больше не будут мешать на следующий год

Подешевело в 2 раза: назван сезон, когда туры в Египет фантастически упали в цене - ещё можно успеть

Песня под Ключ. Купить Песню под Ключ. Запись Песни под Ключ.

Спорт в России и мире

Дарья Касаткина поднялась на две позиции в мировом рейтинге

Теннисист Надаль вошел в состав сборной Испании на Кубок Дэвиса

Эйсинг-777 // Марин Чилич стал самым низкорейтинговым чемпионом турнира АТР

Рейтинг WTA. Эрика Андреева обновила личный рекорд, Саккари выпала из топ-15, Шрамкова поднялась на 41 строчку


Инфографика: сентябрьские изменения для автомобилистов при оформлении ДТП по европротоколу

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Hybrid AdOps School выпустила первых специалистов в диджитал-рекламе

С 23 сентября ограничивают движение на развязке в районе Агалатово в Ленобласти

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В Улан-Удэ в туалете техникума заметили камеру

Пьянич станет 6-м игроком в истории РПЛ, чья рыночная стоимость по ходу карьеры превышала 50 млн евро

Синоптик Позднякова: заморозки покинули Московский регион