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Новости за 01.12.2016

Real Clear World 

Draw Red Lines on Russia

Steven Pifer, Brookings Institution
Addressing President-elect Donald Trump directly, Steven Pifer writes: "You should early on establish clear policy lines toward Russia." He makes the case for reaffirming NATO's stance in Eastern Europe, supporting Ukraine, and expressing readiness to cooperate with Russia where realistic.

Real Clear World 

What Divides Turkey and the EU Goes Deeper Than Politics

Nuray Mert, Worldcrunch
ISTANBUL — Over the years, as Turkey's European Union membership process stalled, I have seen plenty of blame on both sides. Ultimately, I never believed Turkey would become a full EU member, as the process was full of insincerity from both Ankara and Brussels. Now, it is over.

Real Clear World 

Trump Might Be Stuck With NAFTA

Julian Ku & John Yoo, Los Angeles Times
After attacking the North American Free Trade Agreement repeatedly during his campaign, Donald Trump notably failed to include NAFTA on his agenda for his first day in the Oval Office. Perhaps he has learned that the Constitution prevents the president from terminating our trade agreements by himself.

Real Clear World 

Algeria's Innovative Counter-Terror Approach

Hakim Gherieb, Fikra Forum
In the war on terrorism, intelligence gathering is integral for any and all counter-terrorism policies and/or operations. The effectiveness of this apparatus, however, is based largely on the sustained coordination of military, police, and judicial sectors of law-enforcement.

Real Clear World 

Assad Henchman: Here's How We Built ISIS

Roy Gutman, Daily Beast
The Syrian regime's collusion with the terrorists of the so-called Islamic State goes back a decade.

Real Clear World 

Post-Truth Politics Hit Ukraine

Andrew Wilson, European Council on Foreign Relations
The seemingly innocuous initiative to restore economic relations between Kyiv and Moscow is really Russia's latest move against the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement.

Real Clear World 

French Twist

Fred Siegel, City Journal
How Marine Le Pen quietly became the left-wing candidate in the French elections

Real Clear World 

Syria Rebels in Secret Talks With Moscow to End Aleppo Fight

Dyer & Solomon, FT

Syrian rebels are in secret talks with Russia to end the fighting in Aleppo, according to opposition figures, a development that shows how the US could become sidelined in some of the Middle East's most pivotal conflicts.

Real Clear World 

The Surest Measure of How China's Economy Is Losing

Derek Scissors, RCWorld
There are data, grounded in real-world calculations, that show China's economic importance falling — not rising slowly, nor staying stable, but falling. The most important indicator is net private wealth, which is the single best measure of a country's economic size and of the pool of resources available to its public sector for military or social spending.

Real Clear World 

The Day After Aleppo Falls

Francesco Belcastro, National Interest
The fall of Aleppo could lead to a further increase in tension between the Syrian regime and Turkey.

Real Clear World 

Thailand's Prodigal Prince to Become King Rama X

Brien Redmond, Daily Beast
After multiple marriages, family feuds, and much of his life spent living in Bavaria, Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn is coming home.

Real Clear World 

Can Renzi Salvage Italy?

Judy Dempsey et al, Carnegie Europe
A selection of experts answer a new question from Judy Dempsey on the foreign and security policy challenges shaping Europeâ??s role in the world.

Real Clear World 

Why Fidel Is a Hero to So Many Africans

Sean Jacobs, Guardian
‘A source of inspiration to all freedom-loving peoples': that's what Nelson Mandela called the Cuban revolutionary leader. And with good reason

Real Clear World 

The EU, Not Britain, Is Confused About Brexit

John Redwood, Commentator
For those who are not in denial about Brexit, Britain's broad aims are pretty clear. The real issue is what the remaining EU 27 want from us. It's Europe that's in chaos about Brexit, not Britain, and Europe that has the real questions to answer

Real Clear World 

Why Carter Is Wrong on State of Palestine

Aaron David Miller, CNN
The key to solving the Israel-Palestinian conflict does not rest in President Obama's hands, nor in those of his successor, writes Aaron David Miller.

Real Clear World 

Donald Trump's New World Order

Niall Ferguson, American Interest
What a Kissinger-inspired strategy might look like.

Real Clear World 

Donald Trump and the New Economic Order

Michael Spence, CFR
HONG KONG – Since the end of World War II, the hierarchy of economic priorities has been relatively clear. At the ...

Real Clear World 

The Transatlantic Relationship Was Already Dying

David Wemer, RealClearWorld
Although America's political theater has long fascinated and entertained Europe, real estate mogul Donald Trump's entry into politics has provoked more fear than excitement on the other side of the Atlantic. The election of the brash businessman has caused some to already declare the Transatlantic relationship dead. Trump's lukewarm statements toward NATO, his radical anti-immigrant proposals, and his embrace of Russia will make it difficult for European leaders to embrace him. Читать дальше...

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Первое собрание отделения Союза женщин России прошло в Богородском округе

Псевдоактивісту Стахіву повідомили підозри за «злиття» даних про ЗСУ і шахрайство

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Концертный Директор для певцов, музыкантов, артистов, музыкальных групп.

В Подмосковье росгвардейцы задержали гражданина, находящегося в розыске.

Парализуют глистов: врач Садыков подтвердил пользу тыквенных семян

Спорт в России и мире

Александр Зверев снялся с турнира ATP-500 в Пекине

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Касаткина поднялась на 11 место в обновленном рейтинге WTA

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Топ новостей на этот час


Координаторы проекта «Навигаторы детства» съехались в Москву на совещание

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