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День знамени Победы отмечается 30 апреля

Марио Митай назвал общее между Россией и Албанией

Апрель 2024-го вошел в тройку самых теплых в Москве за всю историю метеонаблюдений

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Aprilia Unveils Superbike Lineup and Partnership with John Abraham

Aprilia has made a mark on the Indian superbike landscape with the grand introduction of its formidable lineup. Along with this exciting launch, Aprilia proudly announced the appointment of John Abraham as its esteemed brand ambassador. Aprilia’s Superbike Portfolio Aprilia’s …

Aprilia Unveils Superbike Lineup and Partnership with John Abraham Read More »

The post Aprilia Unveils Superbike Lineup and Partnership with John Abraham first appeared on Motoroids.

Aprilia has made a mark on the Indian superbike landscape with the grand introduction of its formidable lineup.

Along with this exciting launch, Aprilia proudly announced the appointment of John Abraham as its esteemed brand ambassador.

Aprilia’s Superbike Portfolio

Aprilia’s stellar superbike collection encompasses a diverse array of models, from the RSV4 Factory to the Tuareg 660. These bikes will be available as Completely Built-up Units (CBUs) through Aprilia Motoplex dealerships nationwide.

The Superbike Lineup

RSV4 Factory: The Aprilia RSV4 Factory is powered by a 1099 cc liquid-cooled V4 engine which produces 216.85 PS @ 13000 rpm of power. It has a fuel tank of 17.9 L and a claimed mileage of 15.4 kmpl. The Aprilia RSV4 starts at Rs 31.26 Lakh Rs (ex-showroom, Delhi). It is available in one variants.

RS660: The Aprilia RS 660 is powered by a 659 cc liquid-cooled engine which produces 100 PS @ 10500 rpm of power. It has a fuel tank of 15 L and a claimed mileage of 20.4 kmpl. The Aprilia RS 660 starts at Rs 17.74 Lakh Rs (ex-showroom, Delhi). It is available in one variants.

Tuono 660: The Tuono 660 is powered by a 659 cc liquid-cooled engine which produces 95.17 PS @ 10500 rpm of power. It has a fuel tank of 15 L and a claimed mileage of 20.4 kmpl. The Aprilia Tuono 660 starts at Rs 17.44 Lakh Rs (ex-showroom, Delhi). It is available in one variants.

Tuareg 660: The Tuareg 660 is powered by the same liquid-cooled, 659cc, 270-crank parallel-twin as the RS and Tuono 660, but in this iteration, it is produces for 80hp at 9,250rpm and 70Nm at 6,500rpm. Gets a 18-litre tank and weighs 204kg.

John Abraham: A Perfect Emblem of Aprilia’s Spirit

Aprilia India proudly welcomes John Abraham into its esteemed family as the brand ambassador. With an innate passion for high-performance motorcycles and a deep-seated appreciation for Aprilia’s legacy, John embodies the essence of the brand.

In his own words, John Abraham expressed his excitement, stating, “I am thrilled to be associated with Aprilia as their brand ambassador. I personally connect with the Aprilia brand, which embodies passion, performance, and style. I am honored to be part of a brand with such a celebrated legacy. I look forward to being a part of Aprilia’s journey as it continues to stand for high-performance bikes that exude the spirit of sport, racing, and adventure.”

Aprilia’s Vision

As Mr. Diego Graffi, Chairman and MD of Piaggio Vehicles Pvt. Ltd., reiterated, Aprilia’s commitment to delivering extraordinary riding experiences remains unwavering. With the introduction of these superbikes alongside the RS 457, Aprilia embarks on a transformative journey in India’s superbike segment, promising to fulfill the dreams of Indian riders and redefine industry standards. With a focus on expanding its presence and enhancing customer experiences, Aprilia is poised to captivate the hearts of riders across the nation.

Elevating Customer Experience

Through its flagship Motoplex stores, Aprilia offers a curated environment where enthusiasts can explore the brand’s offerings and receive seamless after-sales service. By the end of FY Q1 2024, Aprilia aims to have approximately 10 Motoplex showrooms operational across major Indian cities, ensuring accessibility and convenience for riders nationwide.

The post Aprilia Unveils Superbike Lineup and Partnership with John Abraham first appeared on Motoroids.

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