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All states need to immediately enact a vaccine bill of rights

All states need to immediately enact a vaccine bill of rights

The rollout of “Operation Warp Speed” Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines is now in full swing, and it appears as though getting jabbed will eventually become a requirement in order to travel, keep a job, buy food, and conduct business. There is still time to prevent this nightmarish dystopia from happening, though.

(Article by Ethan Huff republished from NaturalNews.com)

America’s Frontline Doctors, which brought us all the “White Coat Summit” back in the summer, has launched a new action item that aims to get vaccine “bill of rights” legislation passed in all 50 states.

The health freedom group has put together a legislative framework document that can be easily applied to every state with the simple switch of name. The “memorializing resolution” is simple: Citizens are not to be forced or coerced into getting injected with “unconstitutional and medically irresponsible COVID-19 vaccine mandates.”

Piggy-backing on the Bill of Rights already contained in the United States Constitution, the memorializing resolution highlights the importance of individual liberty and protecting it “against encroachments from state and federal actors, public and private.”

It also reiterates the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, which explicitly directs states not to “deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

Have a look at the document for yourself at this link.

Tell your state legislators to pass this Vaccine Bill of Rights

The document goes on to highlight data points such as the nearly half of all Americans who in a survey indicated that they do not want to get vaccinated for the Chinese virus. It also draws attention to the lack of safety and efficacy data, and the fact that Big Vaccine holds no liability whatsoever for vaccine injuries or deaths.

Any public or private measures that seek to strongarm people into getting jabbed in order to “participate in certain public activities and functions of daily American life, including but not limited to: employment, in-person school attendance, public transportation, and concert performances” is to be rejected as unconstitutional.

The same goes for new technologies such as “vaccine passports” and “digital health IDs,” which assault personal autonomy and violate the right to privacy.

America’s Frontline Doctors is hoping that enough interested Americans will deliver the memorializing resolution to their legislators and urge them to pass it. This will ensure that no American, now or ever, is coerced into being chemically assaulted as a requirement to exercise the same rights as everybody else.

There are six main principles in the Vaccine Bill of Rights that function as a full framework of protection against this chemical violence operation. Each one covers the relevant parties, from those administering the shots to those being told they need to take them.


The document also importantly addresses the changes made to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) guidelines back in December that would seem to give employers purview to fire employees who refuse the jab. Under the Vaccine Bill of Rights, this would no longer be allowed.

“Therefore, be it resolved that the legislature of [INSERT STATE] memorializes a COVID-19 Vaccine Bill of Rights for the purposes of defending the constitutional liberties of its citizens, promoting sound science, and outlining a framework of best practices for state authorities and federal regulators to develop in this evolving phase of experimental vaccine administration and implementation,” the document concludes.

“Be it further resolved that copies of this resolution be sent to the President of the United States, the United States House of Representatives, the United States Senate, the Federal Aviation Administration, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the U.S. Department of Labor, and the U.S. Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division.”

To further aid in the fight against mandatory Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines and other unconstitutional mandates associated with the plandemic, check out Pandemic.news.

Tags: Chinese VirusVaccineshealth freedomAmerica's Frontline Doctorsvaccine warsWuhan coronavirusVaccinationchemical violenceVaccine Bill of RightsgoodhealthrightsCOVID-19Coronavirus

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