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Months after shooting, where is the "KC Strong" fund money?

Months after shooting, where is the

United Way of Greater Kansas City, Chiefs partnered to create "The KC Strong Fund" the day after shooting, but 3 months later, nobody has received a dime

KANSAS CITY, Mo. -- A Valentine's Day parade and rally to love on Kansas City's hometown team, the champion Chiefs, suddenly devolved into violent chaos when gunfire erupted at the end of the celebration.

Tuesday marks three months since the shooting that disrupted the Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl championship parade and rally at Union Station.

Police say several people got into a fight and let a “beef” lead to a shootout.

More than 20 people were shot, and an innocent bystander died. The next day the United Way of Greater Kansas City in partnership with Chiefs launched the "KC Strong" fund to assist those victims.

But FOX4’s investigation reveals not a single dollar of the nearly $2 million raised has been disbursed yet.

FOX4 first reported on the community's concerns 30 days after the shooting, when we discovered the victim verification process to get these funds out had not even begun.

Fast forward, and three months since that tragic day we now know that process was completed nearly a month ago, but United Way says there is still no timeline as to when victims will begin seeing this money.

"He was the first person shot at the parade – so before anybody felt pain, felt a bullet – he felt that agony. Marques’ life has totally changed. Not only has he been physically damaged, but he's been mentally damaged," Pastor Timothy Hayes, Harris family spokesperson, said.

Marques Harris was shot twice. The first bullet traveled through his neck and out of his mouth.

He and nearly 25 others were shot, including Lisa Lopez Galvan, the mother, wife, sister and local radio DJ killed that day.

Countless others were hurt running away from the danger, scores of people were traumatized.

The day after the shooting, United Way of Greater Kansas City in partnership with the Chiefs set up the “KC Strong” fund.

Thousands of everyday Kansas Citians joined celebrities like Chiefs QB Patrick Mahomes, the Hunt family, and even the National Football League.

And again, the total amount raised -- more than $1.8 million.

"We're incredibly grateful for the generosity that Kansas City showed from really the beginning when this first happened," Kera Mashek, the Director of Communications for the United Way of Greater Kansas City, said.

But the question now: Where is the money?

The United Way's goal was to help the victims while also putting money toward violence prevention programs, mental health organizations and groups that support first responders.

Of the $1.8 million raised, not a dime has left the United Way bank account yet.
Meantime, Harris faces the daunting prospect of tens of thousands of dollars in medical bills.

So, 90 days later FOX4 asked Mashek if the United Way could guarantee that it will be able to help all those victims that were injured and have reached out and may continue to reach out.

"No and the reason for that – is very simple because from the beginning of this we were committed to doing this very right and very justly – so we've had weekly meetings with the Jackson County Prosecutor’s Office," Mashek said.

Mere weeks after the United Way said help would extend beyond shooting victims, the nonprofit has backed away from that as well.

Claimant forms that verified victims have received say they may be eligible to receive anywhere between $10 to $100,000.

Working for you, FOX4 asked about the groups United Way plans to help. It says it hasn't finalized that list, and it’s not sure how much of the money from the fund will go to the programs they committed to help.

On top of that they have no way to promise, three months later, when the victims will see the first dollars.

"The process has moved fast bringing the money in, but it has been very slow with the money going out, and we want to know why," Pastor Hayes said.

Harris is doing better. Wires were taken out of his mouth six weeks after the shooting, and he is on his way to a full recovery.

As for United Way, it says it hopes to start sending money out after Memorial Day, but due to the process and legal issues it says they must navigate, a disbursement date is truly unknown.

In the end the organization says it remains committed to keeping its promise - a promise it says it’s been keeping for more than 100 years.

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