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Новости за 31.05.2016

Real Clear World 

Netanyahu's Lip Service to Arab Peace Is Nonsense

Barak Ravid, Haaretz
Reassuring words of peace without deeds won't improve relations with the U.S., stop the French initiative or get Netanyahu a photo-op with an Arab leader. Why? Kerry, Mogherini and Sissi just don't believe him.

Real Clear World 

Why Obama Is Shinzo Abe's Enabler

Dreux Richard, New York Times
In Hiroshima, Mr. Obama praised the U.S.-Japan alliance, saying it has taught both countries to cherish peace. He did not reflect on the 69 years of Japanese pacifism that have kept Japan out of war while the United States has waged several. By neglecting them, in a speech that touched so many old wounds, Mr. Obama has advanced the politically fraught and historically unsupportable notion that Japan has been the victim of its painful past, not the beneficiary of its difficult lessons.

Real Clear World 

The African Surge into Europe

Margaret Wente, Globe and Mail
European leaders don't know how to cope with the flood of illegal migrants. Shifting blame and passing the buck isn't the answer

Real Clear World 

Iraq Must Win Sunni Hearts and Minds

Ranj Alaaldin, The Guardian
Until Sunni Arab communities can trust the Shia-dominated government in Baghdad, there is little hope of permanently uprooting the terrorist group.

Real Clear World 

India's $500 Million Bet on Iran

Keith Johnson, Foreign Policy
New Delhi hopes a giant new Iranian port will help meet its energy needs -- and outflank Pakistan.

Real Clear World 

Can a Cairo Conference Launch Regional Peace Talks?

Ben Caspit, Al-Monitor
While Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi are discussing a Cairo regional conference, experts are presenting a security plan, based on the one elaborated by Gen. John Allen.

Real Clear World 

Will Palestinian-Jordanian Confederation See the Light?

Adnan Abu Amer, Al-Monitor
In light of the stalled peace negotiations between Palestine and Israel, Palestinians are seriously considering the Palestinian-Jordanian confederation option as the only way out of their impasse.

Real Clear World 

Austria's Warning to Us All

Carl Bildt, Washington Post
As nationalism comes roaring back, leaders need to make the case for an open society.

Real Clear World 

Why IR Theory Gets Russia Wrong

Timothy Frye, Foreign Affairs
What we do know is that, whenever and however political change does come to Russia, it will have an outsize impact on global politics—and on how we understand democratization.

Real Clear World 

Germany Draws Closer to a Russian Rapprochement

Der Spiegel
Standing tough on Russia remains official policy, but Germany has begun working on the careful easing of sanctions imposed following Moscow's aggression in Ukraine. The US is opposed, but many in the EU could support the new approach. By SPIEGEL Staff

Real Clear World 

Canada's Conservatives, Liberated in Defeat

Andrew Coyne, National Post
Power was a devil's bargain for the Tories. They won government, but gave up not only their principles, but their freedom, and ultimately their self-respect

Real Clear World 

Why Australia Cannot Produce a Trump

Peter Hartcher, Canberra Times
When Bill Shorten accused Malcolm Turnbull of being Tony Abbott at Sunday's debate, it was as rude as it got. We're world's apart from the US.

Real Clear World 

The Brutal Revenge of the Russian Trolls

Andrew Higgins, New York Times
As she expected, she received some feedback from people who had clashed with aggressively pro-Russian voices online. But she was taken aback, and shaken, by a vicious retaliatory campaign of harassment and insults against her and her work by those same pro-Russian voices.Â

Real Clear World 

A New Era Dawns in U.S.-Japan Partnership

Fritz Lodge, The Cipher Brief
However, this long-anticipated gesture of goodwill is more than just a platform for the nuclear issue or recognition of a past tragedy. As Japan expands its Self Defense Forces and inches ever closer to revising a 70-year old Constitutional ban on maintaining an offensive military, the President's visit may also mark a new era in America's alliance with its most important security partner in East Asia.

Real Clear World 

Odessa, One Dot on a Map of Ukrainian Malaise

Dan Peleschuk, World Politics Review
The instability pushed locals to make security and economic stability top priorities in a traditionally cosmopolitan city that's long been known for its relaxed attitude and even eccentricity, according to local journalist Vera Zaporozhets.“After May 2, the city stopped being so carefree in the way it's always been,” she says.

Real Clear World 

Violent Strikes Cause Chaos in France

Long queues at petrol stations are only the most visible sign of a battle over the future of the French left

Real Clear World 

Elections and the Fear of Global Change

Edward Goldberg, RealClearWorld
Who would have thought that an issue too hard to explain in a sound bite would become the main axis along which the American presidential election is fought? Donald Trump's railings against China or Mexico shrewdly put a political face on that issue: globalization. Trump was smart enough to see what other politicians astoundingly missed: how the perception of globalization negatively affects the personal lives of many Americans.

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Рейсы из Владивостока 24 июня в Преображение и Дальнегорск отменены

Советник главы Якутии о Севастополе: в стране все меньше людей, которые против ошеломительного ответа

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«Добрались до верхов! В деле генерала Иванова замешана фигура из федерального списка!». Проводятся обыски, ждут новых арестов госчиновников

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Массовые задержки рейсов зафиксированы в аэропорту Пулково 23 июня

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Возвращение премии Муз-ТВ: Киркорова посадили в клетку, а Бузова приехала с карликами

Рейсы из Владивостока 24 июня в Преображение и Дальнегорск отменены

Вильфанд назвал самые холодные дни в Москве на предстоящей неделе

Экология в России и мире

Новый рекорд России: медитация Relax FM объединила 1699 человек

Встреча с участниками СВО прошла в Реутове

Неделя восточной культуры "Караван Парад" на ВДНХ

Hermès, коллекция menswear весна-лето 2025

Спорт в России и мире

Российские теннисисты подпишут декларацию о нейтралитете для участия в Уимблдоне

Рыбакину "оставили" без Уимблдона

Калинская выиграла второй матч за день и вышла в финал турнира в Берлине

Грузия сыграла вничью с Чехией на Евро, Калинская вышла в финал Берлина. Главное к вечеру


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BIA Technologies вошла в число ведущих интеграторов программных и аппаратных решений России

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