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Новости за 01.08.2016

Real Clear World 

Assange, Trump & Putin: A Troika for Our Insane Era

Michael Weiss, Daily Beast
In a bizarre mind-meld that could only happen today, Assange is refusing to say whether he got the hacked DNC emails from Russia, and Trump is defending Putin.

Real Clear World 

Why I'm Leaving My Beloved Istanbul

Louis Fishman, Observer
Istanbul, the city I once found so much happiness in, has become a sad place. This year I met with friends, both Turkish and international, who are packing up and leaving in the face of continued instability and a clampdown on freedoms. My evenings on balconies were replaced by conversations with academics worried about their future; signing a pro-peace petition has landed some of our colleagues behind bars. More and more I heard the question: so where do you think is better, Canada or the US? Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

Benjamin Netanyahu for Hillary

Jeff Barak, Jerusalem Post
The prime minister knows Israel needs a US president who is measured, consistent and credible, all qualities Trump lacks.

Real Clear World 

May's Stance on China Is Bad News for England's North

Brian Groom, FT
Wooing Chinese investment was central to the former chancellor of the exchequer's plan to harness the collective strength of northern England's cities and so to rebalance the economy and devolve powers from Whitehall. If Hinkley is cancelled and a promised “golden era” of UK-China commercial relations comes to nought, the Powerhouse will look underfunded.

Real Clear World 

Latin America's Radical Left Unravels

Fabio Rafael Fiallo, RealClearWorld
Latin America's hard-left -- the left enraptured by Fidel Castro's 57-year-old Cuban Revolution and Hugo Chavez's 21st Century Socialism -- has been losing terrain, indeed collapsing, both on efficiency and on moral grounds.

Real Clear World 

Learning from Labour's Heartlands

Stephen Bush, New Statesman
What does visiting Wallasey, Pontypridd and Islington North reveal about Labour's future?

Real Clear World 

Why Political Purges Are Often Necessary

Jacob Shapiro, Geopolitical Futures
A purge can be a sign of strength, a sign of weakness or both. Some purges help to clear the road toward consolidating power. Other purges can so cripple a country's institutional powers that the short-term benefits give way to disorder and chaos.

Real Clear World 

The Coup That Still Haunts Erdogan

Ishaan Tharoor, Washington Post
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in power for nearly a decade and a half, has in recent years invoked the memory of Menderes as part of his own political legacy.

Real Clear World 

Caspar Weinberger's Revenge

Moshe Arens, Haaretz
Reagan's defense secretary is gone, but the measure he was forced to accept -- the use of U.S. military aid money for procurement in Israel -- may finally be eliminated.

Real Clear World 

Afghanistan Still Hasn't Recovered from Soviet Invasion

Shawn Snow, Nat'l Interest
Despite rhetoric emanating from the twenty-four-hour media cycle, the basic fundamentals of Afghanistan's conflict have changed little since the rise of the Taliban in 1994. After the Soviet Union's withdrawal in 1989 and the ending of financial assistance in 1992, Afghanistan descended into financial oblivion. The very foundation of Afghanistan's economic system and livelihood prior to the Soviet Union's intervention was primarily dependent on muscle labor and rural subsistence farming. Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

Will Theresa May Destroy UKIP?

Matthew Goodwin, Daily Telegraph
The resignation of Nigel Farage has thrown UKIP into a fresh crisis.

Real Clear World 

Is NAFTA Doomed?

Thomas Walkom, Toronto Star
Canadian politicians may hope Trump and Clinton are fibbing when they take anti-trade positions. But what if they are not? More to the point, what if domestic American politics around trade make a rethinking of NAFTA inevitable?

Real Clear World 

Europe's Leaders Must Not Waste a Good Crisis

Enrico Letta, Politico EU
Our political system in Old Europe, crisis ridden though it is in other ways, has a unique and unrepeatable opportunity to regenerate itself. We must not permit ourselves to waste it.

Real Clear World 

Turkey's Hamas Hypocrisy

Michael Rubin, Commentary
One of the defining characteristics of Recep Tayyip Erdo?an's Turkey is its complete obliviousness to the precedent its leadership creates. Five years ago, for example, Erdo?an visited the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and said, “It is a natural and constitutional right for Macedonia to use that name [Macedonia]…. Macedonia's decision to use its name should be respected.” On this, I happen to agree with Erdo?an, but does Erdo?an extend the same right to Kurds to call their homeland Kurdistan? Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

Turkey's Post-Putsch Purge

Lisel Hintz, Boston Globe
Ankara has used the failed coup to crush all those who oppose Erdo?an.

Real Clear World 

A U.S. Retreat That Feeds On Itself

Fred Hiatt, Washington Post
The dire results of President Obama's experiment in downsizing U.S. leadership are obvious overseas, but there's a damaging consequence at home that gets less attention: The mistake builds on itself. It is the opposite of self-correcting.

Real Clear World 

World Leaders Must Rein In Assad in Aleppo

Bert Koenders, The Independent
After five years of conflict, it is hard to imagine that the war in Syria can get any worse. But it can get worse, much worse. On 14Â July, President Bashar al-Assad's forces captured the high ground overlooking Castello Road, the last major access route to what once was Syria's economic centre and largest city. Three hundred thousand people are now effectively besieged in Aleppo.Â

Real Clear World 

Syrian Rebels in Aleppo Brace for Putin's Onslaught

Roy Gutman, Daily Beast
The Russians are pursuing a strategy lifted from their playbook in Grozny during the last Chechen war, and Aleppo could soon become the new “most destroyed city on earth.”

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Бывшего совладельца «Телты» Игоря Морозова не выпустили из СИЗО

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Американец приехал на отдых в Сочи и Крым и высмеял их

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