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‘Not an accident’: Trump’s ‘Unified Reich’ video alarms historians and fascism experts

Political experts, historians, and scholars of fascism are sounding the alarm after Donald Trump posted video Monday afternoon that promised a "unified Reich," once again echoing language used by Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany.

"Trump’s continued use of Nazi rhetoric is un-American and despicable. Yet too many Americans are brushing off the glaring red flags about what could happen if he returns to the White House," former Trump White House deputy press secretary Sarah Matthews warned. "When someone shows you who they are, believe them."

The video features made-up newspaper headlines claiming a Trump win of the 2024 presidential election. It asks, "What's Next for America," and promotes “the creation of a unified Reich.”

"The 30-second video, which Mr. Trump posted on his social media site, Truth Social, features several articles styled like newspapers from the early 1900s — and apparently recycling text from reports on World War I, including references to 'German industrial strength' and 'peace through strength,'" The New York Times reported. "One article in the video asserts that Mr. Trump would deport 15 million migrants in a second term, while text onscreen lists the start and end days of World War I."

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"Another headline in the video suggests that Mr. Trump in a second term would reject “globalists,” using a term that has been widely adopted on the far right and that scholars say can be used as a signal of antisemitism."

Political commentator and former Clinton White House aide Keith Boykin posted an ABC News segment on the "unified reich" video, and remarked: "Donald Trump is openly copying Hitler’s Nazi language about a 'unified reich' and warning about 'poisoning the blood' of America, and people are still acting like this is a normal election."

In that ABC News video, reporter Rachel Scott says, "It is normal, of course for presidential candidates to share videos with their vision for the country. It is not normal for those videos to have references to Nazi Germany and Adolf Hitler. The Trump campaign tells us this morning that this was a video that was shared by a staffer while the former president was in court saying that staffer missed the reference but as of this morning that video has not been taken down."

The Biden-Harris campaign quickly responded to the video, posting another video of "Trump saying that only he and his top right-hand man, Dan Scavino, have access to post on his social media accounts."

The "unified Reich" video remained on Trump's Truth Social platform for well over 12 hours, and reportedly was still up as of at least 8:00 AM, although it has since been taken down.

"Earlier this month," The Associated Press reported, "Trump said at a fundraiser that Biden is running a 'Gestapo administration,' referring to the secret Nazi police force."

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"Trump previously used rhetoric echoing Adolf Hitler when he said immigrants entering the U.S. illegally are 'poisoning the blood of our country,' and called his opponents 'vermin.' The former president has also drawn wide backlash for having dined with a Holocaust-denying white nationalist in 2022 and for downplaying the 2017 rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, where white nationalists chanted 'Jews will not replace us!'"

The Biden-Harris campaign also released this statement:

"America, stop scrolling and pay attention. Donald Trump is not playing games; he is telling America exactly what he intends to do if he regains power: rule as a dictator over a 'unified reich.' Parroting 'Mein Kampf' while you warn of a bloodbath if you lose is the type of unhinged behavior you get from a guy who knows that democracy continues to reject his extreme vision of chaos, division, and violence."

Overnight, responding to the "unified Reich" video popular historian Heather Cox Richardson warned: "It is not clear to me how anyone can any longer deny that Trump is promising to destroy our democracy and usher in authoritarianism. But it is also not clear that he is still a figure that any but the extremes of his base will follow to that end. Hence his emphasis on turning them to violence."

Journalist Gil Duran, who covers "tech fascism," and "billionaire extremism," says Trump's "unified Reich" video ws not an accident.

Former FBI Assistant Director Frank Figliuzzi, now an NBC News National Security Analyst, also noted that the "reference to Hitler’s regime in Nazi Germany is not an accident."

Former CIA analyst Gail Helt, responding to the Trump campaign's claim it was posted by a staffer who didn't see the "unified Reich" text, wrote: "Of course they knew. Of course they saw it. I hate Nazis."

"Historian here," wrote Professor of American history Dr. Manisha Sinha, snarkily responding to the Trump video. "Trump calls for a unified Reich but hey we are all being paranoid by calling him a wannabe fascist supported by neo Nazis and neo Confederates."

Professor of history and expert on fascism and the Holocaust, the extreme right, and neo-Nazis, Dr. Federico Finchelstein, responding g to a report on the "unified Reich" video, called it, "Wannabe fascism in motion…"

Watch the videos above or at this link.

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