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Marin Voice: Stay vigilant, take steps to prevent, mitigate deadly wildfires

Marin Voice: Stay vigilant, take steps to prevent, mitigate deadly wildfires

A relatively wet winter combined with last year’s subdued fire season (compared to the previous five years) should not make anyone complacent when it comes to wildfire prevention and mitigation.

Climate change is not going away and, according to CalFire, our extraordinarily wet winter could create more vegetation growth and generate more fuel for future fires. Additionally, high winds and/or heat waves are major contributors to wildfires every season.

Fortunately, multiple local agencies have been vigilant in mitigating wildfire risk. The Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority, along with its 17 member agencies, continues to diligently address wildfire risks. Efforts include the creation of extensive shaded fuel breaks, evacuation route maintenance, home assessments, “chipper days,” homeowner grants and wildfire safety education through Fire Safe Marin. The Ross Valley Fire Department must also be commended for enchancing its ability to fight the wildfires by upgrading from two- to three-person engines.

But the success of these efforts hinges on the community also taking personal responsibility for their safety. There are three crucial steps the community can take to assist these wildfire preparedness efforts and prevent or mitigate loss to their home and neighborhood: home hardening, evacuation route planning and vegetation management.

Home hardening is the process of making a home more resistant to wildfires through the implementation of measures that reduce vulnerability to ignition and minimize potential fire damage. It’s a critical first step in protecting homes from wildfires.

Each year, MWPA officials identify homes and neighborhoods most at-risk from wildfires. They conduct a thorough assessment and provide residents with detailed recommendations to mitigate the risk of damage and loss. Residents should work closely with the MWPA and follow the guidelines provided to keep their homes and neighborhoods safe.

Knowing your evacuation routes is the next vital aspect of wildfire preparedness. Marin County’s hills and valleys increase the risk of wildfire destruction and potentially hinder evacuation efforts. While the county has made considerable progress, more work needs to be done to make sure that all residents have access to emergency evacuation routes. Every Marin resident should have a wildfire evacuation route map to know where to go in an emergency. Efforts by the MWPA and the Marin County Sheriff’s Office, such as the “Know Your Zone” evacuation mapping program, are commendable and should be supported to enhance community preparedness.

Vegetation management is the third key to risk reduction. Wildfire prevention starts with a “house out” approach to preparedness. The first five feet around a home are the most vulnerable areas, susceptible to ember accumulation and ignition. Residents need to ensure this zone is free of combustible materials. Additionally, resources like the MWPA “chipper day” program and wildfire prevention grants can help fortify homes against wildfires.

Community responsibility begins with home-hardening measures, understanding evacuation routes and effective vegetation management. If you can do more, check to see if you live in one of Marin’s many Firewise Communities. Firewise USA provides a useful framework to strengthen neighborhoods against wildfires through collaboration with neighbors and enhanced communitywide fire resilience.

You can also sign up for monthly preparedness tips and informative articles on wildfire preparedness through the Fire Safe Marin newsletter. Visit their website for detailed guidance on preparing your home for wildfire.

Utilities also play a crucial role in fire prevention. We urge utilities such as the Pacific Gas and Electric Co. to take proper actions to improve public safety, fix power lines and invest in their systems to prevent future power shutoffs in Marin. Undergrounding power lines and electrification of the grid can prevent the sparking of future wildfires and reduce reliance on a single company during wildfires. Better oversight is also needed to prevent unnecessary tree-clearing and power shut offs, while expediting essential repair projects and the undergrounding of power lines.

San Anselmo Councilmember Brian Colbert is a candidate in the November election for the District 2 seat on the Marin Board of Supervisors. Rich Shortall is executive coordinator of Fire Safe Marin. Both are members of the Ross Valley Fire Board.

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