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Новости за 12.11.2023

Raw Story 

'Cut the games': Speaker Johnson roasted by hometown paper over his budget antics

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) was put on notice on Sunday by his hometown paper that the editorial board expects him to honor his commitment to return the fractious House to the "serious" business of working for the voters.

According to the editors of The Advocate, it is time for Johnson and House Republican Majority Leader Steve Scalise, also representing Louisiana, to stop larding their budget proposal with far-right "political riders” that will doom the budget as the clock ticks down before the government is thrown into chaos. Читать дальше...

Raw Story 

DeSantis' refusal to 'act normal' cost him a key billionaire donor: insider

In a deep dive into a growing rift between conservative tech billionaires and the Republican party's 2024 presidential nomination aspirants, the Washington Post is reporting that top candidates Donald Trump and Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-L) have alienated the wealthy donors due to their extremist antics.

According to the report, key Silicon Valley tech executives don't care about social issues and are desperately looking for someone who will do their bidding when it comes to deregulation.

However... Читать дальше...

Raw Story 

Trump's courtroom 'moments of rage' are blowing up his lawyer's appeal plans: legal expert

Donald Trump's courtroom outbursts and volatility when he took the stand in the $250 million financial fraud trial being held in Judge Arthur Engoron's courtroom will cripple his legal team's efforts to win an appeal after the trial concluded.

That is the opinion of Columbia University law professor John C. Coffee Jr., speaking with the New York Times.

From the moment the former president took the stand he was combative, argued with the judge, made personal attacks on the courthouse... Читать дальше...

Raw Story 

Anti-abortion forces have Trump to blame for string of crushing losses: Christian author

Reflecting on yet another loss at the state level for anti-abortion activists, New York Times columnist and evangelical Christian David French wrote on Sunday that their biggest obstacle they have to overcome is Donald Trump and his impact on the Republican party.

According to French, under Trump, the GOP has lost its moral authority which has turned off some voters who are on the fence when it comes to the sanctity of life versus a woman's right to make private medical decisions.

Noting... Читать дальше...

Raw Story 

RNC head Ronna McDaniels scrambles to explain away string of GOP election debacles

During an appearance on CNN's "State of the Union," Republican National Committee chairperson Ronna McDaniel was forced to play defense as host Dan Bash peppered her with the fact that her party is struggling with voters which has led to questions about her leadership.

Noting that GOP presidential nomination candidate Vivek Ramaswamy called for her to step aside at last week's GOP debate, and then following up with questions about conservative losses at the ballot box on the abortion issue... Читать дальше...

Raw Story 

Netanyahu cornered on CNN for ducking responsibility for Hamas attack

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu was repeatedly put on the spot Sunday morning by CNN host Dana Bash who asked him if he accepted any responsibility for the Hamas attack on Israel that had plunged the region into war.

Toward the end of the extensive interview about the subsequent counter-attack on Gaza, the CNN host noted the criticism Netanyahu has been facing from Israeli citizens for being asleep at the wheel, which led to the prime minister pushing back and saying now is not the time for finger-pointing. Читать дальше...

Raw Story 

Donald Trump Jr. already dug himself into a hole before his Monday fraud trial appearance

Donald Trump Jr's expected return to the stand in a Manhattan courtroom on Monday as the first witness in defense of the Trump Organization caught up in a $250 million fraud trial was dismissed as a waste of time by a former U.S. Attorney.

Appearing on MSNBC, former prosecutor Barbara McQuade was asked what Donald Trump's oldest son will have to offer as he appears before Judge Arthur Engoron on Monday, and the ex-U.S. Attorney claimed it would be close to worthless because of his testimony... Читать дальше...

Raw Story 

Why Black Americans’ lives depend on backing Israel

October 7 marked the largest death toll for the Jewish population since the Holocaust yet a lacking denouncement of antisemitism remains deafening. I am both a member of a white Anglo-Saxon political dynasty, and I am Black. This is a dichotomy that is rarely lost on me. However, despite the divergence of these varying ancestral identities, it is through both senses of self that I affix a personal responsibility for advocacy on a most urgent international crisis in Israel.

Читать дальше...

Raw Story 

SNL's Trump crashes GOP debate and trashes opponents and his 'horrible, horrible base'

On the latest episode of "Saturday Night Live," Donald Trump (played by cast member James Austin Johnson) crashed the GOP debate the real former president couldn't be bothered to attend and then proceeded to individually mock each of his GOP presidential nomination opponents while also taking a jab at his rabid MAGA base.

With the debate behind him stopping, Johnson's Trump spoke to the audience, telling them, "How adorable —They actually think they’ve got a chance. Sad in some ways, but... Читать дальше...

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Новости России

В Тарасовском лесничестве Ростовской области ликвидировали пожар

Центр «ВОИН» обучил российских педагогов новым технологиям

Московская пенсионерка разыграла мошенников, подменив деньги бумагой

Минобороны Франции: Контакты с РФ по «Крокусу» являются примером партнерства

Экология в России и мире

Eleganzza весна-лето 2024

Доктор Кутушов назвал болезни, которые поджидают отдыхающих у водоёмов

VK Fest 2024: Музыка и Развлечения на Открытых Площадках России

Ozon открывает новый фулфилмент-центр в Ставрополье

Спорт в России и мире

Парижские сюжеты: Медведев играл в кошки-мышки, Котов творил историю, Калинская заставляла нервничать Синнера

Россиянин Котов уступил итальянцу Синнеру в третьем круге "Ролан Гаррос"

Арина Соболенко повторила уникальное достижение Азаренко на турнирах «Большого шлема»

Вице-президент ФТР Селиваненко: у Рублева не пошла игра с Арнальди


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Денис Сафин перевел 100 миллионов рублей в фонд помощи пострадавшим от паводка

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Топ новостей на этот час


Конкурс с призом! – задачка про распредвал

Минобороны Франции: Контакты с РФ по «Крокусу» являются примером партнерства

На МКАД в Москве частично пекрыли движение из-за массовой аварии

Новый запрет для автомобилистов начал действовать в России с 1 июня