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Новости за 26.02.2016

Real Clear World 

Terror and Moral Panic in Indonesia

C. Croft-Cusworth, Lowy Interpreter
An advanced threat of terrorism was added to the Australian government's travel advice for Jakarta this week. Yet the most widely discussed topic in local media was not terrorism, or even controversial proposed changes to anti-terrorism and anti-corruption laws. Instead, focus was laid on the perceived moral threat of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community.

Real Clear World 

Scotland Does Not Love Europe

Donna Rachel Edmunds, Breitbart
Perhaps more surprisingly considering the strongly pro-EU language of Scotland’s leaders, that pattern holds true for the Scottish people as well as the nation at large. The Social Attitudes surveys ask a more nuanced question than simply whether people want to remain within or leave the EU; it also gives options to stay in but reduce the EU’s power, keep things as they are, stay in and increase the EU’s power, and work towards a single European government.

Real Clear World 

Israel's Strategic Vulnerability

George Friedman, Geopolitical Futures
The strength of Israel's position in the Middle East has been the subject of a recent spate of articles. That strength is clear, for the moment. The question, however, is how durable it is. The current situation in Israel's vicinity indeed makes it appear that Israel has an enormous advantage, but a more careful reading of the situation shows its position to be more brittle than meets the eye.

Real Clear World 

How Some Iranians Are Mobilizing the Vote

Saeid Jafari, Al-Monitor
Amid hot contests with Principlist rivals and mass disqualifications of candidates, Iranian Reformists face a boycott campaign and voter apathy ahead of key polls.

Real Clear World 

Imagine Trump and Johnson Rule the World

Alan Philps, The National
It would be wrong to see too many similarities in this pair of blond ambition politicians. Mr Johnson is highly educated and, when stumped for words, is prone to break into Latin or Greek, defying the fierce anti-intellectualism of British political culture. He has written a biography, The Churchill Factor, about Britain’s wartime leader (who, like the mayor, was a former journalist). This is widely seen as a route-map to unseating Mr Cameron, though without the springboard of a world war. Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

Brexit Dreams, Meet Cold Hard Reality

The Brexiters’ case is that Britain is held back by Europe: unshackled, it could soar as an open economy that continued to trade with the EU and all round the world. That is possible in theory, but as our briefing (see Briefing) explains, it is not how things would work in practice. At a minimum, the EU would allow full access to its single market only in return for adherence to rules that Eurosceptics are keen to jettison. If Norway and Switzerland (whose arrangements with the EU many Brexiters idolise) are a guide... Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

Russia's Lost Decades

Fyodor Lukyanov, Global Brief
More than a decade after Putin’s speech, the most important question facing Russia has not changed a great deal. It is as follows: how do Russian society and Russia’s political class view their country – as a state with certain intrinsic, deeply rooted values or, alternatively, as a shard of a ‘real,’ far greater country that was ruined? The former interpretation suggests that Russia’s search for its place in the world will likely end successfully despite all of the bumps in the road. Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

Russia's Financial Reckoning

Russia is currently experiencing the perfect storm of economic and financial stresses. Russia has entered its second recession in six years mainly due to the global low oil prices. However, there are many other problems within the Russian economy even before oil prices tanked. The Russian economy had started to slow, particularly in the industrial sector. And then, add in the Western sanctions on Russia and the sour foreign investment sentiment toward Russia. All of this combined has... Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

Indonesia Closes Famed School for Trans Women

Feder & Hindryati, BF
The storm over LGBT issues began in January when the minister with oversight of higher education pronounced LGBT student groups to be incompatible with “standards of values and morals” expected at the country’s universities. Though some political leaders appear to have tried to quiet the uproar, others are eagerly pouring flames on the fire. On Monday, Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu suggested the LGBT community is more dangerous than nuclear weapons, because “it skews... Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

Umberto Eco's Eerie Prediction of Modern Fascism

C Dickey, Daily Beast
Two decades after the late Italian novelist and intellectual Umberto Eco published a devastatingly specific guide to modern fascism, his definitions seem even more prescient.

Real Clear World 

We Can Already See How Obama Failed in Iran

Eli Lake, Bloomberg View
With most sanctions lifted, the nuclear deal is popular in Iran. So this should be a golden opportunity for Iran's relatively moderate president, Hassan Rouhani, to consolidate his power. But this is Iran.

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Актриса Евгения Ядрец: «Диапазон моих ролей в театре очень широк»

«Тарас Бульба» за 18. Фильмы для детей со взрослой маркировкой

Спортсмены из Подольска стали призерами всероссийского турнира по карате

Итоги квест-фестиваля «Торговый город» подвели в Ногинске

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РБК: средняя стоимость квадратного метра в российских новостройках упала на 0,2%

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Стартовал заключительный этап Всероссийского конкурса «Воспитатель года России»

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Рыболовный фестиваль «Сенежский хищник» провели в Солнечногорске

Бывшего замминистра обороны России оставили в СИЗО до 25 декабря

Экология в России и мире

Туры в Гоа расширяют: ещё один туроператор предложит турпакеты на чартере

Преданья старины глубокой под тропический коктейль

Жизнь за чужой счет: чем мы обязаны паразитам

Парализуют глистов: врач Садыков подтвердил пользу тыквенных семян

Спорт в России и мире

Даниил Медведев в составе сборной Европы стал обладателем Кубка Лэйвера

Елена Рыбакина снялась с турнира WTA-1000 в Пекине

Хромачева и Данилина вышли в финал турнира в Хуахине

Медведев в составе сборной Европы завоевал Кубок Лейвера


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Названы самые красивые места в России для осенних путешествий

В Екатеринбурге показали, как будет выглядеть обновленный сквер Бориса Рыжего

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