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Новости за 30.05.2016

Real Clear World 

U.S. Slams Israel, Stays Silent on Iran

David Horovitz, Times of Israel
The administration keeps mum as Tehran elevates a 'Death to America'-spouting radical, but speaks out as peace-promising Liberman joins Israel's coalition. Go figure.

Real Clear World 

Why Netflix Isn't a European Company

Leonid Bershidsky, Bloomberg View
Digital behemoths require borderless commerce to grow. Europe can't oblige.

Real Clear World 

Malaysia: Africa's Silent Partner

Tim Steinecke, The Diplomat
One of Southeast Asia's largest economies is quietly engaged across Africa.

Real Clear World 

Can Hillary Survive America's Isolationist Moment?

Konrad Yakabuski, Globe and Mail
The likely Democratic nominee for president understands the politics and ambitions of U.S. friends and rivals alike. But can she overcome American isolationism?

Real Clear World 

Iraqi Kurds Peddling a Pricey Fiction in Washington

Luay al-Khatteeb, National Interest
This narrative is more than a contentious historical interpretation—it is a PR invention. It was recently reported that the KRG spent almost $6 million lobbying in Washington since 2010, more than Pakistan has spent with its requests for subsidized F-16s and aid. Now that ISIS is weakening, while Baghdad remains broke, the KRG lobbying effort has reached fever pitch, with no fewer than three articles by officials in the Washington Post, Foreign Policy and Britain's Guardian.

Real Clear World 

Francois Hollande Has Found a Shameful Savior

Patrick Marnham, The Spectator
So that is the point which French socialism under President Hollande has reached: pinning its presidential hopes on a first-round victory by the leader of a party that it regards as xenophobic, racist and a threat to democracy.

Real Clear World 

Bangladesh at the Crossroads

Scott Gilmore, Boston Globe
Last month in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, six men pounded on the door of Xulhaz Mannan, an employee of the US embassy. When he opened, they hacked him and a friend to death with machetes.

Real Clear World 

Will Israel Move from Occupation to Annexation?

Uri Savir, Al-Monitor
Palestinian officials fear that the appointment of hawkish Yisrael Beitenu head Avigdor Liberman as defense minister signals an Israeli policy leap from occupation of Palestinian territories toward annexation policies.

Real Clear World 

Hiroshima as Gun Control

Richard Fernandez, PJ Media
The Hiroshima speech is in fact intended as a springboard for more arms-control proposals, but Obama's supporting narrative for more government and a closer control of things is at odds with the contemporaneous recollection of those who actually fought World War II.  For them it was a struggle against what was then called fanaticism, what we would today call ideology.

Real Clear World 

Hiroshima: I Had Family Members Among the Dead

George Takei, The Guardian
The day of the attack, we were incarcerated in an internment center for Japanese Americans. We were filled with grief when we learned what had happened.

Real Clear World 

Don't Cinch Britain to Europe's Sinking Ship

Boris Johnson, Daily Telegraph
On our doorstep we have a vast and developing tragedy – caused by the folly of trying to impose a single currency on an area with different labour markets and different rates of productivity. Take away their ability to devalue – with their own independent currencies – and many parts of the EU have found it impossible to compete.

Real Clear World 

Is Australia Ripe for Its Own Trump Moment?

Roger Cohen, New York Times
Could Australia's luck have run out? Is it ripe for the politics of anger that play well these days from the United States to Austria?

Real Clear World 

Moderation Postponed in Iran

Walter Russell Mead, The American Interest
For reasons practical as well as ideological, hard-liners continue to hold on in Tehran.

Real Clear World 

Egypt Slaps America in the Face

Jackson Diehl, Washington Post
Observers of Egypt might wonder why Sissi, who claims to be fighting the Islamic State and other Muslim extremists, would devote himself to prosecuting secular human rights activists as well as journalists and left-wing politicians who despise jihadism. The answer is simple: It's all part of fighting the fourth-generation war. The ultimate enemy in this war is not Sunni extremism but Western liberalism — headed by the United States.

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