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Новости за 24.04.2024


22 Pro-Life States Defend Their Pro-Life Laws From Joe Biden’s Attack

Attorney General Todd Rokita is fighting efforts by the federal government to ride roughshod over state laws protecting human life and prohibiting abortions. This week, Attorney General Rokita is supporting Idaho as it argues before the Supreme Court to protect its Defense of Life Act from preemption under the federal Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor […]

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Scotland Could Allow Doctors to Kill Children With Anorexia in Assisted Suicides

Scotland’s proposed assisted suicide bill could allow assisted suicide for people with anorexia from as young as 16 years olds, an ethics expert has argued. Professor David Albert Jones, Director of the Anscombe Bioethics Centre, has argued that the broad definition of terminal illness present in the Assisted Dying for Terminally Ill Adults (Scotland) Bill could allow […]

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Arizona House Votes to Repeal Abortion Ban, Three Republicans Join Democrats to Allow Killing Babies

The Arizona state House has bowed to the pro-abortion mob by approving a measure to repeal the state’s new abortion ban before it ever reached implementation to begin saving babies. With the ban repealed, babies would lose almost all protection in the state. A 15-week abortion ban would go into place that only allows protecting […]

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Joe Biden: Not Being Able to Kill Babies in Abortions is a “Nightmare”

While pro-abortion Vice President Kamala Harris does most of the heavy lifting, President Joe Biden will also parrot the pro-abortion talking points as he did yesterday in Tampa, Florida. The administration reportedly believes that the abortion issue will put Florida’s 30 electoral votes in play. Florida, Biden tells us, is “ground zero for Trump’s MAGA […]

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FBI Still Must be Held Accountable for Targeting Pro-Life Catholics

The following letter by Bill Donohue is in response to the Inspector General’s report on the FBI probe of Catholics: April 24, 2024 Hon. Jim Jordan Chairman House Committee on the Judiciary 2056 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515-3504 Dear Chairman Jordan: After issuing a news release on April 19, the day after news stories […]

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Gavin Newsom Lies, Abortion Bans Don’t Allow Police to Pull Over Pregnant Women

Police officers forcing women to take pregnancy tests during traffic stops, pregnant mothers being chained to hospital beds while tests are performed to verify rape — such are the dystopian images offered by California’s pro-abortion governor in a new spate of ads aired across the country. Starting Sunday, Governor Gavin Newsom (D-Calif.) and his pro-abortion […]

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High School Dumps Pro-Life Student Group for Distributing Pro-Life Fliers

An Indiana high school student and her pro-life student group are appealing a court decision against them in a lawsuit they filed after school officials derecognized the group because the student sought permission to post flyers that administrators found objectionable. Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys representing the student and the group in E.D. v. Noblesville School District entered their appearance in the […]

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Catholic Group Slams Biden for Targeting Pro-Life Americans, Ignoring Pro-Abortion Crimes

In a recent op-ed, CatholicVote Director of Accountability Tommy Valentine detailed the reasons behind the organization’s decision to send a letter to the Department of Justice calling for a fair application of the Freedom to Access Clinic Entrances Act against pro-lifers and pro-abortion activists. On April 22, The Hill published Valentine’s op-ed titled: “Biden’s Justice Department hounds […]

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DeSantis Slams Biden on Abortion: “Florida is Not Buying” Your Abortions Up to Birth Message

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis rebuked Joe Biden on abortion yesterday, shortly after Biden condemned Florida and its pro-life laws that protect babies with beating hearts from abortions. “All I can say is this is a guy who has intentionally opened the borders of this country and caused great harm,” the governor stated earlier on Tuesday. […]

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Minnesota Pro-Life Group Launches Campaign Against Amendment for Abortions Up to Birth

Today Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life (MCCL), the state’s oldest and largest pro-life organization, launched a 7-figure TV and digital ad buy in a campaign to defeat the proposed so-called “Equal Rights Amendment” that would enshrine unlimited abortion in the Minnesota Constitution. MCCL’s efforts also include print, radio, and social media advertising. MCCL will hold […]

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Women Who Regret Their Abortions are Suffering Years of Regret and Shame

Adam Fadel is a licensed clinical therapist and, after many years of practice, he’s concluded what we know to be true: abortion trauma is real. The founder of the Charlotte clinic “The Corner: Institute for Transformation” explained what he had learned about the trauma that so often goes undiagnosed in a column written for The Fayetteville Observer. […]

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Biden Issues New Rule to Shield Abortionists Who Kill Babies in Illegal Abortions

Joe Biden’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced a new rule on Monday cracking down on prosecutors’ ability to obtain abortion records. The rule strengthens a 1996 privacy law, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), by providing protections for those seeking an abortion, as well as those who perform the procedure, […]

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Joe Biden Campaigns in Florida for More Abortions

Joe Biden took his presidential campaign to Florida today and promoted abortions – because apparently killing one million babies a year in abortions is not enough. He told the handful of pro-abortion voters gathered for the small event that they should hold Donald trump accountable for overturning Roe so states could set their own policies […]

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Качмазов обыграл Дэниэла и вышел в 1/4 финала турнира ATP в Чэнду


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