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Tata Nexon and Tata PUNCH become India’s best SUVs

Tata Nexon and Tata Punch have become India’s no.1 and no.2 SUVs. While the Nexon retains this title for third year in a row, the Punch outraces Maruti Brezza to be No. 2. Let’s see what makes these SUVs people’s …

Tata Nexon and Tata PUNCH become India’s best SUVs Read More »

The post Tata Nexon and Tata PUNCH become India’s best SUVs first appeared on Motoroids.

Tata Nexon and Tata Punch have become India’s no.1 and no.2 SUVs. While the Nexon retains this title for third year in a row, the Punch outraces Maruti Brezza to be No. 2.

Let’s see what makes these SUVs people’s go to choice

Tata Nexon

Tata Nexon price for the base model starts at Rs. 9.25 Lakh and the top model price goes upto Rs. 19.99 Lakh (ex-showrrom) for the electric version. Tata gave the Nexon its second major update in 2023, enhancing its features and technology. The SUV flaunts a refreshed design inspired by Tata’s recent concepts, such as the Harrier EV and Curvv, while offering a cabin packed with tech comparable to Hyundai and Kia.

Powertrain Options

Available in petrol, diesel, CNG and electric, the nexon gives the consumer many options to choose from. Along with these powertrains options, the Nexon also give the customer to choose from various transmissions; a 5/6-speed Manual,  6-speed Automatic (AMT) and a 7-speed Automatic (DCT).  The Nexon EV is powered by a permanent magnet AC motor that produces 127 horsepower and 245 Nm of torque, which is sent to the front wheels through a single-speed automatic transmission. The electric powertrain gets its energy from a 30.2 kWh lithium-ion battery pack that provides a range of up to 312 km on a single charge

Refreshed Looks

The updated Nexon boasts a modern design, featuring a split headlamp design with high-set LED DRLs and sharp tail-lamps. Top variants sport LED headlamps, 16-inch alloy wheels, and roof rails, elevating the SUV’s design appeal.

Creature Comforts and Tech

Tata has bolstered the Nexon’s feature game, especially in higher variants. Expect generous offerings like dual 10.25-inch displays, auto climate control, sunroof, ventilated front seats, and advanced safety features like six airbags and ABS with EBD.

Smart Tech

The Nexon incorporates intelligent features like map mirroring, 360-degree cameras, blind spot cameras, and voice commands for seamless navigation and in-car control.

Safety and Driving Dynamics

With a five-star safety rating in both Global NCAP and Bharat NCAP crash tests, the Nexon prioritizes safety. It comes equipped with features like ESP, ABS, six airbags, and strong driving dynamics for a confident and secure ride.

Tata Punch

The Tata Punch is a compact SUV first unveiled in 2021. Built on Tata’s ALFA architecture, the Punch boasts a rugged design with advanced features, making it a popular choice among young Indian buyers. With the base model starting from Rs. 6 Lakh (ex-showroom) and goes till Rs. 15.49 Lakh (ex-showroom) for the electric variant.

Design and Features

The Tata Punch gets 16-inch wheels and plastic cladding, resembling a mini-SUV. It features LED daytime running lights and a hatch-like rear design with Y-shaped tail lamps. Inside, the cabin offers comfortable seating with a 7-inch infotainment system and plush interiors.

Engine and Performance

Powered by a 1.2-litre three-cylinder engine, the Punch delivers 86 hp and 113 Nm of torque. It comes with both manual and AMT transmission options. The electric version gets two variants:  Standard and Long Range (LR). Long Range variant of the vehicle gets a 90 kW motor with a torque output of 190 Nm. Featuring a battery capacity of 35 kWh and a ARAI range of 421 km. The regular Punch.ev gets a 25 kWh battery, with a range of 315 km along with a 69 kW motor and 114 Nm of torque output.

Safety Features

Tata Punch EV interior

The Tata Punch prioritizes safety, earning 4 stars for child occupant protection and 5 stars for adult occupant protection in Global NCAP crash tests. It comes equipped with dual airbags, ABS, EBD, ISOFIX child mounts, and other safety features, making it one of the safest cars in India.


Both the Tata Nexon and Punch are testament to Tata’s ability to produce vehicles on international standards. With more than 100 variants to choose from between the two vehicles, there is an option for every customer which caters to their need and makes these vehicles the top SUVs in India surpassing every competition.

The post Tata Nexon and Tata PUNCH become India’s best SUVs first appeared on Motoroids.

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