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Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency)

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Female journalists in Eastern Afghanistan persist despite economic hardships

Female journalists in local media in Nangarhar say that despite economic difficulties and recent changes making work conditions tougher, they continue working in the media. They mention that media outlets offer minimal benefits for the work they do. They receive this compensation for their extensive work while work conditions for women in local media in […]

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Female journalists in local media in Nangarhar say that despite economic difficulties and recent changes making work conditions tougher, they continue working in the media.

They mention that media outlets offer minimal benefits for the work they do. They receive this compensation for their extensive work while work conditions for women in local media in this province are severely restricted.

Female journalists in this province say that conditions are worsening daily, and restrictions are increasing.

It’s worth noting that in Nangarhar, apart from national radio and television, two private televisions and 14 private radios are operating daily.

The presence of female journalists in Nangarhar media

With the fall of the Republic system in Afghanistan and the resurgence of the Taliban administration, restrictions against work, education, and movement for women have been put into effect through separate orders.

This situation has left many female journalists and media workers unemployed. Most of them are now concerned about their uncertain fate.

A journalist who has lost her job and is now confined to her home spoke to Khaama Press, saying, “They show some sensitivity towards women. We hope with continued work, this situation will change and improve. We hope to see equal opportunities for women’s involvement and job opportunities. We hope the restrictions will be lifted.”

Despite financial problems, unemployment, and lack of access to information, female journalists in this province are grappling with additional challenges that restrict their media activities.

Fatima Samimi, a journalist in a private media outlet, told Khaama Press about her daily challenges: “The subject of reporting often changes due to pressures, and sometimes the reports remain incomplete.”

However, Sadiqullah Qureshi, the information officer of the Taliban’s Information and Culture Directorate in Nangarhar province, assured female journalists that no one could prevent them from working under the conditions of the Taliban government.

But Ms. Samimi says, “When we inquire about their views on our reports from government officials, they do not share information with us. Experts and the public refrain from sharing information due to fear, leading us to change the subject. Although our subject is not sensitive, we change it because our report remains incomplete.”

An employee of the Gender Equality Department of a media-supporting institution in Nangarhar province, commenting on the problems female journalists face, said, “The presence of women in the media has decreased due to recent economic constraints and limitations. According to her, the economic downturn in Nangarhar has hit some media outlets hard.

Currently, most media outlets in Nangarhar are facing economic difficulties, which have negatively impacted female journalists’ work.

Mursal Ahmadi, a journalist who is the sole breadwinner for her family of eight, is active in media in Nangarhar province.

She used to work in a media organization with a salary of $600 before the Taliban’s takeover, but now she works with a local radio station for a monthly salary of only 1,500 Afghanis.

It is worth mentioning that following the current conditions, many media outlets in the province have dismissed many of their female reporters, correspondents, and staff.

It is worth mentioning that in the previous republic system, there were 530 active media outlets in Afghanistan, including 70 television stations, 300 radio stations, and the remaining print media and news agencies where hundreds of female journalists worked, and the field was conducive to women’s media activities.

The post Female journalists in Eastern Afghanistan persist despite economic hardships appeared first on Khaama Press.

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