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The complaint alleges ‘deep and profound anti-Semitic discrimination’ at Berkeley Law School ( News Washington )

The University of California, Berkeley’s Canon Law School is dealing with “deep and deep-seated anti-Semitic discrimination,” according to a model complaint filed against the school with the Department of Education and reviewed by it. Washington Free Beacon. The complaint—filed last week by a Florida attorney and the International Legal Forum—is a global watchdog fighting anti-Semitism, ... Read more

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The University of California, Berkeley’s Canon Law School is dealing with “deep and deep-seated anti-Semitic discrimination,” according to a model complaint filed against the school with the Department of Education and reviewed by it. Washington Free Beacon.

The complaint—filed last week by a Florida attorney and the International Legal Forum—is a global watchdog fighting anti-Semitism, anti-Israel and anti-Semitic law enforcement at the school after nine groups of students were banned in August. Speakers from the Zionist camp.

The school’s decision, along with the ban on pro-Israel speakers, constituted a violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prevents recipients of federal funds from trying to discriminate based on race and national origin, according to the complaint. The petitioners are urging the Education Department’s civil rights office to immediately “open an investigation against the University of California, Berkeley, School of Law” and order it to remove this ban on Zionists.

Complaints amid a rise in anti-Semitism on America’s college campuses. Attacks on Jewish students and their identity doubled in 2021 to 2022, especially in academic schools with large Jewish populations, in Book Beacon He reported last week. Last month at George Washington University, for example, flyers claiming “Fuck Off Zionists” were placed on the campus of the Hillel building, a center for Jewish life. The Hillel building at the University of Southern California was also defaced in August, when vandals vandalized the front part of the building.

The Department of Education must determine whether the Berkeley law violates the Civil Rights Act and then compel the university to “invalidate the laws at issue,” according to the complaint. The spy also wants Berkeley leaders to ensure that anti-Zionist groups are prevented from receiving school funds and their status is revoked. Students and faculty will also participate in an exercise that will foster a campus environment “free of anti-Semitic harassment and discrimination,” according to the complaint.

He is leading the Education Department to get involved. A federal agency is investigating the University of Southern California over allegations of a “hostile environment of anti-Semitism.” That investigation was conducted after a group of police found evidence of anti-Semitic discrimination, which was similar to that included in the protest against the Berkeley law.

A spokesman for Berkeley Law said Book Beacon that the school “seeks to avoid comment” with the Education Department’s Office of Civil Rights. The spokesman also said he was not aware of the specific complaint.

While Berkeley Law officials, including Dean Erwin Chemerinsky, sought to make the case, when Chemerinsky said that “only a small group of students out of over 100 made it to Berkeley Law,” legal advocates say this excuse is unacceptable.

“It is unfathomable that such a statement would ever be made that a ‘few’ student groups have banned speakers of any ethnicity, religion, or race,” claims the complaint, which was authored in part by Gabriel Groisman, a Florida-based advocate and Jewish rights leader. “However, such discrimination against Jews directly targeted is excused, justified, and loved. The behavior of the university cannot be under the law.”

The complaint further says that Chemerinsky “didn’t even call” [the groups’] recall, nor did he take any meaning to this excellent act of discrimination”.

The August Senate hearing has sparked a heated debate on the Berkeley campus and in the pro-Israel advocacy world. It stated that the nine officially recognized student groups “will not invite speakers who have expressed and continue to feel or host/sponsor/promote events in support of Zionism, the apartheid state of Israel, and the occupation of Palestine.” Institutional rhetoric is commonly used by Israel’s enemies, including supporters of the anti-Semitic Boycott, Wealth and Sanctions movement, who fight against Israel’s economy.

In the middle of the complaint, the group claims that these Jews and pro-Israel students are based on their religious or national identity. This “forced exclusion” of primarily Jewish students, in protest of the states, “is a legal and clear violation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act.”

“There can be no equivocation: anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism,” the complaint says.

“By effectively saying, ‘Zionists are not welcome,’ these student groups – and Berkeley by extension, for their lack of action – are excluding, isolating and silencing Jews, and contributing to the creation of a hostile environment for Jewish students and faculty; and staff in fact [where] anti-Semitism, including on campus, is already mentioned in public affairs across the United States,” according to the protest.

Groisman, a lawyer handling the case with the International Legal Forum, reported Book Beacon that the hatred of Jews couched in the language of Berkeley’s anti-Zionism will not prevent it from being investigated for discrimination.

“Federal laws are in place to protect students from these actions,” he said. “A student group at UC Berkeley tried to look cute by hiding discrimination against Jews, excluding Zionists. We are sure the US Department of Education will see right through them and protect students under Title VI protections.”

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