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Новости за 07.07.2016

Real Clear World 

Is This the End of London as Europe's Media Capital?

Noah Kulwin, Recode
London has long been considered the financial and media capital of Europe. American tech and media companies (Facebook, Google) have huge offices there, and it's an English-speaking toehold for American firms doing business on the continent.Brexit probably won't upend that completely; thousands and thousands of workers aren't going to learn German or Dutch over two years, and it's likely that the EU and the U.K. will work out some agreement to maintain trade and labor ties.But... Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

Spain Looks to Canada For Separatism Tips

Konrad Yakabuski, Globe and Mail
Nowhere beyond Canada's borders has Mr. Dion's name come up as often as in Spain, where, in contrast to the situation Ottawa now finds itself in, Madrid has faced a growing separatist movement in Catalonia. Last week's proposal by the Socialists' Party of Catalonia (known by its Catalan initials, PSC) to formally embrace “la via canadiense” (or the Canadian way) in dealing with demands for an independence referendum is indirectly based on Mr. Dion's advice... Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

Putin's Man in Libya

Yury Barmin, Al-Monitor
Despite some speculation, Gen. Khalifa Hifter's sudden visit to Moscow says less about impending arms deals than about Russia's long-term strategy in Libya and the region.

Real Clear World 

Obama Slows Troop Withdrawal From Afghanistan

Alexis Simendinger, RCP
Violence in Afghanistan and the still-uneven skills of Afghan National Security Forces make conditions too “precarious” to withdraw U.S. troops as rapidly as originally envisioned, President Obama conceded Wednesday.

Real Clear World 

Chilcot and Blair: A Midget Report on a Midget Man

Robert Fisk, The Independent
So where are the Titans now? I've often asked that question but today, I realise, Blair wanted to be a Titan. Up there with the Churchills and the Roosevelts and Titos and – dare I suggest – the Stalins. Men who made the earth move. Maybe that's why Chilcot's achievement was not to prove that Blair was a war criminal but that he was a midget.

Real Clear World 

Does NATO Still Exist?

Jochen Bittner, New York Times
Treaties are made to turn a will into an obligation. But what happens when this will changes? British voters have just given one example — however ill-informed — by dismissing the idea that European Union treaties deliver value to their country. Discomforting as it may be, there's reason to take a critical look at an even older accord that binds the nations of the West: the NATO treaty.

Real Clear World 

I Really DO Question Tony Blair's Sanity

Stephen Glover, Daily Mail
More than a year before the invasion of Iraq, I suggested in these pages that there were good reasons to be worried about Tony Blair's mental health.

Real Clear World 

Remainers: Stop Sulking, Work With Us for a Good Brexit

Daniel Hannan, Cons. Home
On what basis do Remainers deny the legitimacy of the ballot? I'm sorry to put this so bluntly, but it boils down to snobbery. A bunch of dimwits and bigots, we're invited to believe, were whipped up by unscrupulous demagogues.It is precisely this patronising attitude that pushed many people into voting Leave in the first place. They were fed up with the de-haut-en-bas tone of a political class whose members often benefited personally from the EU. Every time they... Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

I'd Still Vote to Go to War in Iraq

Ann Clwyd, Guardian
Saddam Hussein was brutal, and I've met the families of many of his victims. Military action was the right thing to do

Real Clear World 

What Chilcot Missed About Iraq

Max Boot, Commentary
After 6 years and more than $12 million, Britain's Chilcot Inquiry has a reached conclusions about the Iraq War that anyone else could have reached...

Real Clear World 

Can Erdogan Change?

Semih Idiz, Hurriyet Daily News
Shortly after being appointed prime minister by President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an, Binali Y?ld?r?m said one of his prime objectives would be to increase the number of Turkey's friends and reduce the number its enemies. The agreement to reconcile with Israel and Russia show, contrary to initial expectations, that these were not just empty words.

Real Clear World 

Chilling Global Lessons From Australia's Election

Stephen Greenville, Nikkei
One of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's theme tunes has been that "there has never been a more exciting time to be an Australian." This upbeat message came as a relief to many after the strenuous efforts of former Prime Minister Tony Abbott to instill terrorism-based fear in the general public. Note, however, that both men departed from the "relaxed and comfortable" line of former Prime Minister John Howard, with its quaint vision of cardigan-clad continuity, unruffled by the modern world. Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

The Downfall of Israel's Top Tycoon

Ben Caspit, Al-Monitor
Nochi Dankner's financial empire has been revealed as a house of cards, and now the Israeli tycoon may be on his way to prison.

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