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360.ru снял клип «Журавли» к 40 дням с момента теракта в «Крокус Сити Холле»

Курс евро в ходе торгов превысил 100 рублей впервые с 19 апреля

Минфин США вновь продлил разрешение на операции по энергетике с подсанкционными российскими банками

Миллионы — в хлам. Мажоры и блогеры разбивают в Москве дорогущие машины

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NSS says criminal proceeding initiated regarding Nerkin Khndzoresk incident

NSS says criminal proceeding initiated regarding Nerkin Khndzoresk incident

The NSS said in a news release that “the service investigation carried out regarding the April 10 incident in the Nerkin Khndzoresk section of the Armenia-Azerbaijan state border revealed that servicemen of the Border Guard Troops of Armenia’s NSS, Y.K., who was carrying out border guard service in the mentioned area, after learning that a shepherd and his flock got lost and appeared in the territory of Azerbaijan and then returned to Armenia’s territory, together with the shepherd and other border guard servicemen tried to cross the state border of Armenia and return the flock, thereby violating the border guard duty rules, which  negligently caused significant damage - that is unnecessary shooting started in the mentioned border section, endangering the lives and health of peoples, causing threat to the security of the state as well as resulting in lack of proper control in the mentioned section of the state border.”

“As a result of the incident, a soldier of the state border guard service of Azerbaijan was injured. Expressing regret regarding the incident, at the same time we inform that appropriate measures were taken by the Border Guard Troops of Armenia’s NSS to strictly observe the rules of border guard duty and to exclude similar cases,” the news release reads.

A criminal proceeding has been initiated, preliminary investigation is underway to reveal the circumstances of the incident and bring the guilty to responsibility.

The NSS said in a news release that “the service investigation carried out regarding the April 10 incident in the Nerkin Khndzoresk section of the Armenia-Azerbaijan state border revealed that servicemen of the Border Guard Troops of Armenia’s NSS, Y.K., who was carrying out border guard service in the mentioned area, after learning that a shepherd and his flock got lost and appeared in the territory of Azerbaijan and then returned to Armenia’s territory, together with the shepherd and other border guard servicemen tried to cross the state border of Armenia and return the flock, thereby violating the border guard duty rules, which  negligently caused significant damage - that is unnecessary shooting started in the mentioned border section, endangering the lives and health of peoples, causing threat to the security of the state as well as resulting in lack of proper control in the mentioned section of the state border.”

“As a result of the incident, a soldier of the state border guard service of Azerbaijan was injured. Expressing regret regarding the incident, at the same time we inform that appropriate measures were taken by the Border Guard Troops of Armenia’s NSS to strictly observe the rules of border guard duty and to exclude similar cases,” the news release reads.

A criminal proceeding has been initiated, preliminary investigation is underway to reveal the circumstances of the incident and bring the guilty to responsibility.

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360.ru снял клип «Журавли» к 40 дням с момента теракта в «Крокус Сити Холле»

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