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Khaama Press (Afghan News Agency)

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Report: Challenges and Recommendations for Afghan Evacuees in the United States

A recent study by the Urban Institute has unveiled the complex challenges Afghan evacuees face in the United States, highlighting issues related to their integration and employment. This pioneering research, conducted in Chicago, San Antonio, and Northern Virginia, engaged Afghan evacuees and a diverse group of community stakeholders to evaluate their conditions one and a half years post-arrival. A significant concern identified was the adverse effects of humanitarian parole, notably the extensive delays in asylum case resolutions and the issuance of work authorization cards, which have critically impeded evacuees’ ability to find stable jobs.

During the initial stages of their arrival, evacuees encountered numerous obstacles, as reported by community stakeholders. Key issues included inadequate funding, restricted resources, limited staff capacity, and substantial language barriers, all of which severely limited support organizations’ ability to address the urgent and continuous needs of the evacuees. Nevertheless, the study also spotlighted several effective strategies and recommendations for improving Afghan evacuees’ situations. Among these were empowering evacuees and other Afghan community members to serve as connectors during their resettlement, enhancing collaboration with governments and organizations to streamline urgent needs by removing or expediting bureaucratic hurdles, and nurturing social connections between evacuees, the local communities, and fellow Afghans.

To address the ongoing needs of Afghan evacuees more effectively, the study advocates for several pivotal actions. It calls for the enactment of the Afghan Adjustment Act to ensure a more stable legal status for evacuees, the acceleration of family reunification processes, the provision of linguistically and culturally responsive mental health services, and improved access to educational and employment opportunities. An associated brief further examines the role of legal service providers, emphasizing the critical nature of legal support in helping Afghan evacuees navigate the intricate immigration system.

The Urban Institute’s comprehensive study and brief provide essential insights into the resettlement experiences of Afghan evacuees in the U.S., stressing the need for targeted intervention to support their successful integration. These findings draw attention to the difficulties posed by humanitarian parole and bureaucratic obstacles, which significantly affect evacuees’ ability to secure employment and assimilate into American society. As the embargo on these documents is lifted, they are poised to become valuable resources for policymakers, community stakeholders, and support organizations, directing efforts to ensure the well-being, stability, and meaningful inclusion of Afghan evacuees in the fabric of American society. Interested parties are encouraged to reach out to the Urban Institute’s Senior Media Relations Manager, Linda Argueta, for more details or access to the full study and brief after the embargo.

This investigation follows the United States Department of State’s evacuation of its allies from Afghanistan post the collapse of the US-backed republic administration in August 2021. The evacuees included interpreters, women’s rights activists, journalists, politicians, artists, and musicians, marking an extensive effort to provide refuge to individuals at risk due to their affiliation with US missions in Afghanistan. By 2022, about 80,000 Afghans had been relocated to the United States.

Despite significant backing from veterans and the public for the Afghan Adjustment Act, aimed at granting Afghan evacuees a more stable legal status to facilitate their integration and resettlement, it appears unlikely to advance. This legislative stalemate leaves many Afghan evacuees in a vulnerable legal and social predicament, underscoring the urgent need for policies and support mechanisms that address their complex resettlement challenges.

The Urban Institute is a nonprofit research organization dedicated to providing data and evidence aimed at supporting upward mobility and equity. It serves as a resource for individuals and organizations seeking to improve decision-making processes, promote economic growth, and enhance family and community well-being.

The post Report: Challenges and Recommendations for Afghan Evacuees in the United States appeared first on Khaama Press.

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