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Cyber-security’s soft underbelly and saying no to extremes

In MetroTalk: Should we expect to see more hacking of details held with outsourcers?

Zero Trust. Security Technology Concept
Should we expect to see more hacking of details held with outsourcers? (Credits: Getty Images)

How secure is your data in the face of a cyber-security breach? If you’re employed by the Ministry of Defence, the outlook isn’t promising. And the same may apply if your information is stored by other major corporations.

In today’s MetroTalk, a reader has raised a crucial point we should all consider when sharing our data.

Meanwhile, why moving too far right isn’t benefiting the Conservatives, why teens have the right to play loud music on public transport, having compassion for the homeless, and addressing the root causes of knife crime.

Share your thoughts on these topics and more in the comments.

UK security's soft white underbelly?

What a mess. A foreign government – thought to be China – has hacked the payroll system of the Ministry of Defence, accessing details of up to 270,000 armed forces personnel (Metro, Wed).

This puts serving soldiers, sailors and airmen and women at unknown risk of being identified, with the most ‘useful’ open to being targeted at some time of the foreign state’s choosing.

It is madness to outsource government staff data to cheap providers, as has happened here – it being a third-party payroll system that was hacked.

Defence secretary Grant Shapps says action will be taken to protect personnel.

More than a decade ago, at a presentation by a major financial regulator, the speakers said the main cyber-security threat was not so much
the well-funded, well-protected big corporates. It was the low-cost providers they outsourced services to.

So many outsourced-services data breaches are adding up, including the recent hacking of the provider Greater Manchester Police trusted to produce 
ID cards.

Outsourced HR providers, potentially like the one the MoD used, can be a soft underbelly in cyber-security.

Staff and customers don’t always know that a big corporate can outsource their data to a company picked for price, not for cyber-security.

It also gives them a ‘Not me, guv’ excuse with the Information Commissioner’s Office if things go wrong.

Expect to see more hacking of details held with outsourcers. Jonathan, South-West London


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Former British Home Secretary Suella Braverman gives a keynote speech at a conference titled
Are the Conservatives too extreme now? (Credits: REUTERS)

Unlike former home secretary Suella Braverman, I can’t help but think that the Conservative Party would lose even more votes if it moved further to the right. The majority of voters dislike extremes of any sort, whether right wing or left wing. Roger Smith, Witham

There has been some correspondence recently alluding to the possibility of 
a Sir Keir Starmer victory in the next general election leading to another referendum on EU membership.

Despite a good showing for Labour in the local elections, in which the Tories lost nearly 500 seats, all indicators point to a slim Labour majority or a hung parliament if there was a general election tomorrow.

A small majority, such as 52 per cent for Labour and 48 per cent for the other parties, would have to be respected. But it would not be a mandate for a another divisive referendum on EU membership barely eight years after the last one.

Imagine if Sir Keir did do so and the result was for the status quo. Would that settle the issue, or would hardcore rejoiners push for another vote until they got the result they wanted? David, Durham

Rishi Sunak’s warning to voters that they would be ‘flirting with disaster’ if they voted for Labour at the forthcoming general election (Metro, Tue) is nonsense.

It’s the Tory party that have been the disaster, which is why voters are turning away from them in their droves. Scott, West London

Ignorant attacks on our homeless inspire me to lend a helping hand

Homeless Man Sleeping On Pavement, Oxford Street
(Credits: Getty Images)

To the man in the black coat with the orange juice in King’s Cross at 9.30pm on Tuesday, who shouted ‘So what?’ at a homeless man and then went on a tirade to another man about how irritated you were by beggars. You know who you are.

My friend, you are the reason I try to help the homeless.

The despicable behaviour we as a nation show to people less fortunate than ourselves is what drives me. I offer food, a listening ear and charitable donations to those people, to counteract and rebel against the malignant abuse you and those like you aim at anyone who dares to commit the apparently unforgivable sin of falling on hard times.

Your behaviour perfectly encapsulates everything that’s wrong with the way we treat people in need. You are what’s wrong with this country – you are the problem. If you are ever struggling, you’d better hope the people around you are a damn sight more generous and understanding than you are, because if they’re anything like you, you will be utterly doomed.

As for me, I can only keep trying to help as best as I can, and I will promise myself that no matter what happens to me, no matter what problems I face, no matter how my life turns out, I will never, ever, ever let myself become like you.
Enjoy your juice. Ryan Cooper, London

Let teenagers play loud music on trains – and why opportunities in life are vital

Underground passengers
Should everyone just mind their own business? (Credits: Getty Images)

To Antony (MetroTalk, Wed) who commented about a teenager playing ‘very loud music’ on a packed train.

Despite what your preferences for serenity are, trains are public places where people are free to express or entertain themselves as they please. Try telling buskers to turn the noise down when they play on the Tube.

Also, the teenager playing music paid the same fare as you, so who are you to make demands of others?

‘Stay in your lane and mind your own business’ is the best way to travel on public transport these days. Marlon, Bromley

Michael in Manchester (MetroTalk, Tue) was a breath of fresh air with his positive ideas about safe spaces, community centres and youth workers when it comes to young people and knife crime.

It’s too late when they’re dead. It’s too late when they become hardened by prison. It’s too late when they become unemployable and turn to organised crime.

They need to see that the system will protect and listen to them and view them as young people who need opportunities in life to do well. Bella, London

Regarding knife crime, we have lots of teens who help with litter picks, do odd-jobs and help their neighbours. They have no youth centre but do have parents who nurture and support them, rather than expect someone else to do it.

Accountability, discipline and respect in the home is frequently the issue here.
Carrying a bladed implement and stabbing each other to cause ‘battle scars’ is sick and pathetic.

The bigger and better youths are the ones who respect other people and themselves. AH, Leeds

What are your thoughts? Have your say in the comments belowComment Now

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