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Why some Kansas inmates are making more money than you

TOPEKA (KSNT) - Just because you're incarcerated in Kansas doesn't mean your time behind bars will be completely unproductive, especially if you want to make some money or sharpen valuable job skills.

27 News talked to Kansas Department of Corrections (KDOC) spokesman David Thompson this month to learn more about how much money inmates are making. Several different jobs with varying wages are available to inmates serving time at one of the KDOC facilities located around the state with some offering pay over $25 an hour.

What kind of jobs are available to inmates?

Thompson said there are three different job fields inmates can apply to. These range from jobs fielded from within a correctional facility to private industry roles inmates can apply for with companies that partner with the KDOC.

Those serving time at KDOC facilities are not required to apply for employment, but are required to work unless they are medically excused or have another reason for why they are not allowed to work. These facility work assignments can include food service, laundry or custodial work.

Paid positions outside of the KDOC facility jobs can be found through employment with the Kansas Corrections Industries (KCI) or through private industry jobs which are regulated by the Prison Industry Enhancement Certification Program (PIECP). Positions with the KCI include the assembly of items like chairs, plaques and traffic signs while those applying for employment through PIECP can find more lucrative jobs.

"Residents working directly for a private industry in either a facility based, or non-facility based private industry are paid the higher of either the federal minimum hourly wage or the local prevailing wage for similar types of work or its equivalent if paid as piece work," Thompson said.

In 2022, 40 different employers entered into partnerships with the KDOC to offer inmates a range of private industry jobs to choose from. This move was praised by Governor Laura Kelly to let inmates get "an education, get training, get certificates, get licenses, so that when they come out they are ready to take the jobs that we know are available."

Some of the private industry employers included on the initial 2022 list were Kirby Cattle, Koch, Zephyr, PKM Steel and more. Each was listed as being signed up with specific correctional facilities across the state.

How much can inmates be paid?

Thompson said pay range varies for inmates with the KDOC from far below the federal minimum wage to more higher-paying positions. At the lowest end, inmates can be paid $0.25 an hour while on the other end of the scale they could find employment for just over $26 an hour.

  • KDOC facility jobs - Inmates can apply to become porters and received assignments to clean up certain areas inside their facility. The daily wage starts at $0.60 a day with pay raises possible after 30 days. After two months time, an inmate can apply for a pay increase of up to $1 per day.
  • KCI jobs - Inmates are paid by the KCI when they are assigned to traditional work assignments or are engaged in private industry jobs. The pay can vary from $0.25 an hour, $0.40 an hour, $0.60 an hour or $3 an hour.
  • Private industry jobs - These are dictated by the PIECP and pay between the lowest 10th percentile to the median wage range. Currently, wages may go from $9.70 an hour up to $26.92 an hour.

Thompson said how much inmates get paid depends on the program they apply to and a few other factors.

"The Traditional wages have qualifications listed at each level in the Standard Operating Procedure," Thompson said. "Private Industry wages are based upon skill sets, county of employment, unemployment levels in the county, and statewide median wage for the position/job."

What can money earned by inmates be used for?

Funds acquired by inmates can be used for a variety of things while they are still serving time. This money can also be used to pay off court-related debts upon release. This applies in situations where someone may owe money for court costs, child support or restitution.

"They [inmates] can purchase from the Canteen, purchase craft items, reading material, special events the facility puts on, donate it to their religion of choice, pay towards any debt they owe, purchase tablet time, music & mp4 players," Thompson said. "They can also send money to family."

For more information on the KDOC's work programs and answers to other questions regarding correctional facilities in Kansas, click here.

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