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Well, Spurs let us down nice and early in the Manchester-City-gonna-probably-win-it process. Matt Kandela on the AOP told me explicitly, never trust that lot to do you a favor. I didn’t pay attention. Now I’m hurt. Ryan, from the comments on Youtube said the podcast was casting unnecessary ‘hate’ on Spurs fans. Pipe down, Ryan, and grow up. The contentsphere isn’t governed by an HR department. We’ll say what we like. I’ve had a childhood Spurs friend try to shame me online for what I did as an 8-year-old (set fire to a small village in Norway*). ‘They’re just fans’ won’t wash with me.

Back to actual Spurs. The hope was the taste of Champions League football might inspire them to go on a glorious run at least until the Manchester City game.

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They couldn't even make it past Chelsea.

Big Ange has been getting away with it all season. Finally, his luck train has run out and his shockingly average tactics have been sussed. He can't fall back on fatigue after his midseason break, he can't complain about players he said could win the league, he just has to own that he might be out of his depth.

Imagine not pressuring Unai Emery in a race for Top 4?


Am I right?

That shifts the dynamic of the league for us. City only has three games left in the Premier League now. Spurs is a ‘down tools’ game for Pep G. They might let him catch up on goal difference. Now it's Wolves, Fulham, and Daddy Moyes and his West Ham boys.

It's starting to feel hopeless.

Still, there are other things that can keep us occupied.

Jorginho will sign a new two-year deal with Arsenal, postponing his return to Italy. The deal is merited – the Italian has been in great form this season, and we need someone to take over from Big Mo as the club's elder statesman next season. He's been one of our best sub-£12m signings. He's brave, a technician, a coach's dream, and maybe even a stealth assistant manager at some point.

That does mean we'll likely see the back of Thomas Partey. An incredible player, but one we don't see enough of. Jason Ayto, one of the big brains behind a lot of the Arsenal success, is out in Saudi Arabia with Edu… but they aren't talking about player deals. They are definitely trying to sell Thomas, though. I'm not sure where the Saudi project is heading this summer – I was just in the cab with a Palestinian Liverpool fan who told me he watches all the games on YouTube and likes it. So maybe Thomas could appeal.

Another player that could be heading for the exit is Gabi Jesus. Arsenal will listen to offers for the broken Brazilian. On his day, he's mesmeric, but he hasn't had too many of those days and I'm not sure that equation is going to change much at nearly 27 years old. If we can persuade Chelsea or Barcelona to buy him, we'll go for a younger player who can offer his chaos, but maybe with a bit more edge.

He hasn't played a lot since returning from injury – but that's because he's now slipped back into the role he had at City. Benchwarmer.

Same thing for Zinchenko.

I wouldn't be shocked to see both of them exit this summer.

Ben White has become a target in the English media for his wicked actions on the pitch. What you might not know is that these types of attacks are usually instigated by someone. I don't think any particular club set these folk off – because it's utterly inane. But Gareth Southgate has been particularly vindictive during this whole affair and it's notable that names like Matthew Syed and Gary Jacob are weighing in – no doubt positioning themselves for exclusives in the national tournaments this summer.

It's quite embarrassing. Can't remember too many articles highlighting the dangers of Harry Kane backing into defenders midair. Didn't see too many hit pieces on Wayne Rooney's roughhousing. I've been through Gary's articles for the last 6 months and he hasn't penned a single article of this sort.

My guess? Gareth's quite miffed that Ben White disrespected him… and England fans have shown him who they care more about because no one boos Ben White. Most aren't bothered by his shithousery. Everyone is on his side.

Quite amusing that Arsenal has been accused of being soft boys for the better part of 20 years, now we're grown men, doing champion things on the pitch to get an advantage… and journos like Syed want to pipe up about cheating? Ridiculous. But it shows the higher standard Arsenal is held to. People like to poke fun when we're being bullied, but now we're punching back, they can't hack it.


Tomorrow, we’ll talk some Bournemouth.

Ok, on that note, I'll leave you – check out the latest AOP with Jacob and Matt.

Johnny and Matt will be back with a Before The Whistle that’ll I’ll post here on the podcast section (a paid piece).

Happy Friday xx

P.S. Thank you to the folk that paid for Primo Le Grove before I started putting things behind the wall - even the guy that paid the money ‘cause now I own you.’ The messages you sent were very kind. Every article is free until the end of the season - primo model kicks in this summer.

Big love x

*just jokes. Do NOT call the Police.

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