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Более 2 млн руб выплатили жителям Коломны по социальному контракту с начала года

В Москве подвели итоги форума «Право цифровой безопасности»: защита персданных, блогеры и киберугрозы

Суд Москвы назначил певцу Филиппу Киркорову штраф

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Armenian MFA: Upcoming meeting in Brussels not directed against anyone

Armenian MFA: Upcoming meeting in Brussels not directed against anyone

“The meeting provides a valuable opportunity to discuss the Armenia-US, and Armenia-EU bilateral agendas, as well as issues on the Armenia-US-EU cooperation. We anticipate having substantive discussions on the political dialogue, the development of Armenia’s economic and energy capacities, as well as addressing humanitarian issues that Armenia is facing. The high-level meeting is aimed at developing and deepening our existing relations and is not connected with relations with third countries. Any allegations about it being directed against anyone else are irrelevant, baseless and fictitious,” Ani Badalyan said asked by Armenpress to comment on the statement of official Balu about the upcoming meeting.

Earlier, Baku expressed concern that the agenda of the upcoming April 5 meeting between the Armenian Prime Minister, the President of the European Commission and the U.S. Secretary of State includes the issue of military support to Yerevan.

“Having been a victim of armed aggression, occupation and ethnic cleansing for almost 30 years, Azerbaijan has never received such unconditional support from the EU and the US,” Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry spokesperson Aykhan Hajizada said, commenting on the upcoming meeting.

“Another cause for concern is the French-led campaign aimed at militarizing Armenia, which also includes new promises to increase military supplies, including lethal and offensive weapons. Another EU member state, Greece, has recently made statements about deepening military cooperation with Armenia. In addition, plans to provide military assistance to Armenia under the European Peace Facility and reports that the April 5 meeting includes military components raise additional concerns and undermine peace-building efforts in the region,” the diplomat said.

“The meeting provides a valuable opportunity to discuss the Armenia-US, and Armenia-EU bilateral agendas, as well as issues on the Armenia-US-EU cooperation. We anticipate having substantive discussions on the political dialogue, the development of Armenia’s economic and energy capacities, as well as addressing humanitarian issues that Armenia is facing. The high-level meeting is aimed at developing and deepening our existing relations and is not connected with relations with third countries. Any allegations about it being directed against anyone else are irrelevant, baseless and fictitious,” Ani Badalyan said asked by Armenpress to comment on the statement of official Balu about the upcoming meeting.

Earlier, Baku expressed concern that the agenda of the upcoming April 5 meeting between the Armenian Prime Minister, the President of the European Commission and the U.S. Secretary of State includes the issue of military support to Yerevan.

“Having been a victim of armed aggression, occupation and ethnic cleansing for almost 30 years, Azerbaijan has never received such unconditional support from the EU and the US,” Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry spokesperson Aykhan Hajizada said, commenting on the upcoming meeting.

“Another cause for concern is the French-led campaign aimed at militarizing Armenia, which also includes new promises to increase military supplies, including lethal and offensive weapons. Another EU member state, Greece, has recently made statements about deepening military cooperation with Armenia. In addition, plans to provide military assistance to Armenia under the European Peace Facility and reports that the April 5 meeting includes military components raise additional concerns and undermine peace-building efforts in the region,” the diplomat said.

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