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Новости за 11.08.2016

Real Clear World 

Hillary's Embrace of Kissinger Is Inexcusable

Greg Grandin, The Nation
Kissinger is a unique monster. He stands not as a bulwark against Donald Trump's feared recklessness and immorality but as his progenitor. As Richard Nixon's aide-de-camp, Kissinger helped plan and execute a murderous, illegal foreign policy—in Southeast and South Asia, Southern Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America—as reckless and immoral as anything Trump now portends. Millions died as a result of his actions. Kissinger and Nixon threatened to use nuclear weapons... Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

Is Trump Fit For an Intelligence Briefing?

John McLaughlin, Ozy
Nominees typically get them, but the tradition could well end. Our senior contributor revisits the subject of intelligence briefings for Trump.

Real Clear World 

Ontario's Minister of Monopoly

Terence Corcoran, National Post
Ontario giving its health minister the power to do anything as long as it can be said to be in the 'public interest.'

Real Clear World 

NATO Plays Cool as Russia, Turkey Grow Closer

Keith Johnson & John Hudson, FP

Washington and its allies are insisting that the relationship with Turkey is as healthy as ever, despite Erdogan moving into Putin's embrace.

Real Clear World 

South Africa Entering New Era of Permanent Coalition

Hassan Isilow, Anadolu

The ANC, which had won support for nearly two decades for its role in ending white minority rule, is being forced to negotiate with opposition parties to form coalitions for the first time.

Real Clear World 

How the Most Dangerous Place on Earth Got Safer

Sonia Nazario, New York Times
Smart investments in Honduras are succeeding. This offers a striking rebuke to the rising isolationists in American politics. A Pew Research Center poll in April found that most Americans think the United States should “deal with its own problems” while others deal with theirs “as best they can,” a sentiment that's at the core of Donald J. Trump's “America First” slogan and “build a wall” campaign. Many seem to have lost their faith in American power.

Real Clear World 

Obama's Failed Syrian Strategy

Konrad Yakabuski, Globe and Mail
He vowed the conflict wouldn't become a U.S.-Russia ‘proxy war,' but it is. And Putin is ahead of the game.

Real Clear World 

Putin Fans the Flames in Ukraine Once Again

Leonid Bershidsky, Bloomberg View
Russian claims that Ukraine planned terror attacks in Crimea are a warning to Kiev's Western allies.

Real Clear World 

Obama's Worst Mistake

Nicholas Kristof, New York Times
A crazed gunman's attack on an Orlando club in June, killing 49 people, resulted in blanket news coverage and national trauma. Now imagine that such a massacre unfolds more than five times a day, seven days a week, unceasingly for five years, totaling perhaps 470,000deaths. That is Syria. Yet even as the Syrian and Russian governments commit war crimes, bombing hospitals and starving civilians, President Obama and the world seem to shrug.

Real Clear World 

American Views of Our Military

David Craig, RealClearDefense
Dating back to the writings of Sun Tzu and Carl von Clausewitz, civil-military relations have long been the discourse of nation states.

Real Clear World 

Turkey-Russian Courtship Won't End in Marriage

George Friedman, Geopolitical Futures
Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an had a meeting on Tuesday. It is not clear what precisely came of it, but it is clear what is at stake. Russia is a weakening power where the state of the economy is now the main issue, and the question of Ukraine remains at the center of its strategic concerns. Turkey is an emerging power whose current internal crisis is being managed effectively, if brutally. Both face an enormously powerful United States... Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

Turkey Is No Longer a Reliable Ally

Steven Cook & Michael Koplow, Wall Street Journal
The meeting this week between Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Russian President Vladimir Putin and their vow to expand bilateral relations is the latest sign of deteriorating U.S.-Turkish relations since Turkey's failed coup last month.

Real Clear World 

Syria's Future Will Be Determined in Ankara and Moscow

Robert Fisk, Independent
So the Sultan travels to see the Tsar at the royal seat of St Petersburg. And the Caliph of Damascus will watch from Syria with the conviction that Ba'ath Party policy has once again proved its worth. The policy? Wait. And wait. And wait.

Real Clear World 

What Happened to Austria's Economy?

Dalia Marin, Bruegel
Austrian firms invested heavily in Central and Eastern Europe. They offshored the parts of the value chain that required specialized skills and produced valuable research. This resulted in lowered growth in Austria.

Real Clear World 

How the Army Replaced Hope in Russia

Mikhail Fishman, Moscow Times
Vladimir Putin's public image is transforming into that of a warlord. That's his major political asset at home, the new pillar of his popularity, and that's how his countrymen increasingly expect him to act and react on the global scene.

Real Clear World 

Stop Demonizing Russia, It's Time for a Thaw

Tony Brenton, Telegraph
t is good news that Theresa May has spoken to Vladimir Putin, and that they have agreed to meet at next month's G20 Summit in China. Our relations have been at a counterproductive low for far too long. A thaw is long overdue.Â

Real Clear World 

2084: A Global Islamic Dictatorship?

Martina Meister, Worldcrunch
Is the Islamization of Europe underway? In his dark novel "2084: The End of the World," Algerian writer Boualem Sansal explores an Islamist world dictatorship. In this extract from an interview with Die Welt, he urges Germany to wake up to the threat posed by radical Islam.

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На западе Москвы произошел крупный пожар на складе автозапчастей

Экология в России и мире

Артем Мелихов возглавил столичную сеть клиник «ABC-медицина»

В Подмосковье росгвардейцы задержали гражданина, находящегося в розыске.

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Дарья Касаткина проиграла четвёртый финал WTA в текущем сезоне

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Топ новостей на этот час


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Россиянин украл из пункта выдачи заказов товаров на 3,5 миллиона рублей

В подмосковном музее открылся отдел истории после масштабной реконструкции

Как в Москве с 2010 года реализуют программу по строительству православных храмов