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School’s strict call on phones, plus the Lennon lefty love-in

In MetroTalk: Is it ethical to keep kids at school for 12 hours? And, John Lennon's contradictions.

Time Together in School
Is a 12 hour school day too strict for kids? (Credits: Getty Images)

In today’s MetroTalk, readers are sharing what they think of the school who’s proposing a 12 hour school day in order to rid pupils of phone addiction.

Considering the average British full-time employee works 7.28 hours per day, is compelling kids to stay at school from 7am to 7pm, a draconian measure, likely to save their attention spans, or a waste of what’s supposed to be their leisure time?

Meanwhile, one reader expresses his views on the ‘liberal’ perception of John Lennon and why he thinks we need to stop glorifying the opinions he didn’t even live up to.

Share what you think about these topics and more in the comments.

All that time at school can't be healthy - can it?

Andrew O'Neill wants to extend the opening times of his school
Headteacher Andrew O’Neill wants to extend the opening times of his school (Picture: Google)

Pupils at a secondary school face a 12-hour school day until 7pm under a headteacher’s plan to break their ‘addiction’ to phones (Metro, Mon).

They will have extra classes and a hot dinner ‘instead of going home to their bedrooms and phones’, said Andrew O’Neill, head of All Saints Catholic College in Notting Hill, London.

He said the most shocking examples of bullying, catfishing and sexting had been found on confiscated mobiles.

Extending the school day until 7pm would significantly reduce the time students have for rest, relaxation and extracurricular activities, leading to increased burnout. This could also affect their academic performance and mental health negatively.

Moreover, the extended hours may not effectively reduce phone addiction, as students might still find ways to use their mobiles in breaks or after school.

A more effective approach would be to educate students on responsible phone usage. Omar, London

Why is education secretary Gillian Keegan not giving all schools a clear legal ruling to follow on this? Even better, why not ban all under-16s from social media? It had no trouble passing a law to stop children smoking. This is another addiction. Paul, Elstree

Most children seem to have eyes that can only focus on a screen and ears encased in headphones – anything to prevent themselves entering the real world. Phone-addicted children grow into phone-addicted adults who eventually become the phone-addicted zombies I see on my train every morning.

They seem to have no consideration for others when playing loud music through the speaker on their phones. John Bradley, Surrey

By keeping them there until 7pm, you are depriving them of quality family time. Not all kids are ruled by their phones. As a parent I’d be fuming and would not allow it.Stevie D, London

This is wonderful idea but the biggest issue I have as a parent is not with phones (I can control their timings) – it’s the computer/laptops the government issued during Covid, forcing all homework to be done online. These come set up with no way of me imposing restrictions.

When I try to confiscate them, I am told ‘I need it for homework’.

Why we can’t go back to pen and paper I don’t know, as exams are on paper and the kids struggle with fast penmanship because they are always on the computer. It’s a vicious circle. Liza, London

It’s easy to ‘Imagine’ if you have it all

John Lennon's Tittenhurst Park country mansion
John Lennon’s Tittenhurst Park country mansion (Credits: Getty Images)

On the subject of John Lennon’s character (MetroTalk, Fri) it’s ironic that the video that accompanied his 1971 song Imagine served, if anything, to invalidate the lyrics.

‘Imagine no possessions, I wonder if you can’ Lennon sang. It was difficult to explain how he felt justified in driving up to his Tittenhurst Park country mansion in Berkshire in a Rolls-Royce (one of two he owned) and then sit down inside at a grand piano with wife (and co-writer) Yoko Ono.

Another contentious line: ‘Imagine no heaven, it’s easy if you try.’ Many would argue it’s the very prospect of an after-life that keeps a lot of us hopeful in this world.

John Lennon And Yoko Ono
See the similarity between Yoko Ono and John Lennon (Photo by Susan Wood/Getty Images)

Also, Yoko’s physical resemblance to Lennon suggests narcissism on his part. Similarly one thinks of fellow celebrities David Bowie and Angie, and Mick Jagger and Bianca.

While Lennon was a giant of popular music, and the manner of his death was especially tragic, for lefties and liberals to continue to wax lyrical about his opinions – expressed in Imagine – proves the old adage: there’s one born every minute. A Martin, South London

What are your thoughts? Have your say in the comments belowComment Now

MORE : Headteacher comes up with plan to help children’s phone addictions that the kids won’t like

MORE : John Lennon and Sir Paul McCartney’s sons just re-wrote history together

MORE : Smartphone addiction physically changes the human brain, argue scientists

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