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Новости за 10.07.2016

Real Clear World 

Japan's Empty Villages

Julie Makinen, Los Angeles Times
All across Japan, aging villages such as Hara-izumi have been quietly hollowing out for years, even as urban areas have continued to grow modestly. But like a creaky wooden roller coaster that slows at the top of the climb before plunging into a terrifying, steep descent, Japan's population crested around 2010 with 128 million people and has since lost about 900,000 residents, last year's census confirmed.

Real Clear World 

This Chinese Dynasty Needs a Name

Justin Fox, Bloomberg View
If you're a Chinese factory worker, being ruled by the Communist Party at least makes it sound like you, as a member of the proletariat, have some say. The Union of Democratic Meritocrats, on the other hand, would be very clearly announcing that it thinks its members are better than you. Even in Singapore, which offers the most successful model of what Bell envisions for China, the ruling party knows enough not to put anything about merit in its name. It instead goes... Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

Is Iraq's Kirkuk on Verge of Independence?

Omar Sattar, Al-Monitor
A proposal to make Kirkuk an independent region has Turkmens and Kurds assessing the future of the province.

Real Clear World 

The Battle for the Soul of Bangladesh

Arif Rafiq, The Diplomat
The deadly attack on a bakery in Dhaka may have ties to ISIS, but its roots stretch deep into Bangladesh's history.

Real Clear World 

Alberta the Natural Fit for Kenney Conservatism

David McLaughlin, Globe and Mail
Casting himself as the heir to Ralph Klein's fiscal legacy and Stephen Harper's political legacy comes naturally to the Calgary MP.

Real Clear World 

Marie Antoinette, Donald Trump & the Shaky West

Laure Mandeville, Am. Interest
When elites close their eyes to inconvenient truths that the people see, the people sometimes throw off not only the elites but the institutions they control.

Real Clear World 

The Promise of Regrexit

George Soros, Project Syndicate
Just as Brexit was a negative shock, the response to it – a massive swing in popular sentiment in favor of the European Union – has been a positive shock. Europe's leaders should seize the opportunity to save the EU by fundamentally reforming it.

Real Clear World 

How Long Can Japan's Old Mens' Club Last?

Philip Brasor, Japan Times
Laws promoting more women in business have been passed in Japan, but none to promote women in politics, thus taking a tack opposite to what has become conventional wisdom. At present there is a bipartisan bill in the Diet that urges parties to set quotas for women candidates, who will then be given priority in proportional races. However, without making these quotas mandatory, it will be almost impossible to persuade male career politicians to risk their livelihoods... Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

Islamic Stateless?

The Economist
The self-proclaimed caliphate of Islamic State (IS) is weakening fast. In June the jihadists were kicked out of Fallujah by the Iraqi army, then pounded by air strikes as they fled. American-backed rebels in Syria have surrounded the group's fighters in the northern city of Manbij and are eyeing Raqqa, its de facto capital. In total, IS is now thought to have lost half of the land it seized in Iraq and 20% of its territory in Syria. It is on the verge of losing its main stronghold in Libya, too.

Real Clear World 

Is the Islamic State Unstoppable?

Hassan Hassan, New York Times
The government in Baghdad continues to use Shiite militias to fight in Sunni areas, pushing some Iraqis into the Islamic State's waiting arms, or at least encouraging people to view the group as their sole defender. Meanwhile, Syria's civil war rages on and new conflicts emerge within it, attracting fresh recruits. Even American officials have told me privately that the political changes necessary to stem the group's appeal in Iraq and Syria are lagging behind the military advances. Читать дальше...

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Центр восточной медицины в Петербурге

Новости России

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В Совфеде поставили условие возобновления переговоров с США по ДСНВ

Экология в России и мире

Как провести дезинфекцию почвы в теплице? Грибок, бактерии и насекомые больше не будут мешать на следующий год

Российская мода на «Текстильлегпром»

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Розовое утро....

Елена и Рокки

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