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India Delivers Supersonic Missiles to the Philippines (China)

India Delivers Supersonic Missiles to the Philippines (China)

Sawako Utsumi and Lee Jay Walker

Modern Tokyo Times

Tensions between China and the Philippines in the South China Sea are mounting. Hence, each vessel collision between the Philippines and China – along with China’s vast claims of the South China Sea (far from mainland China) – entails that the Philippines seeks to boost ties with America, Australia, India, Japan, and other nations.

The Philippines uses the West Philippine Sea title concerning the area disputed by China. Accordingly, the West Philippine Sea is part of the exclusive economic zone claimed by the Philippines.

China’s territorial claims need statecraft and not confrontation. Hence, political elites in America are gaining from China’s expansive policies.

Reuters reports, “Beijing claims sovereignty over almost the entire South China Sea, including parts of the exclusive economic zones of Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Vietnam. The Permanent Court of Arbitration in 2016 said China’s claims had no legal basis.”

India is also worried about territorial issues with China. Accordingly, India and the Philippines are strengthening military ties that are beneficial to both nations.

The BrahMos supersonic cruise missiles finally reached the Philippines after a deal was signed two years ago. India and the Russian Federation are behind BrahMos Aerospace. This concerns NPO Mashinostroyeniya (the Russian Federation) and the Defence Research and Development Organisation (India).

Voice of America reports, “India has begun delivery of supersonic cruise missiles to the Philippines as the two countries tighten defense and strategic ties amid rising tensions between the East Asian nation and China over maritime disputes in the South China Sea.”

Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India (at a recent election rally) said, “Now we are also exporting BrahMos missiles. The first batch of this missile is going to the Philippines…”

India and other nations seek to build up the national defenses of regional nations. Accordingly, each new military package and the improvement of relations is a collective response aimed at stemming the expansive approach of China in the South China Sea – and concerning other territorial disputes.

Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar of India restated “India’s support to the Philippines for upholding its national sovereignty.”

India is also stepping up its military ties with Vietnam. Both nations also have cordial relations with the Russian Federation.

Last year, the U.S. Department of State said, “The United States stands with The Philippines in the face of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) Coast Guard’s continued infringement upon freedom of navigation in the South China Sea. Imagery and video recently published in the media is a stark reminder of PRC harassment and intimidation of Philippine vessels as they undertake routine patrols within their exclusive economic zone.  We call upon Beijing to desist from its provocative and unsafe conduct. The United States continues to track and monitor these interactions closely.”

The Russian Federation seeks cordial relations with China and India. Indeed, President Vladimir Putin said, “…the leading role of the West is ending. I cannot imagine an effective international organization without India and China.” 

It is hoped that China focuses on statecraft rather than claiming vast areas of the South China Sea – that are detrimental to having cordial relations with regional nations.

Modern Tokyo News is part of the Modern Tokyo Times group

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