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Sacramento, A’s revel in move to ‘intimate’ minor-league ballpark for 2025

Sacramento, A’s revel in move to ‘intimate’ minor-league ballpark for 2025

Sacramento officials see the A's as a trial run for a major league franchise of their own.

In what amounted to an “Up with Sacramento” revival Thursday morning at Sutter Health Park, the Athletics leaned into the concept of playing in an “intimate” minor league ballpark for three years as they await financing and construction of a new stadium in Las Vegas.

NBC Sports California, which broadcasts A’s games, did not air the press conference, which featured no questions from media members, sticking with its regular program of an infomercial promoting “normal bladder control.”

Instead, video of A’s owner John Fisher, close friend and Sacramento Kings/River Cats owner Vivek Ranadive as well as Sacramento politicians speaking about the A’s announced move to the capital city for the 2025 season was live streamed by Sacramento’s ABC affiliate on YouTube.

No financial terms were released regarding the lease or the A’s TV contract, with initial reports suggesting they could lose a significant portion of the $67 million by relocating to Sacramento from Oakland. The team said NBC Sports California’s A’s broadcasts will continue to be available in the Bay Area.

Speakers were greeted with applause, including Fisher, who is reviled by an Athletics fan base that has largely boycotted the team since Fisher reached an agreement last year to move to Las Vegas.

“I just wanted to say how excited I am to be here in West Sacramento in Sutter Health Park, celebrating a momentous day for the community and a momentous day for our 123-year franchise,” Fisher said in his 205-word statement.

“We’re excited to be here for the next three years to watch some of the greatest players in baseball, whether they be Athletics players or Aaron Judge or others launch home runs out of this very intimate — the most intimate ballpark in major league baseball — for the next three years.”

Intimacy was a theme among the speakers, given the ballpark’s current capacity of 10,600 not including paid seating on a grass berm beyond the outfield fence, which could possibly be replaced with seats.

Sacramento Kings owner Vivek Ranadive, center, shakes hands John Fisher, owner of the Oakland Athletics, before the start of a news conference where Fisher announced his team will leave Oakland after this season and play temporarily at a minor league park, during a news conference in West Sacramento, Calif., Thursday, April 4 2024.The A's announced the decision to play at the home of the Sacramento River Cats from 2025-27 with an option for 2028 on Thursday after being unable to reach an agreement to extend their lease in Oakland during that time. (AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli)
Sacramento Kings owner Vivek Ranadive, center, shakes hands with John Fisher, owner of the Oakland Athletics, before the start of a news conference where Fisher announced his team will leave Oakland after this season and play temporarily at a minor league park, during a news conference in West Sacramento, Calif., Thursday, April 4, 2024. (AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli) 

“This is like having lower-bowl seats at a basketball game,” Ranadive said. “Every seat is amazing . . . what an incredible day. This is epic. It’s historic.”

The A’s drew an average of 6,439 on their just-concluded 1-6 opening homestand.

The stadium will get plenty of work, with the Triple-A Sacramento River Cats, an affiliate of the Giants, being co-tenants.

“We’re committed to providing A’s players and fans with a world-class experience and also continuing the beloved tradition of minor league baseball and the Sacramento River Cats,” Ranadive said.

Ranadive sees giving the A’s a temporary home as a potential gateway to getting a major league franchise, presumably with a new stadium.

“We have a tremendous opportunity to showcase everything the region has to offer and demonstrate why it is deserving of an MLB team,” Ranadive said.

Barry Broome, the president and CEO of the Greater Sacramento Economic Council, said, “How do you get your community on the map? We’re on the map today.”

Broome also leaned into the aspect of ballpark size well as giving the city a trial run for a future expansion franchise.

“I think this is going to be the most fun stadium to watch a game in major league baseball,” Broome said. “We’re so thrilled today, but we’re not satisfied, because in 2028 there will be more teams to compete for and we want to be a permanent major league baseball franchise and as long as the A’s get the support they deserve, we might have a guy on the inside over there (Fisher) putting in a good word for the Sacramento community.”

West Sacramento Mayor Roberta Guerrero rolled out the red carpet for Fisher and the A’s and stressed the economic impact the team will bring to the riverfront region.

“We’re excited to have you here and making this a reality to us,” Guerrero said. “We embrace you. All of West Sacramento is going to thrive because of your presence.”

Congresswoman Doris Matsui of West Sacramento, who led off the press conference on a video feed, said, “From job creation to increased tourism, this will positively impact our local economy and provide new opportunities for growth and prosperity.”

A’s president Dave Kaval was present but did not speak during the formal press conference.

Left unanswered were questions about the major league viability of a 25-year-old minor league site. Issues the Major League Players Association will be interested in the quality of the playing field with two teams as well as the size of the clubhouse and other facilities.

After an off day in Detroit, the A’s play a three-game series against the Tigers, will be off Monday, then play three games in Texas against the defending World Series champion Rangers.

The final countdown in Oakland begins April 12 against the Washington Nationals at 6:40 p.m. for three games, then three more against the St. Louis Cardinals.

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