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Days After Putting Pro-Life Americans in Prison, Biden is Targeting More Pro-Life Advocates

Days After Putting Pro-Life Americans in Prison, Biden is Targeting More Pro-Life Advocates

Joe Biden’s administration is fully weaponized against pro-life Americans. He’s not content with promoting abortions up to birth – Biden is aggressively ensuring that pro-life Americans are targeted when they stand against abortion. The Biden administration has already put a dozen pro-life Americans in prison for protesting abortion, but that’s apparently not enough for Biden […]

The post Days After Putting Pro-Life Americans in Prison, Biden is Targeting More Pro-Life Advocates appeared first on LifeNews.com.

Joe Biden’s administration is fully weaponized against pro-life Americans. He’s not content with promoting abortions up to birth – Biden is aggressively ensuring that pro-life Americans are targeted when they stand against abortion.

The Biden administration has already put a dozen pro-life Americans in prison for protesting abortion, but that’s apparently not enough for Biden and the radical abortion activists in his administration.

The Justice Department on Monday filed suit against two pro-life groups and several pro-life advocates on Monday by falsely claiming their abortion protests are intimidating and somehow violate the bogus FACE law that limits the free speech rights of pro-life Americans. Biden’s cronies accuse them of “intimidating” abortion customers at two abortion businesses in Ohio.

Biden officials claim the two groups, Citizens for a Pro-Life Society and Red Rose Rescue, along with seven pro-life Americans, violated the FACE law. After putting a dozen pro-life Americans in prison on bogus charges, these new charges seek tens of thousands of dollars in “fines” for violating the law that infringes on pro-life free speech.

The Justice Department is seeking financial damages, including $20,516 for first violations and $30,868 for subsequent offenses as well as injunctive relief as provided by the FACE Act.

Thomas More Society attorneys representing pro-life advocates Lauren Handy and Monica Miller responded to Biden’s latest attack on pro-life Americans.

“Hardly one week has passed since Lauren Handy was sentenced to 57 months in federal prison, and the Biden Department of Justice is already coming after her again using the FACE Act,” pro-life attorney Martin Cannon told LifeNews.

He added: “This time, the DOJ is seeking to impose crushing fines to the tune of the tens of thousands of dollars, and other penalties, on her and veteran pro-lifer Monica Miller—for utterly peaceable and compassionate pro-life conduct at an Ohio abortion business. ‘Red Rose Rescues’ are peaceful events where participants counsel outside the abortion business or walk in and sit with pregnant mothers in abortionists’ waiting rooms, giving them red roses and offering them the help and assistance they need to choose life—in the exact moment when they’re in dire need of compassionate support. These are not threatening or intimidating actions that violate the FACE Act, despite the caricature that the DOJ would like the public to believe.”

Steve Crampton, Thomas More Society Senior Counsel, also chimed in.

“The red roses given during ‘Red Rose Rescues’ are visible signs of life, peace, and love for the mothers and their babies at the abortion businesses. Peacefully sharing the pro-life message with these mothers in need is not a violation of the FACE Act. The charges brought in Ohio by the Biden Department of Justice against pro-life advocates Lauren Handy and Monica Miller are another outrageous attempt to weaponize the FACE Act to ruinously penalize peaceful and compassionate conduct. Once again, the Biden DOJ is reaching back years, to before the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in Dobbs, to drudge up something to use to prosecute peaceful pro-lifers. We look forward to vigorously defending our clients’ innocence against these charges.”

A DOJ press release does not mention criminal charges, but nothing prevents Biden officials from bringing them.

Monica Miller, who heads the Citizens for a Pro-Life Society group, denied any wrongdoing and told LifeNews that she is one of the people named in the legal charges the Biden administration is bringing. She indicated Father Fidelis Moscinski, a Catholic priest, is also charged along with Laura Gies, Clara McDonald, Jay Smith, Audrey Whipple and Lauren Handy, who is already in federal prison based on the first round of disputed FACE charges.

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Miller said her pro-life activities – which include protests outside abortion centers as well as handing women inside abortion centers red roses with information about abortion alternatives, do not violate the FACE law because they do not threaten anyone nor do they block “access” to abortion

Miller said they “never block anything or anyone–and if the Department of Justice is coming after us for our peaceful–life-saving efforts it’s because they will simply play fast and loose with the FACE language having to do with ‘physical obstruction’ that prevents ‘freedom of movement.’”

She indicated that there have been 37 abortion protests and no one in any of the protests has been charged with anything until now.

As a result of the pro-life activities, five babies were saved from abortions.

“We have NEVER been charged with FACE, and indeed, the red rose rescue we did at the Planned Parenthood in Bedford Heights, June 5, 2021, one of the two that involves this DOJ accusation, — all charges were dropped,” Miller indicated. “We have every confidence that through our great attorneys we will prevail over this bogus attempt by the weaponized JOJ to drag even RRR under its persecution of those who seek to defend the unborn from violence.”

The post Days After Putting Pro-Life Americans in Prison, Biden is Targeting More Pro-Life Advocates appeared first on LifeNews.com.

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